Category: by Matt Savinar

Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon: The Preying Mantis and the Mission Impossible, the Artisan Assassin and the Craftsperson of Covert Operations

Image: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, available via Amazon.

Editor’s Note: the majority of this article is excerpted from “Astrology of the Central Intelligence Agency”, one of four features originally published in the Spring 2016 print edition of Hexagon. -Matt

The Sun symbolizes the conscious identity, and the Moon symbolizes deeper, more unconscious emotional needs. These are the two sources of light (energy) in a chart, and together they describe the basic psychological architecture of a person, project, organization, or company. The CIA has its Sun in Virgo (sign of competency) and its Moon in Scorpio (sign of covert operations). Both signs are associated with investigative work albeit in slightly different ways. Virgo is the CSI officer assigned to examine a crime scene, Scorpio is the deep cover agent assigned to infiltrate a crime syndicate. Virgo’s eye for detail makes it great at forgery, sabotage, and cyber-warfare — either committing it or spotting it. Scorpio’s sense for the hidden makes it great at blackmail, coercion, and espionage — either plotting it or untangling it. Virgo’s discreet nature means it excels at being seen without being noticed, similar to a company’s janitorial staff. Scorpio’s secretive nature means it excels at being neither seen nor noticed, similar to a company’s internal affairs department. For example, the 1975 film Three Days of the Condor is a surprisingly accurate portrayal of the Agency’s methodically (Virgo) investigative (Scorpio Moon) modus operandi. It stars Robert Redford as Joe Turner, a bookish CIA analyst (Virgo) working under the secret guise (Scorpio Moon) of the “American Literary Historical Society”, a CIA funded arts-and-literature organization:

Combine a Virgo Sun’s capacity for quiet anonymity with a Scorpio Moon’s need for secrecy and the result is a Sun/Moon combination uniquely suited for the world of high-stakes spy-craft. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson calls this the combination of “The Sly Fox” whose “intellectual bearing masks a deeply secretive inner nature.” (Source) Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates the Virgo/Scorpio Sun/Moon paring with the “Blood Moon” that “senses the call of the Underworld and feels instinctively that Power lies there.” (Source) On the Blood Moon “we study darkness,” according to Kaldera. Along these lines, most of what the CIA does involves intellectual analysis (Virgo) of a deeply secretive nature (Scorpio), almost all of which takes place on the sly, in the dark, and within the context of enormous amounts of power and more than a bit of blood. Looking through business documents, sifting through medical files, and pouring over satellite photos to find minor anomalies that may lead to larger conspiracies are the types of intensely intellectual (Virgo) deep cover work (Scorpio) that comprise the agency’s bread-and-butter competency.

For instance, analyzing stacks and stacks of insurance files may not seem terribly exciting but, in the capable hands of a Virgo/Scorpio, those files can be turned into a highly effective tool (Virgo) for espionage (Scorpio), one that can quickly discern a target’s most sensitive vulnerabilities. It’s not known by the general public but the CIA actually evolved out of the “Office of Strategic Services” (OSS), a World War II organization whose ultra-secret “Insurance Intelligence Unit” utilized mundane details found within insurance filings to determine who would live and who would die, which towns would be fiercely protected and which would be fire-bombed out of existence. According to a year 2000 Los Angeles Times article “The Secret Agent Insurance Men”, the agency’s insurance specialists:

. . . mined standard insurance records for blueprints of bomb plants, timetables of tide changes and thousands of other details about targets . . . That insurance information was critical to Allied strategists, who were seeking to cripple the enemy’s industrial base and batter morale by burning cities.

Linda Goodman says the Virgo/Scorpio pairing excels at “understanding their individual assets versus their liabilities.” There is little-to-no publicly available information regarding the CIA’s use of insurance files in the modern day. However, given how effectively they were used to secretly discern targets’ assets versus their liabilities during World War II, it seems entirely reasonable to suspect “Secret (Insurance) Agent Men” are still operational in some capacity to this day. This is doubly the case since the CIA operates so many front companies, including proprietary airlines that wouldn’t be able to conduct their operations if they couldn’t get insurance.

It’s not unreasonable to suspect that the CIA has equally accurate intelligence on the status of U.S. industries, including the multi-billion dollar industry that is US electoral politics. For example, there’s a fascinating interview with Jesse Ventura circulating on the internet in which he recounts the time his presence was “requested” in the basement of the capital building shortly after he was elected governor of Minnesota. Once there he was interrogated by 23 members of the agency. He found the episode entirely baffling until he realized that all the questions they asked him were about how he got elected. He surmised that the intent of the meeting was to gather intelligence on trends in U.S. electoral politics, possibly to ensure that no similarly independent candidate manage to ascend to significant office in the future. According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey, a metaphoric image for the Virgo/Scorpio pairing is “A zealous insect lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis.” If Governor Ventura’s story is any indicator, it would seem the CIA monitors the voting habits of the American citizenry in a similarly zealous—and quiet—fashion.

[large snip]

The image you’re looking at is a photocopy of a driver’s license issued to CIA agent tried (in absentia) for conducting an illegal abduction in Milan. It was released by Italian prosecutors in 2005 and brought to wider public attention by author/artist Trevor Paglen through a series of art exhibits and his 2010 book Invisible: Classified Landscapes and Covert Operations. The agent’s real name is not James Thomas Harbison, that’s the name of the cover identity for whom the license was issued.

Photocopy of driver's license issued to a CIA agent for a black bag job
Photocopy of driver’s license issued to a CIA agent for a black bag job

Virgo is the Sun sign most likely to prefer working in quiet anonymity while secrecy is a deep seated emotional need for any person, organization, or “entity” with their Moon in Scorpio. Mr. Harbison is not an actual “man in black”, the license looks the way it does because it was photocopied. However, metaphorically an image of an anonymous (Virgo) man in black (Scorpio) is an excellent approximation of the CIA’s Sun/Moon pairing. Furthermore, Virgo/Scorpios tend to be very smart dressers even when they’re involved in very dirty work. In the above image, for instance, you might have noticed how neatly the agent’s tie is tied.

Both Virgo and Scorpio are associated with health, with Virgo clocking in as the zodiac’s resident homeopath and Scorpio doing time as the zodiac’s resident psychologist. The Harveys tell us that this combination makes for something of a health fanatic. Along these lines, the CIA is considered the world’s premier intelligence agency when it comes to gathering “medical intelligence.” (Source) For instance, during the 1950s, as part of Operation Artichoke, the Agency collected information on medical issues such as hypnosis, morphine addiction, and LSD. (Source) The operation that located Osama Bin Laden in the lead up to his (alleged) assassination in 2011 was hidden within a vaccination drive organized by the Agency. (Source) According to a recent Mother Jones article, the Agency has detailed files on the health (Virgo) secrets (Scorpio) of numerous world leaders. (Source) Similarly, many of the agency’s proprietary weapons have been designed to effect precise (Virgo) forms of death (Scorpio) by attacking the target’s health. During the 1970s, a Congressional investigation revealed that the Agency had developed a “heart attack gun”, numerous videos of which are now circulating on the internet.

The Virgo/Scorpio pairing is “unbeatable at detective work, whether in trying to solve a crime, uncover a mystery of science, or probe deeply into a troubled psyche”, according to astrologer Bil Tierney. (Source) In true Virgo/Scorpio fashion, the CIA has proven to be largely unbeatable at probing people’s minds—both the minds of regular citizens and the deeply troubled psyches running many of the world’s largest governments and most powerful corporations. Its most well-known program for probing minds was “MK-ULTRA,” a Cold War-era program staffed in part by former Nazi scientists who were recruited during the waning days of World War II. According to a recent summary of the program published in Wired magazine, “the CIA’s Technical Services Staff launched the highly classified project to study the mind-control effects of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, using unwitting US and Canadian citizens as lab mice.” (Source) The program’s most ambitious goal was the development of a “Manchurian Candidate,” a mind-controlled automaton-servant (Virgo) who would kill on command (Scorpio). It’s unknown if the agency succeeded in developing such a soldier, but we do know that one of the 20th century’s most notorious murderers was the subject of MK-ULTRA experiments. During his time as a Harvard undergraduate, a then 17-year-old Ted Kaczynski was subjected to experiments by Dr. Henry Murray that involved severe verbal and psychological abuse. (Source)

Discreet Virgo, the craftsperson and artisan of the zodiac, micro-manages projects down to their smallest details and precise, split-second timing. Astrologer Stella Hyde says Scorpio’s ideal job is a ‘professional assassin’ who ‘spurns the bread-and-butter gangland contracts for the edgy intrigue, secrecy, and destabilizing political fallout that comes with top-class, globally significant, grassy-knoll-style eliminations.” (Source) The CIA has a long history of conducting precision (Virgo) eliminations (Scorpio). It masterminded the elimination of Mohammad Mosaddegh, president of Iran, in 1953, and the coup that ousted President Allende of Chile on September 11, 1973. It famously spent over 50 years trying to assassinate Fidel Castro in Cuba. The Agency is considered by many to be the prime suspect in the artisan-crafted, precisely administered (Virgo) grassy-knoll assassination (Scorpio) of President John F. Kennedy in retaliation for his attempts to limit the power of the military-industrial complex.

The CIA’s arguably craftiest (Virgo) covert operation (Scorpio) of all begun to take shape in the mid-1970s. It was at this time that the agency’s affiliates in Latin American law enforcement agencies begun relaying back intelligence gathered on a disturbing new drug trend: Peruvian and Bolivian psychiatrists were being inundated with zombie like patients addicted to smoking “basuco”, a coca derived paste with pharmacological effects identical to what would later come to be known as “crack” cocaine. (Source) hat the profits from cocaine importation were used to fund the CIA’s allies in Central America a decade later has since been exhaustively documented in books such as Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (1998), Alexander Cockburn’s Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press, and highly regarded documentaries such as American Drug War: The Last White Hope (2007) and Freeway: A Crack in the System (2014). The Agency even defacto admitted it had been involved in these matters in its own 1998 Inspector General’s report while Colonel Oliver North’s diary included ledgers documenting import of large sums of cocaine. Rob Bonner, a federal judge and former head of the Drug enforcement Agency, went on the 60 Minutes television news show in 1996 and said in no uncertain terms that his agency had caught the CIA involved with the importation of massive amounts of cocaine.

Virgo is the sign most likely to work as a clean-up person or in a corporation’s customer service department while Scorpio Moons often reside in underworlds, be they emotional underworlds like those found throughout the halls of psychiatric hospitals or political underworlds like those found throughout the corridors of global finance. Not only did the agency’s foray into cocaine importation generate money for covert operations in Nicaragua, it also delivered profits for the CIA’s real customer: Wall Street investment consortiums and other underworld entities who snapped up inner city real estate for pennies on the dollar once the crack epidemic had cleansed the targeted neighborhoods of their residents. (Source)

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planetary patron saint of journalists, while Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto, the Lord of hades whose cap of invisibility allows him to operate undetected. The combination is thus excellent for journalism (Virgo/Mercury) conducted in secret or under a cap of invisibility (Scorpio/ Pluto). The CIA has a long history of working with journalists (Virgo) under the cover of darkness (Scorpio). Michael Ruppert writes in his 2004 book Crossing the Rubicon:

In 1977 Rolling Stone published a watershed article by Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein titled, “The CIA and the Media.” In that story Bernstein dissected the documentary evidence showing that more than 400 US journalists in the preceding 25 years had carried out assignments for the CIA…the CIA’s primary and most important relationships had been with the new York Times, CBS, and Time magazine… Other publications that played ball with the Agency included the Los Angeles Times, the Columbia Journalism review, Newsweek, the Washington Star, the Miami news, the new York herald Tribune, the Saturday evening Post, Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Hearst Newspapers, Copley Press, the Associated Press, United Press International, NBC, and ABC. One US senator who had been the target of CIA lobbying and smear campaign told Bernstein, “From the CIA point of view this was the highest, most sensitive covert program of all…It was a much larger part of the operational system than has been indicated.” (Source)

Despite official denials, there is little reason to doubt that the Agency still plays a role in shaping what does and does not get published in newspapers and/or broadcast on the airwaves. For instance, a 1987 article published in LA Weekly magazine posits that the American Broadcast Company (ABC) may have been indirectly seized by the CIA when Capital Cities Communications purchased it in March 1985. (Source) According to the Weekly piece, Capital Cities had deep ties to the intelligence community while the CIA’s challenge of ABC’s broadcast license lowered its stock value—just in time for Capital Cities to purchase the network at a bargain rate. Soon thereafter, the network’s programming was taken in a conservative direction that was “subtle but apparent”.

More recently, documents obtained by The Intercept in 2014 revealed that Ken Dilanian, a prominent national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times, had “routinely submitted drafts and detailed summaries of his stories to CIA press handlers prior to publication.” (Source) Around the same time, German editor Udo Ulfkotte admitted having published articles written by CIA operatives working as journalists (Virgo) under what’s called “non-official cover” (Scorpio), not unlike what we see depicted in Three Days of the Condor.

Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon: The Scholarly Super Fox and the Smartly Dressed Detective

Fortunately, not all Virgo/Scorpios will apply this pairing’s intellectual acumen (Virgo) and psychological prowess (Scorpio) to inciting mayhem, manipulating the media, or conducting wide-ranging international murder-for-hire schemes. Pulitzer prize-winning UCLA professor Jared Diamond is a Virgo/Scorpio. He’s best known for applying his intellect (Virgo) to solving mysteries (Scorpio) such as what causes once-great human societies to collapse into chaos, an issue he explores masterfully in his 2005 book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Educator Maria Montessori is another Virgo/Scorpio. While the CIA was applying its intelligence (Virgo) and psychological savvy (Scorpio) to developing programs of mind control, Montessori was applying hers to the field of child development. Using its debut date as its date of birth, the 1960s hit show Mission Impossible is also a Virgo/Scorpio. The show was based on a CIA-esque outfit called the “Impossible Mission Force”. It was known for its smartly dressed cast and tightly written scripts (Virgo), all set amid an atmosphere of espionage (Scorpio). Like their real life Virgo/Scorpio counterparts at the CIA, the members of the “Impossible Mission Force” accomplish their objectives through the use of subtlely effective (Virgo) yet totally secret (Scorpio) methods. Each week their methods of choice would be previewed in the show’s famously compelling opening montage.

Reading through the Mission Impossible plot summaries it’s clear the show’s writers were inspired by some of the CIA’s most clandestine operations of that era. The 1969 episode “The Brothers”, for instance, was clearly based on the CIA’s 1956 overthrow of Iranian president Mohammed Mossadegh. The series also included an episode entitled “The Astrologer” where the Impossible Mission Force manipulates a target’s fascination with astrology in order to track him down. I seriously doubt the CIA or any other intelligence agency is using astrology in such a fashion these days but astrology was the basis of some bizarre psychological operations during World War II. (Source)

Using its premier date as its date of birth, the 1997 film Gattaca is a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon. (Chart) The film takes place in a futuristic society whose genetic based caste system is enforced by way of advanced surveillance technologies, some of which appear not all together different than what the CIA is rumored to have in its arsenal.


The film’s protagonist, a member of the lowest genetic “caste”, adopts a clandestinely obtained identity not to conduct an overseas abduction operation but to go on a mission to space. Given the ubiquitous nature of genetic surveillance in his society his goal is essentially an “impossible mission” – the exact sort of thing that a Virgo/Scorpio is capable of accomplishing quietly (Virgo) while hidden in the shadows (Scorpio).

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

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Photo: Hexagon #3, front and back covers

Jupiter in Gemini: The Laptop that Saved the World and the Fax Machines that Tore Down a Wall

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, blessings, philosophy, and good fortune. It’s the closest thing to a “cosmic benefactor” that we have, both in our own natal charts and by transit. It turns out there’s something about Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun that actually diverts meteors from hitting planet earth, making it a “guardian angel” in both astrology and astronomy.

Gemini is the sign of communication, connectivity, and cross-pollination. It’s symbolized as two twins talking to each other and is the sign of the Messenger and the Trickster, the Blogger and the Bookseller, the Writer and the Journalist, the Sales Rep and the Spin Doctor, the Numbers Runner and the Negotiator, the Quick Thinker and the Quick Change Artist. Astrologer Michael Lutin has analogized Gemini to the “human equivalent of a fiber optic cable”.

When Jupiter moves through Gemini we get a large shot of good fortune (Jupiter) flowing from Geminian type people/objects/institutions/endeavors such as cell phones, laptops, online forums, social networking sites, local meet ups, quick calls and short trips, bloggers and computer hackers, etc. To illustrate: Jupiter was in Gemini during the summer of 1989 when Atari released its Portfolio model “palmtop” computer. (Source) If you don’t remember the Portfolio its claim to fame is being the nifty laptop type device that Edward Furlong’s character carried around in Terminator 2. There’s a great scene early in the film where he uses his Portfolio to get an ATM machine to spit out money so he and a friend can go play video games. The scene is viewable in Spanish at YouTube here and and would likely find an even more enthusiastic reception among audiences here in the age of bank bailouts and mass foreclosures then it did 20 plus years ago.

Near the end of the film Furlong’s character uses the Portfolio to disable the security system at the Cyberdyne company, a defense contractor that is the fictional equivalent of Monsanto, IBM, and Blackwater all rolled into one. Once the system is disabled Furlong and friends are able to destroy the futuristic microchip that will otherwise lead to the extermination of the human race. That’s about as extreme an example of the planet of good fortune (Jupiter) in the sign of trickery (Gemini) that I can think of, right up there with Jupiter itself using some type of orbital quick-trickery to divert a meteor from exterminating all life on planet earth.

Furlong’s use of the Portfolio in the film is fictional but back here in the real world something similar was going on at the same time the product was released. Over in the Soviet Union, what was known as the “Samizdat Press” had really kicked into high gear. Samizdat translates as “self-published” and was then used to refer to dissident publications that circulated in Soviet controlled countries. Very few if any Samizdat publishers had access to devices like the Atari Portfolio but by the summer of 1989 a significant number had managed to acquire fax machines. Blessed (Jupiter) with access to new forms of communications technology (Gemini), the Samizdat press was able to greatly accelerate the rate at which they circulated censored information throughout the population, thereby hastening the collapse of that empire’s oppressive power structure.

Jupiter is currently at 6 degrees Gemini. Check your chart to see what house 6 degrees Gemini is in as that’s where you can disproportionately benefit from all things Geminian for the next 6 months, whether they be fax machines and laptops or quick phone calls and short trips.

New Moon in Sagittarius: The World’s Most Dangerous Hike

We’re on the cusp of a New Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of the long distance quests, overseas crusades, and super-high adventure. Not coincidentally, Grind TV is running an article full of unbelievable photos about the hike up to Hua Shan, considered one of China’s most sacred holy sites. Here’s one photo of the trek up the mountain originally taken by hiker/photographer Aaron Feen, other (equally stunning) photos are available at the Grind TV article.

Photo of hike to Hua Shan in China, courtesy of Aaron Feen

Travel, freedom, and adventure are incredibly important to Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon people (and projects) but as astrologer Jefferson Anderson warns this pairing, “You should consider controlling some of your wilder impulses.” (Source) I’d say so, one wrong step on the above pictured trail and it’s a mile drop to the bottom of the canyon.

The New Moon peaks tomorrow (December 13th) in the early morning at 21 degrees Sagittarius. Check your chart for where 21 degrees Sagittarius is as that’s where you’d want to plant a seed for some spiritually minded super-crusade of your own. Just make sure to eat your Wheaties and bring some chalk for the sweaty palms before setting off on it. And watch out for those cliffs.

Aries Sun, Leo Moon: The Best Selling Bombshell and the Chart Topping Romantic, The On-Stage Super Sensation and the *Original* Astrologer to the Stars

Combine the ass-kicking, self-starting, take-no-prisoners attitude of an Aries Sun with the stunning stage presence of a Leo Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is heroic, honorable, and heading straight for super-stardom if not to the stars themselves. Almost always the center of attention, the textbook Aries/Leo will make their entrance to a restaurant, night club, or even the laundromat with all the fiery drama and theatrical aplomb of a Space Shuttle launch. This is not a coincidence! How do I know? Because using its original launch date as its date of birth the Space Shuttle itself is an Aries Sun, Leo Moon! (Chart)

Enthusiastic and energetic, bold and brave, vivacious and vibrant, Aries/Leos are born leaders with big appetites for adventure a penchant for taking big risks. The textbook Aries/Leo – particularly the female of the species – can turn a trip to the store for some groceries into a dramatic adventure worthy of a James Cameron film, an all points bulletin by the police, a front page story in the National Enquirer, a big-time book deal and on a really good day all of the above. Astrologer David Wells writes of this pairing, “if there’s a commotion you can be sure this person is at the center of it” while Jefferson Anderson refers to the Aries/Leo pairing as “The Dynamo” who takes a distinctly head-first approach to love, life, and lively self-expression:

Ambitious and self-assertive, you are an individual among individuals. Courage is one of your greatest gifts: the courage to be yourself, to dare, and to create.

Your healthy (some would say, a little too healthy) ego craves attention, and you express yourself dramatically and sometimes flamboyantly. Your dress, mannerisms, and actions are often calculated to draw attention to yourself. Center stage is what you want, and your charm, vitality, and enthusiasm for life usually assure it. (Source)

Starting a new television network and want it to be a success? Have an Aries/Leo anchor your evening programming and watch your ratings go through the stratosphere. Holding a fund-raiser for your local high school? Have an Aries/Leo headline the event and you’ll have it sold out almost as soon as tickets go on sale. To illustrate: country music superstar Loretta Lynn, often referred to as “The First Lady of Country Music” is an Aries Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart)

True to her Aries/Leo nature, Lynn conquered much more than just the country music charts. Her 1976 autobiography became a best-seller and was made into an Academy Award-winning film, Coal Miner’s Daughter Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar says the textbook Aries/Leo woman is “fiery and passionate, your raw energy makes you sexy . . . for many men you are simply too hot to handle”. (Source) No kidding. Now in her 70s Lynn still continues to win awards, sell out arenas, and exude every bit as much fiery passion as she did in her 30s:

Both Aries and Leo are considered male signs so Aries Sun, Leo Moon females absolutely, positively do not take kindly to being told to sit quietly in the back of the bus, so to speak. Loretta Lynn, for instance, routinely pushed the boundaries of what was considered acceptable behavior for a woman in the archly conservative industry of country music. According to her Wikipedia entry, “Lynn sang honestly about birth control (‘The Pill’), repeated childbirth (‘One’s on the Way’), double standards for men and women (‘Rated X’), and being widowed by the draft during the Vietnam War (‘Dear Uncle Sam’). Country music radio stations often refused to play her songs.” Aries/Leo is a very courageous pairing so true to her astrological pedigree Lynn did not let the censors stop her.

Although not identified as a “feminist”, Lynn’s willingness to courageously speak her truth means she’s got more than a few things in common with feminist icon Gloria Steinem, a contemporary of Lynn’s and a fellow Aries Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) Steinem is best know for her politics but true to her Aries/Leo nature she was also quite the attention-getting show-stopper. Take a look, for instance, at this screen shot of her making a grand entrance to a circa 1970 New York charity event. See how her escort is shielding his eyes from all the flashbulbs? That’s what happens when you show up to an event with an Aries Sun, Leo Moon female. It’s gonna be lights, camera, action so you had best bring your sunglasses (and your seat-belts).

Aries Sun, Leo Moon individuals love, love, love being the center of attention. (Photo copyright Canadian Broadcast Corporation)

The above screenshot is taken from this CBC documentary on Mrs. Steinem. In it she says she was very reluctant to get all dressed up to go to a celebrity studded event but forced herself because it was for a good cause. With all due respect to Mrs. Steinem, I call shenanigans on her feigned “reluctance”. Aries/Leo loves, loves, and I mean *loves* to get dressed up and go out to big events particularly those where they’re likely to be the center of attention. That’s what this pairing lives for! Besides why deny that you need heaps of affection and adoration when one is so worthy of it anyways?

If there’s one thing this pairing does better than being the center of attention, it’s being the boss with a capital “B”. Grant Lewi writes of the Aries/Leo’s leadership capabilities, “This is a fine pairing for executives as you are able to manage affairs, both your own and others, to excellent advantage.” (Source) Let’s say you find yourself running the most powerful country in the history of the world and need an astrologer to tell you what to do, who ya gonna call? An Aries Sun, Leo Moon that’s who! According to Suzi and Charles Harvey this pairing “believes it belongs at the very center of the Universe”. (Source) The upside to possessing such a robust ego is this pairing won’t be the least bit intimidated when it finds itself at the center of places like Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street or even the White House itself. To illustrate: Joan Quigley, the astrologer famously consulted by first lady Nancy Reagan during the 1980s, is an Aries Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart)

Aries Sun, Leo Moon loves being the boss

In 1988 Quigley was the subject of a Time Magazine cover story, “Astrology in the White House”, according to which the Reagans didn’t plan anything of significance without first consulting with her. The article created an absolutely huge uproar which brings us to one of the challenges for this Sun/Moon pairing. Both Aries and Leo are very overt, above-board, out-front, thrust-oriented signs so when you combine the two together you get a high-energy combination that can’t hide from the public even if it wanted to. Trying to conceal your association with an Aries/Leo is like trying to conceal a giant UFO landing on the White House lawn like in one of those big budget Hollywood movies. Good luck with that one!

As far as the White House goes, we don’t know if there will ever be another astrologer running it but there several young (under 40) Aries/Leos who are fixing to follow in the superstar footsteps of Mrs. Quigley. Michelle at is an Aries/Leo and her articles get up to 150-200 comments each, which for an astrology site is simply amazing. London based astrologer Lada Duncheva is also an Aries/Leo and her YouTube channel has amassed nearly 100,000 subscribers in only a few years, making it one of the most popular astrology channels on YouTube.

Aries/Leos typically take as bold and fiery an approach to romance as they do do to self-expression. Aries rules the head while Leo rules the heart so when the two combine you get a Sun/Moon pairing that demands both thoughtfulness (head) and passionate adoration (heart) from its partner. In return it will provide the partner with heaps of both. To illustrate: actress Olivia Hussey is an Aries Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) She first came to prominence in when she portrayed Juliet in the 1968 film Romeo and Juliet, a role for which she won a Golden Globe. Aries/Leo individuals often have very resonant speaking voices so it’s no surprise Hussey has gone on to win numerous awards for her voice work. (Source) Now in her 60s, she still vibes as bold and regal as ever:

Carolyn Reynolds says Aries/Leo is the Sun/Moon pairing most likely to take off on wild romantic adventures such as “making love in a boxcar”. (Source) To say this pairing can be a handful in relationships is akin to saying the Titanic was a “boating mishap.” The upside to this is it’s completely straightforward with its intentions. You know the old rule about how a woman should wait 2-3 days to return the phone call of a new suitor? Hah! Leave that sort of subterfuge to Scorpio/Libra types, the Aries/Leo female is more likely to crash head-on into its intended with all the subtlety of a Mack truck. (The men will at least attempt a slightly more debonair approach.) With this pairing what you see is 1,000% what you get and what you get is one of the most courageous, authentic, and impassioned of Sun/Moon pairings. Doesn’t that make putting up with a few temper tantrums and dramatic outbursts totally worth it?

Speaking of drama, a warning you must heed should you date (let alone marry) an Aries/Leo of either gender. Under no circumstances should you let them be in a room with another Aries/Leo! Put two Aries/Leo males in a room together at a dinner party and you can be guaran-damn-teed they will lock horns like wild animals in those nature documentaries you see late night on the Discovery channel. And that will seem downright tame compared to the epic battle that will ensue between two Aries/Leo females competing for turf (attention). This is a very competitive combination and simply will not tolerate being anything other than “The Alpha”. Truth be told there simply isn’t enough space in any one room or on any one stage for two members of the zodiac’s most heroically mythic Sun/Moon club.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

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Photo Credit: Vanessa Guazzelli Paim
Photo Credit: Vanessa Guazzelli Paim

Taurus Sun, Leo Moon: The Knock-Em-Dead Movie Star and the Make-It-Rain Mega-Fox (“Cash money stacked, gold records racked”)

Combine the sensuous beauty of a Taurus Sun with the stunning stage presence of a Leo Moon and you get a Sun/Moon combination that is artistic and attractive, self-confident and self-sustaining, always dignified and always on the A-List. This pairing has the strut of a movie-star and the swagger of a business mogul. It’s at its finest on the big stage earning the very big bucks. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson refers to Taurus Sun, Leo Moon as the pairing of “The Entertainer” whose larger than life persona attracts more flashbulbs than royalty and possesses enough star-power to rival the Sun itself:

There is probably no one else in your social sphere who has your forcefullness, drama, and extroverted nature. “I am my own light” sums up your character . . you are a terrific showman. If it isn’t dramatic, it isn’t any fun. For many Taurus/Leos, just taking out the garbage can be an Academy Award performance. Your dress, actions, and behavior are usually planned to call attention to yourself. You consider others fortunate to be in your presence, to share in your activities, and to applaud every step. (Source)

Fortunately for the Taurus Sun, Leo Moon individual many of those steps are likely to be taken on the red carpet, in a pair designer shoes, while on their way to one hell of a big payday. This is one of the premier Sun/Moon combinations for money-making mega-success. Taurus is symbolized by the Bull while Leo is symbolized by the Lion. Pair the two together and you get “Bullion” as in gold bullion astrologer Sue Tompkins tells us. (Source) Singer Bing Crosby is a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon who made so much money as an entertainer that he may have rivaled Fort Knox itself. (Chart)

Taurus is the sign most oriented toward accumulation, appreciation, and return on investment while Leo’s instinctual generosity often draws the attention of Lady Luck herself. Taurus wants money in the bank while Leo wants the gold jewelry that money in the bank can buy. Taurus wants fat checks in the bank while Leo applause from those who sign the fat checks that go in the bank. Taurus refuses to be deprived of high end creature comforts while Leo refuses to be deprived of attention from its adoring public. Queen Elizabeth II is a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) Her 1953 coronation was the most expensive, most anticipated, most celebrated public ceremonies of the 20th century. It was, in short, a Taurus/Leo dream come true:

Taurus is oriented towards high self-worth while Leo is oriented towards unabashed self-expression so the combination is excellent for any sort of professional performer. Taurus/Leo will also give the Scorpio/Leo pairing a run for its money when it comes to which Sun/Moon pairing will get the most attention. Actress Megan Fox, one of Hollywood’s most beautiful and most bankable young performers, is a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart)

Both Taurus and Leo are “fixed” which means “stubborn, obstinate, and extremely reluctant to budge off a chose course.” Pair the two together and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that can be absolutely unwilling to compromise. On the upside, this pairing’s uncompromising nature gives it a strong backbone which it will use to defend its loved ones much the way a bull (Taurus) will defend its turf or a lioness (Leo) will defend her cubs. It can also be very old fashioned when it comes to selecting a life partner. Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar tells the Taurus/Leo woman, “You are likely to choose a practical, strong provider as your partner. You never forget your first love – whether or not you marry him.” (Source) Fortunately for Fox that is not a problem as she recently married actor Brian Austin Green, who just so happens to be her first love. (Source) Green’s a Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon – a pairing known to be moody but that has excellent business sense, something a Taurus/Leo like Fox can really appreciate.

We don’t know what the inside of their home looks like but if she’s in charge of decorating there’s a good chance it’s filled with luxury items, particularly fine art, a favorite of many Taurus/Leos. Theo Van Gogh, the younger brother of Vincent, is a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) According to Wikipedia, “It was Theo’s financial support of his brother Vincent that allowed him to devote himself entirely to painting.” (Source) That’s the other thing about Taurus/Leos, they are quite generous with both financial and emotional support when it comes to assisting those who are dear to them.

According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey, a metaphoric image for the Taurus Sun, Leo Moon individual is, “On a perfect summer’s evening, a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is held in the palace garden.” (Source) That’s an excellent approximation of Mrs. Fox, one of Hollywood’s most ballyhooed stars. It’s an equally accurate metaphor for other Taurus/Leo individuals such as singer James Brown aka “The Godfather of Soul” aka “The Hardest Working Man in Show Business” and iconic rapper Too Short. (Chart) Although the three men come from radically different background they all have two things in common: they keep the cash money stacked (Taurus) and the gold records racked (Leo Moon).

Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon: The Super Soldier and the Spartan Warrior, the Warrior-General and the Locker Room Leader

At its best the Aries/Capricorn will manage to pair the fighting spirit of an Aries Sun with the strategic instincts of a Capricorn Moon to form a Sun/Moon pairing that is thick skinned, self-controlled, highly pragmatic, extremely courageous, business minded, and totally unafraid of confrontation. Of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings, this is one of the best for “true grit and the capacity to battle the elements . . . as well as for anybody who needs to legitimately wage war against the establishment”, to quote astrologer Sue Tompkins. (Source) Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) champion turned film star Gina Carano is an Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon whose capacity to “wage war” and “battle the elements” is completely undisputed at this point. (Chart)

According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey, a metaphoric image for the highest expression of the Aries/Capricorn pairing is, “A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual rights.” (Source) It’s hard to imagine a more accurate description of Mrs. Carano than that, both in the very real world of professional cage fighting and the imaginal world of action films. In addition to being “the face of women’s mixed martial arts”, Carano recently made her motion picture debut alongside Michael Douglas as a highly decorated special forces soldier who must display exceptional bravery in her war against the establishment:

According to the Harveys, the strengths of the Aries/Capricorn pairing include, “a powerful mixture of risk-taking and caution; total involvement and courageous commitment”. (Source) This combination will “respect the law but just by a hair’s breath”, they write. (Source) Legendary G-man Elliot Ness, famously portrayed by Kevin Costner in the 1987 film The Untouchables, is also an Aries/Capricorn who displayed “courageous commitment” and “risk-taking” moxie while “respecting the law but only by a hair’s breath” in his fight against organized crime during the 1920s. (Chart)

Frank Serpico – the whistle-blowing NYPD cop portrayed by Al Pacino in the 1973 film Serpico – is also an Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) So too is author Tom Clancy, best known for having penned military thrillers such as The Hunt for Red October, The Sum of all Fears, and Clear and Present Danger. (Chart) Actors do best in roles that line up with their astrological charts. With Elliot Ness, Frank Serpico, and Tom Clancy as some of her Aries/Capricorn astro-twins, Carano is in pretty good company when it comes to projecting as a legitimate action star.

Aries Sun, Capricorn can be as formidable a force in romantic relationships as it is when battling against (or on behalf of) the forces of evil. Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar writes of the the Aries/Capricorn woman, “You are likely to be bold, direct, and animated . . .” (Source) The Harveys advise this pairing to consider toning down it penchant for confrontation when it comes to matters of the heart. If not, “loved ones may easily feel bruised by you . . .” they warn. (Source)

Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon Astro-Twins: Gina Carano, the Undertaker, the B-52

Carano’s most notable contemporary Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon astro-twin is probably professional wrestler Mark Calaway, best known as “The Undertaker”. (Chart) Terry Bolea, aka “Hulk Hogan”, is probably the best known wrestler among fans but it’s Calaway who is easily the most respected by his fellow wrestlers. For Aries/Capricorn, respect with a capital “R” is the currency of the realm more so than just fame or money. (Although no Aries/Capricorn ever threw public acclaim or fat checks out of bed mind you.) Take a look at this fascinating out of character interview With Calaway where he discusses the business and human resource aspects of the wrestling industry to understand just how important respect is to this pairing:

It’s no surprise that Calaway is considered the “Locker Room Leader” and “The General” by his peers as business management is something the Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon individual is a natural at. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson explains why in his 1978 book Sun Sign Moon Sign:

Others respond to what they perceive as great maturity and responsibility, and you are likely to gain much respect and influence among your peers. Those who earn your friendship will probably find themselves lifted to great heights along with you. Loyalty is important to you, and you are not one to forget those who help you reach success.

Professionally, you are best suited to managerial careers . . . you have the executive abilities needed to implement plans and ideas with originality and foresight. (Source)

People with the same Sun/Moon pairing often bear a certain resemblance to each other even if they’re obviously not related by blood. Take a look, for instance, at these screenshots of Carano and Calaway from interviews with MMA correspondent Ariel Helwani of

Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon: Gina Carano and The Undertaker

Obviously Carano is a bit easier on the eyes than “The Deadman” himself but astro-twin resemblances are more about the physical ingraining of long term emotional states and behavior patterns than simply looks. In the case of Carano and Calaway, the camera picks up on both a sense of responsibility and a presence of practical formidablity, the exact traits the Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon pairing is known to possess.

Aries/Capricorn is one of the top five combos that you can trust to come up in the clutch at any type of “main event”. Calaway, for instance, has been main-eventing Wrestlemania for nearly 20 years and thus more or less carrying the wrestling industry on his back since Hulk Hogan went into semi-retirement. Similarly, Carano’s last fight in 2011 was the first female main event in MMA pay per view history and thus had riding on it the perceived financial viability of an entire industry. Aries/Capricorn natives who go into law will exhibit the same clutch abilities in the courtroom while those who go into teaching will be able to perform just as admirably within in the most pressure packed classrooms. Those who go into construction or contracting will be able to get absolutely massive jobs completed under the most demanding of deadlines. This pairing can be brash and brute but absolutely nothing will rattle it.

Carano and Calaway have a mutual “main eventing” astro-twin that bears mentioning: the B-52 Stratofortress. Designed to deliver nuclear weapons and first flown by Boeing on April 15th, 1962 the B-52 is an Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon (Chart)

Sure, if the world ever ends in a horrifying nuclear apocalypse there’s an excellent chance the B-52 will have played a major role but let’s not dwell on the negative shall we? The truly amazing thing about the B-52 is that sixty years after its first flight it’s still in service. In fact, according to a recent article at, the U.S. Air Force expects the B-52 to be in service until at least the year 2040. (Source) That tells you something about the Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon pairing’s combination of both fighting spirit and staying power.

There does, by the way, seem to be some correlation between this Sun/Moon pairing and a preoccupation with the apocalypse. Al Gore is an Aries/Capricorn best known for his detailed analysis of apocalyptic environmental trends. (Chart) Calaway looks like a stunt-double for one of the four horseman of the apocalypse while Mrs. Carano admitted in a recent interview that she’s been more than a bit preoccupied by the end of the world since her high school years:

For all the fortress type toughness seen throughout Carano’s chart, her North Node (destiny) is in Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother. Cancer is the sign of food and family, nurturing and caring, emotional intelligence and heartfelt tears. This means her destiny is tied up with either literal motherhood or figurative motherhood, nurturing others or nurturing herself. At the very least she’s served as the equivalent of a “God-Mother” to a generation of young women who now have an example of a female who kicks ass (Aries) while exuding class (Capricorn Moon).

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon: the Passionate Poet and the Charmer Par-Excellence, the Romantic Hero and the Hitman with a Heart

(Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth in Summerslam 1991, available via Amazon.)

Combine the psychological intensity of a Scorpio Sun with the romantic instincts of a Libra Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing which will be extremely oriented (Scorpio) towards one-to-one relationships (Libra). Astrologer Carolyn Reynolds describes this pairing’s capacity for romance:

This is one of the most charming men of the Sun/Moon combination, and the romantic par excellence. He is magnetic, persuasive, ardent and loyal. In one hypnotic nod he gestures he understands you, both physically and emotionally. He lives to understand you. He will calm and reassure you in the midst of his own inner turmoil that you are totally oblivious to.

What does he need to accomplish to balance out his life? To find the right partner. His every emotional fiber calls out for a mate. He needs to share his dreams, his goals, and every waking moment with someone. He looks for beauty in a woman, and for style as well as elegance. Scorpio or Capricorn hangs in there for years with this pairing.


Professional wrestling legend Randy “Macho Man” Savage, is a Scorpio with his Moon in Libra. (Chart) Savage’s most compelling performances coincided with his real life marriage to Elizabeth Hulette (aka “Miss Elizabeth”), a woman known for her beauty, style, and elegance who happened to be a Scorpio with a Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. (Source) That Savage’s career peak came during his marriage is no surprise as Scorpio/Libra individuals only feel themselves when in a compelling partnership.

Savage and Hewlett had actually been married for eight years when the above story-line was developed. Although wedding was staged reports were that both took it as an opportunity to renew their relationship in real life.

Scorpio/Libra is not only one of the most romantic of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings, it’s also one of the most psychologically potent and intensely self-expressive. During his career Savage was renown for his ability to project as psychologically unhinged as Charles Bronson (Scorpio Sun) even as he was dressed as stylishly as Louis Vuitton (Libra Moon). In their book Sun Sign, Moon Sign, astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey emphasize the Scorpio/Libra individual’s instinctual understanding of madness and capacity for intensely dramatic forms of self-expression:

You are pretty tough cookie, and if you cannot charm your way to the prize, you can certainly turn on the pressure. Although you optimistically hope for the best, you can be shrewdly understanding of the mad, the bad, and the ugly. . . . you need to have access to the dark and terrible to be able to put the boot in, so to speak.

You have a vivid imagination, a keen sense of drama, and probably rhythm, too, and if you take off in an artistic direction you can develop a very subtle yet eloquent manner of self-expression. You can be a charismatic showman with a dramatic delivery.


Take a look at any circa 1980s clip of Savage for a high volume but fundamentally accurate example of this pairing’s capacity for “eloquent self-expression”, “charismatic showmanship”, and willingness to access the “dark and terrible” parts of the psyche in order to “put the boot in”. All of this was done in pursuit of “the prize”, which for Savage was main-event billing at big time pay-per-views such as Wrestlemania. Given this pairing’s intensely (Scorpio) romantic (Libra) orientation, it’s probably no coincidence that Savage’s most “vividly imaginative” interviews and “keenly dramatic” in-ring performances were those where his beloved was at his side.

Astrologer Jefferson Anderson emphasizes this pairing’s skill at balancing color schemes and ability to succeed in “visually oriented fields such as photography, film, fashion, or interior design.” (Source) If Savage’s wildly colorful ensembles make one thing clear, it’s that the ability to expertly balance color schemes and accessories while projecting as “mad, bad, and ugly” is one of the Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon native’s most clearly delineated strengths.

The combination of a Scorpio Sun’s psychological x-ray vision and a Libra Moon’s instincts for reciprocity endows this pairing with a real aptitude for coaxing the best out of “the other”. This applies in professional relationships as much as in romantic ones. During his wrestling career Savage was greatly admired by colleagues for his ability to make even the most brutish of performers look like polished superstars in the ring. Had he not gone into wrestling he probably could have achieved fame in partner dancing, or at least done very well on a show like “Dancing With the Stars”. Rapper Rob Van Winkle, best known as “Vanilla Ice”, is a Scorpio/Libra whose experienced something of a career resurgence as a result of his superb performances on such shows in Europe:

Each of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings has its own dark side. A pairing as intensely dramatic as Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon is going to have a dark side as intensely dramatic as its light side. The “dark and terrible” side of this pairing is most likely to express itself when the native feels injustices have occurred within the context of a one-to-one partnership, whether romantic or professional. In his book All Around the Zodiac, astrologer Bill Tierney describes the Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon individual’s modus operandi of “first the velvet glove, then the iron fist”:

[This pairing] will negotiate first before resorting to hardball tactics to crush the opposition . . . others better not take advantage of our kindness and patience – which have their limits – since after bending over backwards enough times we’ll simply explode and do a lot of damage to those who have provoked us. Underneath the cultivated, polished way we handle ourselves in the world is more volatile temperament . . . There is much emotional power lurking beneath our surface charm. (Source)

Randy Savage’s ability to project an intensely “volatile temperament” and willingness to engage in “hardball tactics” was the lynchpin of his circa 1989 on-screen feud with Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea). The feud the most financially successful storyline in professional wrestling (soap opera?) history in large part due to Savage’s capacity to come off as so intensely and authentically fed up with Hogan. The fighting in this clip is, of course, staged but Savage’s unhinged tirade touches on what was a real-world truth: that for years he had been bending over backwards to make his more ballyhooed colleague look his best without getting the same in return. Whether in the imaginal world or the real world, a Scorpio/Libra is only going to tolerate such an unbalanced state of affairs for so long before finally exploding:

Years later we would find out that in real life Savage actually did suspect Hogan was responsible for the dissolution of his marriage, a perception that would send a Sun/Moon pairing as commitment minded as Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon completely over the edge. When asked during a circa 1992 out-of-character interview if he ever cries, Savage responded:

It’s okay to show every emotion available, I’ve cried 1,000 times before and I’ll cry some more. I’ve soared with the eagles and slithered with the snakes and been everywhere in between.” (Source)

That’s about a good summary of the Scorpio/Libra individual’s emotional life as you’ll find: emotional powerful and intensely passionate, a seeker of balance but one prone to the occasional revenge fantasy or bout with fanaticism.

According to the Harveys, a metaphoric image for the highest expression of the Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon pairing is “A passionate poet leads a mass demonstration.” (Source) That’s a pretty good approximation of Randy Savage. He wasn’t a passionate poet who led mass demonstrations but he was a passionate performer who evoked the most compelling of emotions from masses of wrestling fans.

Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon Astro-Twins: Wrestler Randy Savage, Actor Leonardo Dicaprio

Actor Leonard Dicaprio is also a Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) A number of Dicaprio’s most famous roles have involved romantic partnerships, most notably Romeo in the 1996 remake of Romeo and Juliet and Jack Dawson in James Cameron’s epic 1997 film Titanic:

Not unlike some of the deeply romantic characters Leonardo Dicaprio has portrayed on stage and screen, the Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon individual can spend his or her entire life searching for their true love. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson writes of this pairing’s capacity for commitment, “Devotion is one of your favorite words, and you may search the globe trying to find someone worthy of your attention and fidelity. Once you do become attached, you will be a model of loyalty.” (Source)

Randy Savage, for instance, married his second wife Lynn Payne in May of 2010 on the same beach they had originally fallen in love as teenagers. Savage was quoted at the time as saying, “Thirty-six years ago, Lynn and I met on Lido Beach. I feel so fortunate that I had a second chance to marry my first love, here where it all began.” (Source)

Many astrologers believe that if you scratch a sign you will find its opposite. Other metaphysical modalities have similar beliefs, that one’s external appearance is the opposite of what they are on the inside. It thus makes sense that somebody known in public as the “Macho Man” would actually be deeply romantic in private. As astrologer Hazel Dixon Cooper says of the Scorpio/Libra individual, “This combination wants a romance novel affair complete with happy ending. If you can be faithful, nurturing, and attentive, you’ll have hit one of the Universe’s jackpots.” (Source)

Sadly, Savage died of a heart attack almost one year to the day after the above photo was taken.

Two weeks after his passing, Savage’s old colleague Hulk Hogan recalled a fortuitous encounter they had just a few months earlier in the middle of a hospital after not having spoken to each other in over 10 years:

I’m sitting there in the doctor’s office on the little chair and the door swings opens . . . I look up and it’s Randy! He was glowing, his eyes were bright, his spirit was up, he had a new wedding ring on! I just want to tell you guys he was up, he was really, really happy. He was in a really good place . . . we all love and miss him very much. (Source)

It makes sense that Savage’s spirit was in such a glowing state during the last months of his time on the earthly plane. For a Sun/Moon pairing as deeply romantic as Scorpio/Libra there’s no better way to spend the final year of their life then by the side of their beloved.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Hexagon #3 now shipping:
Hexagon #3 now shipping

Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon: The Go Getter, the Show Stopper, and the Number One Stunner (“This is why I’m hot”)

Combine the Pluto powered magnetism of a Scorpio Sun with the stunning stage presence of a Leo Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that will have jaws dropping, heads turning, and pulses racing. Dramatic and magnetic, determined and ambitious, this pairing is difficult to resist and impossible to ignore. If this pairing has a theme song it’s either “Number One Stunna” by Birdman or “This is Why I’m Hot” by MIMS. Actress Veronica Lake, Hollywood’s original smokin’ hot femme fatale show-stopper, is a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart)

Scorpio Sun represents the darkest of the dark while Leo Moon represents the brightest of the bright. The combination is correlated with high contrast and high drama. According to astrologer Jefferson Anderson, the collision of late autumn darkness with mid-summer sunshine produces the “Magnificent Obsession” who will be anything but pedestrian as they walk through life:

You stand apart from the crowd. A rugged individualist, you have tremendous confidence and self-sustaining vitality, which make it unnecessary for you to rely on others for encouragement. People sense you are a leader for your presence alone is compelling.

With a strong sense of the dramatic, you rarely do things halfway, and your actions and behavior are usually designed to attract attention. (Source)

Actress Julia Roberts, who has been named one of People magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful People in the World” list eleven times, is a Scorpio/Leo. (Chart) Like many Scorpio/Leo natives Roberts has major workaholic tendencies, having starred in a total of 42 films in the last 22 years.

One of the most intensely romantic of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings, relationships are of extraordinary importance to this pairing. Actors do best in roles that match their Sun/Moon pairing so it’s no coincidence that Roberts is best known for roles in films with distinctly romantic themes such as Pretty Woman, My Best Friend’s Wedding, and Eat Pray Love.

Actress Gabrielle Union is also a Scorpio/Leo who has carved out a successful acting career in romantic themed films such as Two Can Play That Game, Deliver Us from Eva and The Honeymooners. (Chart) Like many Scorpio/Leo natives Union is known for her compelling presence, attention getting style, and near total immunity to would be haters:

This pairing can be more than a handful in relationships. Union, for instance, has been banned from sitting court side at Miami Heat basketball games for her intense trash talking of players, fans, referees, and even her own boyfriend NBA superstar Dwayne Wade. (Source)

Not unlike her fellow Scorpio/Leo Julia Roberts, Union is a legit “Number One Stunner” whose show-stopping hair style has been known to, quite literally, set off the body scanner security alarms at airports:

Actress Lauren Hutton, a former Vogue cover model and Revlon spokeswoman, is also a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) At age 61 she is still a “number one stunner”, having recently posed naked and guest starred on the television show Nip, Tuck. (Source) Her Scorpio/Leo astrological pedigree comes through quite clearly in the 1984 film Once Bitten where she plays a centuries old vampire who keeps herself going by romancing much younger men, including the then 22 year old Jim Carrey.

Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon: The Show Stopper and the Good Samaritan

Don’t be fooled by the fact that Julia Roberts, Gabrielle Union and other Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon natives such as Veronica Lake and Lauren Hutton are known for stopping traffic, setting off body scanner alarms and stunning the daylights out of scandalously younger men. There’s much more to this pairing than just bright lights, big hair, and show-stopping style. Scorpio Sun, at its most profound, has an deep understanding of others’ emotional pain. Leo Moon, at its most generous, will give of its time, energy, and money as freely as the Sun gives its light and warmth. The combination make for a Sun/Moon pairing that will bring sunshine (Leo) to those trapped within even the most subterranean of emotional situations (Scorpio). Gabrielle Union, for instance, has donated generously to rape crisis centers. Commenting on why she has chosen to be public on the matter:

This is why I now lobby for state legislatures across the country and the federal government to help raise funds and awareness for rape crisis centers, and I speak to all different kinds of people across the country about what happened to me. My goal is to never hear the words ‘me too’ from someone after I say ‘I was raped.’ (Source)

Union’s Sun (identity) is closely conjunct her Black Moon Lilith, a point which in astrological canon represents the female survivor archetype. (Source) Her identity (Sun) is thus closely connected to being a survivor (Black Moon Lilith) of the darker experiences that people with Scorpio emphasized in their charts often endure.

According to the Harveys, two metaphoric images that capture the highest expression of the Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon combination are, “A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depths of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there . . . A sexy superstar creates a new charity.” (Source) Both images happen to be an excellent approximation of Mrs. Union. A sexy superstar, she has mirrored sunshine into the depths of the dark emotional pit that survivors of sexual assault so often fall into.

Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon Astro-Twins: Actress Gabrielle Union, CEO George Zimmer

The Harveys’ images also happen to be excellent approximations of one of Union’s Scorpio/Leo astro-twins, Men’s Warehouse CEO George Zimmer. (Chart) If Zimmer’s name doesn’t ring a bell his commercials for Men’s Warehouse probably will. They’re the ones that end with Zimmer delivering his signature line, “You’re gonna look great, I guarantee it.”

A go-getter in the business world and a superstar of men’s clothing who specializes in helping others look like number one stunners, Zimmer has donated generously to marijuana legalization efforts. (Source) He’s also helped finance research into the use of MDMA, commonly called “Ecstasy”, as a therapy for those suffering from PTSD. A study he donated money for in 2005 included a rape victim who had suffered from nightmares for twenty five years. (Source)

People with the same Sun/Moon pairing often bear an impossible to dismiss resemblance to each other even if they’re obviously not related by blood. For instance, take a look at these photos of Gabrielle Union and George Zimmer and notice how the camera picks up on a vibe of charismatic self-confidence and magnetic vitality in both of them:

Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon: The Showstopper, The Number One Stunner (Photo copyrights Nick Stepowyj, Thomas Hawk)

That Gabrielle Union and George Zimmer would both be legit number one stunners who also help those trapped in darkness is no surprise given their astrological pedigree. At its most noble expression Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon is both the showstopper who slows traffic with their superstar style and the Good Samaritan who renders assistance to those in desperate need.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon: The Freelancing Hitwoman and the Four-Running Vigilante ("On a quest through the valley of death")

(Image: The Terminator, available for purchase via Amazon.)

Combine the extreme intensity of a Scorpio Sun with the high-speed, high-adventure, high-volume instincts of a Sagittarius Moon and the result can feel like a heart pounding run through hell. Astrologer Wendell C. Perry writes of the Scorpio/Sagittarius individual, “You feel that you are at war with yourself because you can never be as forthright, expansive, and trusting as you would like. The world is just too scary a place”. (Source). Jacqueline Bigar writes, “Even you want to go ‘whoa’ and stop this ride”. (Source) This is one of the most action oriented of the 144 Sun/Moon pairing as both signs have the theme of “attack” symbolized within their glyphs. Scorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion, the Snake, and the Eagle – all deadly predators who thrive within extremely hostile environments while Sagittarius is symbolized as a wild haired centaur-archer armed with a quiver full of flaming arrows. The pairing is thus well equipped to take on a world that has become a very scary place (Scorpio) to take a ride through (Sagittarius). To illustrate: using its premier date as its date of birth, the original Terminator film is a Scorpio with its Moon in Sagittarius. (Chart) If you’ve never seen the film it’s a fictional but fundamentally accurate projection of what might be the Zodiac’s most courageous, committed, and socially concerned Sun/Moon pairing.

Terminator stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the “T-800” model Terminator — a heavily fortified contract killing machine from the future who gives no quarter and whose cybernetic brain possesses no fear of death. In effect, the T-800 is the sci-fi world’s version of an assassin (Scorpio) on a mission from abroad (Sagittarius Moon). Opposite him is actress Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, a young woman who transforms herself from a wilting violet afraid of her own shadow into a ferociously self-sufficient badass who defeats the heartless killer sent to eliminate her and her unborn child. Both the T-800 and the Sarah Connor characters are textbook Scorpio/Sagittarians albeit from opposite ends of the spectrum: one’s been programmed to serve the ice cold forces of technological centralization by inflicting death, the other’s been called to disrupt them by preserving life. Both are totally implacable in the pursuit of their objective(s).

Something similar can be said of the Kyle Reese character, portrayed to utterly feral effect by actor Michael Biehn. Both Reese and the T-800 are covert agents (Scorpio) on far-ranging quests (Sagittarius) but one is there to save lives while the other is there to destroy them. Reese is intensely courageous (high-Scorpio) and totally committed (high-Sagittarius) while the Terminator is coldly murderous (low-Scorpio) and unthinkingly fanatical (low-Sagittarius).

The emotional intensity in the film is a good, if exaggerated, approximation of the impassioned zeal this combination is capable of once it’s committed to a cause of life-and-death proportions. Scorpio can be tenacious to the point of being obsessive while Sagittarius can be zealous to the point of being fanatical. Pair the two together and you get somebody who can be absolutely unwavering once they’ve set their mind on a particular path. Astrologer Bill Tierney explains:

Scorpio/Sagittarius types have a touch of crusader with militant undertones in them. This combination needs something vast and all-consuming at which to aim their forces in order to keep their energies from being destructive . . . Scorpio provides the drive and endurance to succeed against all odds, while Sagittarius keeps vision alive, even during the most grueling of times. (Source)

In the fictional world of Terminator, Kyle Reese’s all-consuming quest is saving the mother of the future. In the real world this combination is attracted to similarly all-consuming quests that involve epic battles between good and evil. The AIDS epidemic in Africa, the brutality of Iphone factories in China, or human-trafficking in Eastern Europe are the type of causes a Scorpio/Sagittarius individual will often be found crusading against . . . or on behalf of should they turn to the darker possibilities of this Sun/Moon pairing.

If Reese comes off as a paranoid fanatic in the above scenes that’s because paranoia, fanaticism, and phobias, are some of the liabilities of this Sun/Moon pairing. Of course, as the saying goes, “It’s not paranoia if they really are after you”.

Even those Scorpio/Sagittarius individuals who go on all-consuming crusades for non-violence will often find themselves engaged in legal, social, or political confrontations as ferocious as a battle with the Terminator. To illustrate: the chart for the premier of Terminator and the natal chart of film star turned AIDS icon Rock Hudson are uncannily similar. Both Hudson and Terminator have Sun in Scorpio, both have Moon in Sagittarius, both have Jupiter in Capricorn, both have Saturn in Scorpio, both have Neptune in a fire sign, both have Pluto in a water sign. Terminator was about battling an unstoppable cybernetic killer with mysterious origins while Hudson become an icon for battling an unstoppable viral killer with mysterious origins. AIDS is a sexually transmitted killer while in Terminator the T-800 kills Sarah’s romantic and sexual partner. At one point in the film Reese describes the T-800 as, “an infiltration unit, very tough, very hard to beat, it won’t stop until you are dead.” That just so happens to be a good description of HIV as it infiltrates a person’s immune system, is very hard to beat, and won’t stop until its target is dead. The T-800 was made of “heavy metal alloy” that was hard as rock while “Rock” was Hudson’s nickname, conjured up by Hollywood producers to make him seem tough as steel.

In Terminator, Reese’s death at the hands of the T-800 prompts a previously carefree Sarah to learn to defend herself against a heartless computer system known as Skynet. Hudson’s death at the hands of AIDS prompted a generation that had previously been relatively carefree on sexual matters to learn to defend themselves against a heartless virus known as HIV.

Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon: The Enemy of the State

Speaking of paranoia, using its premier date as its date of birth the 1998 film Enemy of the Sate – is also a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Like Terminator, the film is essentially a quest (Sagittarius) through the valley of death (Scorpio). In Enemy of the State, it’s the valley of death formed by the world’s most powerful intelligence agency the National Security Agency that the protagonist must crusade through in order to survive:

“Surely the film is at least a bit of a paranoid (Scorpio) exaggeration (Sagittarius), right?” Probably not. According to a 2007 article in the UK Register, intelligence agencies can now perform real time Enemy of the State style surveillance on *all seven billion people* on the planet. (Source) That the film would be so prescient in its depiction of the police state is no surprise given the shrewd, sophisticated, and truth-seeking nature of its Sun/Moon pairing. This pairing makes a good investigator, one that’s excellent at quickly grasping the big picture (Sagittarius) no matter how deep and dark (Scorpio) it might be.

Calling this pairing as the “enemy of the state combination” might seem a bit of an exaggeration but a number of high profile enemies of the state are Sagittarius/Scorpios, be they actual enemies of the state or simply ones in spirit. Former Bloomberg corporate finance reporter Mark Pittman is a Scorpio with his Moon in Sagittarius. Pittman is the journalist who mysteriously died after successfully suing the U.S. Federal Reserve, the central banking cartel that is at the center of myriad global conspiracies. (Chart) Prior to his passing, Pittman had discovered that “the amount going to prop up the financial system dwarfed the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) [issued in 2008]. It added up to $12.8 trillion and it wasn’t clear in all cases where the money was going” according to his Wikipedia entry. So too is Paula Broadwell, the Lt. Colonel turned author who was having an affair with David Petraeus, director of the CIA. (Chart)

Broadwell is likely in a state of complete psychic shock at this time as her entire life has been a vast, all-consuming, totally-committed Scorpio/Sagittarius style crusade aimed at serving, protecting, and doing everything right by “the system”. From being both the valedictorian and the homecoming queen of her high school class to serving 15 years active duty in the Army to getting a Master’s degree from Harvard, she probably never imagined there would come a day when twelve FBI agents would be searching her house at one a.m. over a scandal that seems suspiciously timed to distract people during an election year.

The military-government circles Broadwell moves in are still 1,000% a boys club, one with with serious leanings towards religious fundamentalism and Victorian era moral standards. That means whatever the real reason for this scandal, she’ll be the one taking all the heat for it. Petraeus will simply lay low for 6-to-12 months before sliding into a high paying executive gig at a large military contractor. The situation is unlikely to resolve so smoothly for Broadwell. While she’s not an actual enemy of the state, either in action or in spirit, she is now likely to be treated as a pariah both professionally and socially. Among other things, her security clearance has been pulled which means her career as a counterintelligence officer is about as DOA as Will Smith’s career as an attorney was in Enemy of the State.

Astrologer Carolyn Reynolds writes of the Scorpio/Sagittarius female, “. . . she fares well whatever the climate because she can survive. This one will hunt and fish with you. You can take her to Africa and she’ll out shoot you and the rest of the hunters.” (Source) No kidding. In addition to having served as a special operations command officer, Broadwell has (or had) a side gig working as a firearms demonstrator for the high-end automatic weapons manufacturer KRISS. Here’s a screenshot of her literally “out shooting the boys” taken from one of the company’s promotional videos:

Scorpio/Sagittarius women will often “outshoot the boys” to quote Carolyn Reynolds. Photo: KRISS

As Broadwell’s curriculum vitae testifies to, Scorpio/Sagittarius is one of the most action oriented of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings. the two together and you have a Sun/Moon pairing that’s predisposed to a life of high speed adventure and high stakes confrontation. Actor Charles Bronson, best known for portraying freelance hitmen, vigilante cowboys, and other battled-hardened characters is also a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart)

Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey write of the Scorpio/Sagittarius individual’s deductive prowess, “Your greatest strengths are a probing, questing, analytical mind which is quick to see the large implications of facts . . .” (Source) Astronomer Carl Sagan is a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon known for having an intensely probing, questing mind. (Sagan’s Chart) Sagan obviously never traveled through literal time or survived a literal nuclear holocaust like his fictional astro-twin Kyle Reese. His work did, however, take him on wide ranging quests through the concepts of space and time. He also spent several years studying the horrors that a large scale nuclear disaster or environmental collapse can bring. (Source)

According to the Harveys, a metaphoric image for the Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon individual is, “A child gazes up at the night sky, captivated by the mystery of deep space. An alien appears, and reveals a glimpse of the child’s future as a famous astro-physicist.” (Source) That image is an almost literal approximation of Sagan’s life story: he was captivated by the mystery of deep science beginning in his childhood, was very interested in the possibility of making contact with extra-terrestrial life, and he did grow up to become a famous astronomer who was well-versed in physics.

Despite being a staunch skeptic of astrology, Sagan would probably be pleased to know that the International Space Station, launched (born) November 20th, 1998 is a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon just like him. (Chart)

Like many of its Scorpio/Sagittarius astro-twins, the ISS is on a quest (Sagittarius) though an environment (outer space) so fraught with dangers that it is, in a manner of speaking, a valley of death (Scorpio).

Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon: “The Forerunner”

Pablo Picasso is also a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) His best known painting is Guernica, which he created in response to the valley of death that Guernica became when it was the target of a Nazi blitzkrieg campaign in April 1937. The painting become an international icon for the suffering that war inflicts on both physical and psychological landscapes:

Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Guernica as painted by Pablo Picasso

It’s hard not to notice that Picasso’s Guernica bears a number of thematic similarities to the future we’re given glimpse of in Terminator. Take a look at this video of Reese’s flashbacks or at this screenshot of them and compare it to Picasso’s image of Guernica:

Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius: the future as envisioned in Terminator
Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius: the future as envisioned in Terminator

While Terminator may not occupy quite the same revered level of art that Guernica does, there are clearly some pretty significant parallels between the two works. The silent horror invoked by Guernica was an all-too-accurate approximation of the highly-mechanized world war just over the horizon for much of Europe. Similarly, the high-tech warfare waged by heartless cyborgs in Terminator has turned out to be an all-too-accurate approximation of the high tech warfare waged for heartless corporations in the year 2012.

That Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon works such as Terminator and Enemy of the State and Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon individuals like Carl Sagan and Pablo Picasso were able to grasp certain truths years before others makes sense given the ecological niche of their Sun/Moon pairing. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson tells us that Scorpio/Sagittarius is the Sun/Moon pairing of “the Forerunner” who “can believe truths that others find hard to fathom, perhaps because it is so far ahead of everybody else.” (Source) This includes truths so unnerving that one must first crusade through a valley of death in order to grasp them.

About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

The premier issue of Hexagon, now shipping:

Matthew Savinar, Novalee Truesdell, and Carrie Davoli on the premier issue of Hexagon

Aries Sun, Gemini Moon: The Sky Diver and the High Flyer, the Loose Cannon and the Live Wire, The Outlaw Biker and the Race Car Driver ("Fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a wild ride")

Combine the natural courage of an Aries Sun with the instinctive dexterity of a Gemini Moon and the result is one of the most exciting, most exhilarating, and most totally unpredictable Sun/Moon pairings. Loaded with moxie, full of attitude, and exuding an aura charged with electricity, this combination typically talks, moves, and thinks like a human firecracker. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson calls this the Sun/Moon pairing of “The Speed Demon” while Suzi and Charles Harvey say one if its greatest strength is its ability to “reach for the stars.” (Source) Felix Baumgartner, the skydiver whose record-breaking leap from the edge of space set the internet ablaze in the fall of 2012, is an Aries Sun, Gemini Moon. (Chart) Baumgartner sure seems to be doing a good job of “reaching for the stars” while during his descent from the edge of space he became the first skydiver to break the sound barrier of 690 miles per hour. A “Speed Demon” indeed.

Baumgartner has a number of fast-moving, chutzpah-loaded astro-twins worth checking out, including former WWE superstar Amy Dumas aka “Lita”. (Chart). Like Baumgartner, Dumas is a sky-diver (of sorts) whose capacity for “lively” self-expression is a testament to this pairing’s risk-taking moxie and fire-cracker like temperament. Like Baumgartner, she too “reached for the stars”, although the stars she reached for were the ones located amid the wildly colorful constellations of the World Wrestling Federation instead of those at the edge of space.

Exciting acrobatics for sure but that voice over of an out-of-character Dumas berating the audience is pretty obnoxious don’t you think? Well it’s to be expected given her astrological pedigree. Jefferson Anderson writes of the Aries/Gemini’s flash-fire like temperament, “You are never one to sulk in a corner, unless your need to communicate is somehow thwarted by an unattentive (or unappreciative) audience. If so, you may be subject to a sudden but fleeting temper tantrum that people will long remember.” (Source)

The textbook Aries/Gemini is fiercely independent, quick to be bored, and an extreme seeker of novelty. They will not give a second thought to throwing convention, caution, and concerns about what others may think all to the wind when in pursuit of a new hobby, passion, or even career. Mrs. Dumas, for instance, moved to Mexico at age 19 to pursue wrestling on more or less a whim. She’ll probably be making similarly spur of the moment decisions well into her senior citizen years as Aries/Gemini is somewhat of a permanent teenager.

This pairing is one of the Sun/Moon pairings most likely to have pants-crappingly high car insurance premiums. Astrologer Bill Tierney writes, “Both signs know little about applying the brakes in life, and tend to go at whatever interests them at a rapid pace.” (Source) To illustrate: Martial artist Jackie Chan is an Aries Sun, Gemini Moon. (Chart) Known for both his fun loving demeanor and his fast moving fists, Chan has starred in three installments of the Rush Hour franchise, an appropriate titled vehicle for a Sun/Moon pairing as fast moving as Aries/Gemini:

Speaking of “rush hour”, Aries Sun, Gemini Moon individuals often live their lives according to the philosophy of “Who needs seat belts when you don’t have brakes?” This makes them the life of pretty much any party but also prone to accidents, particularly when they’re rushing head first into something new as they so often are. Dumas, for instance, once nearly decapitated herself when she overshot her target while performing a head first stunt known (appropriately) as a “suicide dive”:

In the lead up to Baumgartner’s record setting skydive a number technicians were concerned that his leap would end up as the world’s most well publicized “suicide dive”. Jackie Chan has also had a number of head on brushes with death or dismemberment as a result of “suicide dives”m including one incident where “his grip on a branch slipped and Jackie fell forty feet to the ground below. Chan landed hard on his head, hitting a rock and caused a partial skull fracture, resulting in bone entering his brain.” (Source) But a Sun/Moon pairing as perpetually effervescent as Aries/Gemini rarely gives too much thought to such possibilities so let’s just skip, bounce, and bubble along to something more exciting . . . like . . . hot guys on tricked out motorcycles!!! Outlaw motorcycle customizer Jesse James, best known as the CEO of the West Coast Choppers motorcycle shop and one time love interest of actress Sandra Bullock, is an Aries/Gemini. (Chart)

Aries Sun, Gemini Moon individuals typically have very fast moving trains of thought and little patience for slow moving, cautious types. Astrologer Linda Goodman points out in her book Love Signs that, “Since Aries bubbles with naive impetuosity, and Gemini is determined to attain complete independence by breaking every bond of the spirit, maturity of [thought is not emphasized] with this pairing”. (Source) Mr. James, for instance, is now nearly an icon for making decisions based on less than fully matured thinking patterns:

Aries Sun is considered the most brashly impetuousness of solar placements while Gemini Moon is nourished by social and communicative gymnastics. The combination gives Aries/Gemini individuals a vivacious, eternally youthful energy that electrifies those who come in contact with it. Anderson tell us that “despite lacking diplomatic skills this combination is usually quite popular”, as this video of Dumas signing autographs makes clear.

Aries Sun, Gemini Moon Astro-Twins: Bette Davis, the City of San Francisco

Dumas and Baumgartner have a few fellow Aries Sun, Gemini Moon astro-twins worth mentioning. The first is Hollywood Golden Era actress Bette Davis. (Chart) Similar to Mrs. Dumas, Davis was considered at her best when portraying characters with an aggressive edge who were willing to take things to extremes. It was Davis who coined the phrase, “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night” which was originally a line of hers in the film All About Eve.

Like many Aries Sun, Gemini Moon individuals, Davis was also an excellent trash-talker full of honest if totally untactful observations. Davis once observed of her longtime MGM rival Joan Crawford, “She’s slept with every male star at MGM except Lassie”.

The city of San Francisco, incorporated (born) on April 15th, 1850 is also an Aries Sun, Gemini Moon. (Chart) Not unlike its Aries Sun, Gemini Moon astro-twins Amy Dumas, Bette Davis, and Jesse James, the city is known for its high-flying night life and “live-wire” social orientation. It also has a flourishing “outlaw biker” scene, at least in a manner of speaking.

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