Category: by Matt Savinar

Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon: The Closer and the Commando, the Stopper and the Indomitable Spirit, the Samurai of Fortune and the Special Forces of Contract Negotiation (“I wasn’t trying to intimidate anybody. I was just trying to survive.”)

Combine a Scorpio Sun’s orientation to psychological resources with a Taurus Moon’s instincts for material resources and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that’s unswerving and unwavering, indefatigable and intimidating, impassioned and intense. Astrologer Sue Tompkins tells us that when Scorpio/Taurus axis is emphasized in a person’s chart, “confrontations are to be expected”. (Source) Astrologer Bill Tierney makes a similar observation in his book, “People with this combo emphasized are powerhouses who can control their emotions even in grueling situations in which others would crack up . . . these signs have a tremendous sense of resourcefulness and indomitable will that can help them overcome just about anything”. (Source) To illustrate: Hall-of-Fame baseball pitcher Bob Gibson is a Scorpio with his Moon in Taurus. During his career he was known for his powerhouse array of pitchers, confrontational attitude, and indomitable levels of endurance. According to sportswriter Joe Posnanski, “Gibson threw his 95-mph fastball and savage slider by unfolding into a windup that screamed ancient violence . . . This was the windup David used when smiting Goliath.” (Source)

Stella Hyde tells us that Scorpio is the Samurai and the Vampire Slayer of the zodiac while Taurus Moons do well in professions that focus on territorial matters such as bounty hunting. (Source) Gibson, of course, wasn’t a literal Vampire Slayer turned Bounty Hunter. However, he did spend 20 years wielding his savage fastball/slider combination to mow down hitters as feared as Reggie Jackson, Dusty Baker and anybody else who dared crowd the inside of home plate, a piece of territory that he very much considered his own.

In astro-mythology, the Scorpio/Taurus axis is associated with Persephone’s trip to hell and back. (Source) These days professional athletes are widely considered to be overpaid, over-coddled egomaniacs. It’s thus difficult to think of a career in professional sports as being akin to a trip through hell and back. However, in Gibson’s time things were a good deal different. The salaries at that time placed most players closer to the middle class than to millionaire status while conditions were more “survival of the fittest” than sky-box swank. Furthermore, Gibson broke into professional baseball in the 1950s, a time when there was an extremely intense taboo against black pitchers. Gibson explains in his 1994 autobiography, “Because pitcher is the most commanding and cerebral position on the field, it is the one – like quarterback in football – that the sport and society is least willing to hand over to a black man.” (Source) Recounting his time playing in the South in the 1950s, Gibson writes:

I was intrigued by the one of the many nicknames the people at the Columbus ballpark used in connection with me: Gator Bait. I happened to ask a doctor friend if he knew what the term meant and he explained that one of the redneck traditions down in the lowlands was to tie a black kid to the end of a rope and drag him through the swamp in order to lure the alligators. (Source)

Other experiences of Gibson’s in the 1950s were “too personal and pungent to even talk about.” (Source) He later recounted similar experiences even once in the major leagues. Gibson was a power pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, not a mythological goddess on a trip through a Pluto ruled underworld. However, given the circumstances surrounding his path to and through the big leagues, the arc of his Hall-of-Fame career has more in common with Persephone and her trip through Hades than might be initially recognized. When asked about his reputation for being intimidating, Gibson responded “I wasn’t trying to intimidate anybody. I was just trying to survive.” That could well be a motto for the Scorpio/Taurus pairing.

As both Scorpio and Taurus are survival/resource signs, this pairing is often involved in issues of food and sustenance. Scorpio typically opts for intensely flavorful food while Taurus Moons are nourished by “traditional comfort foods like potatoes and hearty stews, as well as sensual foods like mangos and chocolate. This will soothe their need for security and sensual satiation” according to astrologer Fern Feto Spring. (Source) Raven Kaldera calls the Scorpio/Taurus pairing the “Earth Mother”, an imminently practical figure who “feeds and clothes all who come to her and makes sure that their bodies are taken care of in as much comfort as can be mustered”. (Source) Gibson may not be an “Earth Mother” per-se but one post-baseball business enterprises was Gibson’s Spirits and Sustenance, a restaurant in his home town of Omaha. Gibson describes the restaurant’s food and the facets of its operation in steady, satisfying, down-to-earth manner associated with this pairing:

I’ve always been proud of my chili and offered it at the restaurant much too cheaply, the purpose being not to make money on it but to have it recognized as the best chili in town. I had the same ambition for our hamburgers, which were handmade.

I was intent upon carving out a reputation citywide. For that reason, I had my hands in every facet of the operation, starting with the design and construction of the building. I’d originally hired an architect but when I was dissatisfied with his plans I tossed them out and created my own. When those were approved, I spent a few more months driving in nails.

Scorpio/Taurus often do well in professions that involve masterminding or insuring (Scorpio) the procurement of treasure or territory (Taurus Moon). According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey, the Scorpio/Taurus people typically have a natural understanding of man’s most primal drives:

You have a real sense of the basic impulses that motivate people – love, devotion, hate, fear, and greed. You have a good sense of value and are likely to have a shrewd business acumen, with a gift for handling money . . .” (Source)

To illustrate: attorney turned baseball super-agent Scott Boras of the Boras Corporation is a Scorpio with his Moon in Taurus. (Chart) Boras is considered one of the most powerful forces (Scorpio) in the business of baseball (Taurus Moon). He may be the individual most directly responsible for the average major league player salary going from $200,000 in 1981 to $4,200,000 in 2016. A 2007 profile in the New Yorker quoted a fellow sports agent as calling Boras, “the absolute special forces guy of contract negotiation”. (Source) A 2016 ESPN article observed similarly, “When there’s no obvious source of power in a negotiation, he finds it, finagles it, finesses it, flies it over the stadium.” (Source)

As you might imagine, the players love him as his shrewd business acumen and gifts for handling money have helped them procure excellent financial returns on their own resources — their bodies and physical skill-sets. Among team owners he is hated and feared. They see him as nothing less than a super-villain (Scorpio) running an extortion racket (Taurus Moon) and have deployed their surrogates in the media to make sure he is depicted as an icon of greed to the fans. The less visible (Scorpio) reality on the ground (Taurus) is that he represents millionaires (the players) in their battles against billionaires (the team owners). Legal precedents set in favor of millionaires battling against billionaires are actually highly relevant to middle class workers who must negotiate with multi-national corporations. A former professional player himself Boras’ breakthrough came in 1981 just as was in the peak of his first Saturn Return – an astrological rite of passage that signals the onset of true adulthood. From the 2007 New Yorker profile of Boras:

That summer, he approached a tall pitcher named Tim Belcher, who had just finished his junior year at Mount Vernon Nazarene College, in Ohio, and had been selected No. 1 over all in the amateur draft by the Minnesota Twins. College juniors were seen as highly exploitable, because of the quirks of N.C.A.A. eligibility rules. They had no bargaining leverage. The Twins initially offered Belcher eighty thousand dollars to sign, which was twenty thousand dollars less than Rick Monday had received in 1965, as the first pick in the first draft. (Source)

As Boras correctly pointed out at the time, Belcher was a 21 year old college kid who hadn’t even finished his undergraduate degree while the Twins were a major league sports franchise with a team of highly-trained attorneys. It was thus ludicrous to expect negotiations between the two to be anything approaching fair if Belcher went into the process by himself. Based on Boras’ advice, Belcher did not to sign with the Twins, a decision that sent shock waves through the baseball world. Belcher re-entered the draft the next year and ended up signing with the New York Yankees for $120,000. Draft bonuses steadily over the next thirty years in large part due to Boras’ efforts at representation. These days a player drafted where Belcher was drafted in 1981 will sign for millions — which only seems outlandish until your remember that the people signing the checks are representing multi-national corporations worth billions.

Astrologer Jefferson Anderson calls Scorpio/Taurus “The Leader” who in addition to being excellent at resource management also “feels an urge to help those less advantaged”. (Source) What Boras was doing with Belcher, and scores of young players since, isn’t just contract negotiation; it’s actually resource management on behalf of individuals who would otherwise be at an enormous disadvantage in their dealings with huge sports conglomerates. This makes him, in effect, akin to a modern day Vampire Hunter (Scorpio) on a hunt for bounty (Taurus Moon), a Saumrai (Scorpio) of fortune (Taurus Moon), one who wields contract law and legal precedent as effectively as samurais of old wielded katanas and wakizashis.

Both Scorpio and Taurus are what’s known as “fixed” signs

The world of high stakes professional sports contracts may not be a literal hell like Persephone’s trip through the underworld or Bob Gibson’s trip through the Deep South but it is a notoriously dog-eat-dog world where ruthlessness, lawlessness, and bloodthirsty backstabbing are what’s known as “the nice parts of the industry.” As a former associate of Boras has observed, “In this business, if you’re not paranoid, you’re not doing your job.” (Source)

The baseball world is particularly cold and ruthless when it comes to the treatment of pitchers as they are the players most likely to see their careers shortened due to the repetitive strain of overhand throwing. According to a member of a team’s medical staff quoted in the ESPN article on Boras,”There is one group of people out there that feels that pitchers are a commodity, and you use them until they’re used up, then you bring the next person in”. Boras isn’t an Earth Mother as per Kaldera’s description of the Scorpio/Taurus pairing. However, in a sport that routinely grinds pitches up and throws them out like yesterday’s garbage, Boras has made his mark making sure the pitchers he represents have everything they need to succeed, from top flight legal counsel to sports psychologists and orthopedic surgeons to stacks and stacks of research studies.

According to the Harveys, two metaphoric images for the Scorpio/Taurus pairing are, “A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune” and ” A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life”. (Source) Both images are actually excellent approximations of Boras. He’s not technically a surgeon but he does have a degree in industrial pharmacology and his firm has conducted pioneering research into keeping players healthy, both physically and psychologically. His firm has thus accumulated enormous amounts of knowledge about the mysteries surrounding performance, injuries, and risk; all seen and unseen factors that enable one player to maximize the long term ROI on his skills as compared to another. For this he’s become a sports celebrity and amassed multiple fortunes; not only for himself and his clients but also for players throughout baseball as aggressive representation of his clients has created a rising tide of salaries for the entire ecosystem of professional baseball.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra: The Ghetto Fighters

Aries and Libra are opposite signs but opposites always have a lot in common. In the case of Aries and Libra, what they have in common is the capacity to fight. Aries fights using force, Libra fights using finesse. Aries is motivated by self-preservation, Libra by the desire for justice. Aries is oriented to the application of power, Libra is oriented to the balance of power. Aries is the Warrior who charges dead ahead at the enemy, Libra is the General who anticipates their next move. Together these two signs form the “confrontation axis” of the Zodiac. Using its operational start date as its date of birth, the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto was an Aries Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) It’s arguably one of the best examples of righteous confrontation and organized resistance of the last 100 years:

Jefferson Anderson refers to Aries Sun, Libra Moon is the Sun/Moon pairing of “The Rebel” who is darn near unmatchable when it comes to “sheer determination, boldness, and aggression.” (Source) Amy Goodman is an Aries Sun, Libra Moon best known as the hard-charging, trouble-making, rabble-rousing host of Democracy Now. (Chart) As you might expect from somebody with an astrological pedigree so oriented towards confrontation, Goodman has made a career of doing battle with society’s most entrenched power structures. During one particularly notable battle at the 2008 Republican National Convention she was arrested by police officers in full SWAT gear:

Getting arrested at the RNC was a walk in the park compared to some of Goodman’s previous confrontations. According to Wikipedia, “In 1991, Goodman was beaten by Indonesian soldiers after witnessing a mass killing of Timorese demonstrators. In 1998, she documented Chevron Corporation’s role in a confrontation between the Nigerian Army and villagers who had seized oil rigs.” As Jefferson Anderson writes of Aries Sun, Libra Moon individual, “Your kind of determination is likely to get you into trouble . . .” (Source)

Actor and martial arts expert Steven Seagal is also an Aries Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) Best known for playing cops, soldiers, and other bad-asses, Seagal’s also been involved in a number of environmentally conscious films that would make his soul-sister Amy Goodman quite proud. In 1994 he directed and starred in On Deadly Ground, the plot of which bears an eerie resemblance to the BP oil spill of 2010:

In 1997 Seagal made another environmentally themed film, Fire Down Below, in which he plays an EPA agent fighting industrialists dumping toxic waste in the Kentucky hills. Actors do their best work in roles that line up with their charts. It’s thus no surprise that Aries Sun, Libra Moon native Steven Seagal excels at projecting into the imaginal world of film the same capacity for confrontation that Aries Sun, Libra Moon native Amy Goodman projects across the radio airwaves.

Rowdy Rowdy Piper, best known as a professional wrestler, is also an Aries Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) His fight scene with actor Keith David in the 1988 film They Live is considered one of the all time best, possibly the best, fight scene in the history of film. (Source)

Speaking of Aries Sun, Libra Moon individuals and epic fights: Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law Student whose Congressional testimony set off a firestorm regarding women’s reproductive rights, is an Aries Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) Fluke’s entire chart, in fact, is loaded with Aries/Libra oppositions which means she is hard-wired to confront injustice:

Fluke testified before Congress just as transiting Saturn (maturity) was conjuncting her natal Pluto (extremes), a transit associated with “hard won excellence” similar to the process a piece of coal undergoes when it is turning into a diamond. In the case of Fluke, the “hard won excellence” she’s earned is in maters of confrontation (Aries) regarding issues of balance of power (Libra). While not intending it at the time of her testimony, she’s probably done more to stop fascist gasbag Rush Limbaugh in his tracks than a roundhouse kick from Steven Seagal or a clothesline from Rowdy Rowdy Piper, two of Fluke’s Aries Sun, Libra Moon soul-brothers.

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar 2012

South Node in Libra, North Node in Aries: From Smooth as Silk to Bad to the Bone, From If Looks Could Kill to There Will be Fisticuffs

South Node in Libra: Symbol of Past Lives in the Sign of Good Looks, Treachery Disguised as Diplomacy

Libra is the Lover, Artist, Peacemaker, Diplomat, Statesmen, and Counselor of the zodiac. Libra is the sign most directly associated with elegance, social harmony, an innate awareness of the other, and a superb sense of aesthetics. People with their South Node (past lives) in this super-suave sign thus come into this life with these skills already very well-developed. They may also have fallen into the dark side of this sign: co-dependency, subtle treachery disguised as diplomacy, and relying on their looks, charm, and/or ability to manipulate others to get what they want.

North Node in Aries: Point of Destiny in Sign of the Trailblazer, the Ass-Kicker, and Amazon Warrior

The North Node is the solution to any problems, pitfalls, excesses or traumas of the South Node. You can think of the North Node as a person’s destiny, should they choose to accept it. If you don’t believe in “destiny”, you can think of the North Node as being akin to an astrological vitamin cocktail that will remedy what ails you even if it tastes unfamiliar at first.

When the South Node is in Libra, the North Node is in Aries, the sign of the Trailblazer, the Daredevil, the Warrior, the Survivor, the Competitor, the “Ass-Kicker” of the Zodiac. Aries’s role is to clear pathways, dive into the unknown, and fearlessly face dangers that would send other signs trembling and turning tail. Ecologically, Aries is associated with the spring equinox when plants are courageously bursting through the soil and animals are emerging from hibernation to battle for both territory and mating opportunities. It is symbolized by the Ram who will, quite literally, go head to head against adversaries.

Aries is symbolized by the Ram who goes head-to-head.

People with their South Node in Libra are often fixated on relationships but, ironically, the only way they will ever satisfy their relational fixation is by stepping into their ass-kicking North Node.

Mixed Martial Arts superstars Miesha Tate and Ronda “Rowdy” Rousey both have their South Nodes in Libra and their North Nodes in Aries. (Tate’s Chart) (Rousey’s Chart) Take a look at the press conference held during the lead up to their title match on March 3rd, 2012 for a good example of this nodal axis at work. In terms of hair, clothes, and aesthetics, both women obviously have their Libra “Finesse Pimp” skills down pat. They also have both clearly stepped into their Aries “Ass-Kicker” North Nodes:

Libra socializes its way into a room, Aries busts through the door boots kickin’ and fists flyin’. Libra is a natural at the negotiating table, Aries prefers to flip tables, as the above video makes clear.

Actress Lucy Lawless, best known for portraying “Xena Warrior Princess”, has her South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries just like Miesha Tate and Ronda Rousey. (Chart) Lawless has never fought competitively like Tate or Rousey but she has done an excellent job of projecting the warrior spirit of her Aries North Node into the imaginal world of stage and screen:

Lawless – whose last name practically screams “I’m Aries, bitch!” – has benefited from having a Sun/Moon conjunction in Aries as well as having Saturn (wisdom, maturity) conjunct her North Node. According to Celeste Teal, Saturn conjunct the North Node is associated with taking a very practical, patient, and self-disciplined approach to the work represented by the North Node. (Source)

Rapper LL Cool J, short for “Ladies Love Cool James”, has his South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries. (Chart) He chose his oh-so Libra stage name at age 16, a time when most people have yet to begin fully accessing their North Node. Here is a video of his very Libresque song “I Need Love” from early on in his career:

A few years later he made the video “I’m Bad” in which he must rescue his girlfriend from underworld types while dressed in an all red track suit, wearing converse sneakers, and displaying a series of over-sized gold chains. It doesn’t get any more Aries than this:

LL’s later videos such as “Mama Said Knock You Out” (filmed in a boxing ring) and “Tina’s Got a Big Ole Butt” (about a young lady with a big ole butt) also accessed the straight shooting bravado and libidinous energies of his Aries North Node.

The all-time flag bearer for a person who has managed to incorporate the super suave “game” of a Libra South Node with the adrenalin laced physicality of an Aries North Node could be actor Sean Connery, whose name is still synonymous with the iconic British spy he portrayed during the 1960s. (Connery’s Chart)

Out of curiosity I ran the chart for the James Bond character using the publication date of Ian Fleming’s first James Bond novel Casino Royale as Bond’s date of birth. (Chart) The book – and thus its main character Mr. Bond – has its Sun at 23 degrees Aries and Moon at approximately 18 degrees Aries. Connery’s North Node is at 24 degrees Aries. In other words, the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) of the James Bond character light up Connery’s North Node (destiny) like a pair of flood lights. Portraying that character truly was his destiny.

Contact Matt Savinar for a consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar, 2011

I recommend the following books:

Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon: The Professor of the Fantastic and the Phantasmal

Combine a highly communicative, cross-pollinating Gemini Sun with a trans-dimensional Pisces Moon and the result is one of the most magical, mystical, and enchantingly original of the 144 Sun/Moon parings. Gemini/Pisces natives are at their best when working with the imaginative and the invisible, the mysterious and the opaque, the fantastic and the phantasmal. They make for great musicians, artists, poets, dancers, and dream interpreters. Recently deceased musician Prince is a Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon whose artistic expressions have been so inspired that one can’t help but wonder if he channeled them from the dream world. His ability to cross-pollinate (Gemini) between rock, funk, jazz, and soul enabled him to produce music so enchanting (Pisces) that many feel he is the Mozart of our time.

According to Suzie and Charles Harvey’s book Sun Sign Moon Sign, the Gemini/Pisces pairing has “an ability to work with symbols and images . . . your desire to express the inexpressible requires an art form, not a chat.” Prince, in addition to being one of the world’s most popular musicians, is famous for having changed his name to an unpronounceable, inexpressible symbol that had to be rendered in artistic form in order to be explained.

The textbook Gemini/Pisces individual has the potential to earn money through creative pursuits but they’re usually not the best at money management. For instance, imagine a scenario where Prince got a hold of your checkbook. You’d no doubt get it back at some point but the checks contained therein would likely have some incredibly creative calligraphy or art work on them, rendering them exquisitely beautiful if utterly mystifying to the folks at your local bank branch.

Prince was born on a fourth quarter Moon in Pisces, a Moon phase that Raven Kaldera calls “the Moon of Lost Souls”. People born under this Moon are endowed with “such a strong sense of empathy that they are constantly bombarded by suffering” Kaldera writes in Moon Phase Astrology. Prince’s passing came amidst a longstanding addiction to and/or overdose of Percocet–an opiate based, corporate pharmaceutical that a doctor had originally prescribed to him in 2009 for severe hip pain. In the weeks since his passing, Prince has become something of a symbol for the suffering of legions of souls who’ve also lost their lives to opioids in recent years. According to a PBS Frontline article by Dan Nolan and Chris Amico, “The opioid epidemic has been called the worst drug crisis in American history. Death rates now rival those of AIDS during the 1990s . . .” A May 2016 investigation by the Los Angeles Times informs us that America’s prescription opioid crisis “has claimed over 190,000 lives from overdoses since 1999.” Most of these opioids are developed, promoted, manufactured, and distributed by corporations worth billions of dollars. Endo Pharmaceuticals, makers of Percocet, has a market cap of $16 billion as of May 2015 according to Forbes. Purdue Pharma, makers of Oxycontin, is owned by the Sackler family aka “the OxyContin Clan” according to a recent Forbes article that estimated their worth at over $14 billion.

North Node in Scorpio: Point of Destiny in the Sign of Intrigue

Prince passed as a full moon eclipse at two degrees Scorpio was lighting up his North Node (destiny) at two degrees Scorpio, sign of both psychological depth and underworld intrigue, in the 12th House of hidden matters. Prince’s passing was unexpected, tragic, and, unfortunately, has been shrouded with a great deal of hidden, underworld style intrigue. As this magazine goes to print, Radar Online is reporting that the DEA is investigating his death while the National Enquirer is reporting that he had been diagnosed with AIDS. There are even rumors are circulating that he may have been murdered. As Prince died without a will, there are also more than a few unanswered questions about who or what will get the rights to a massive repository of unreleased music locked in a vault underneath his Paisley Park mansion. According to an account published by the NY Daily News, Prince left enough music in his vault to release a new album every year for the next century–an enormous source of potential revenue for whoever gets the publishing rights and/or distribution contracts.

However the intrigue surrounding Prince’s passing shakes out, there is no doubt the man left a legacy that is both highly original (Gemini/Pisces) and deeply soulful (Scorpio North Node in the 12th). With the transiting North Node (destiny) and Jupiter (expansion) both in Virgo (herbal medicine, health consciousness) at the time of his death, hopefully Prince’s passing will spur a more holistic, empathic approach to how our culture treats chronic pain.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached via his contact page.

The premier issue of Hexagon, now shipping:

Matthew Savinar, Novalee Truesdell, and Carrie Davoli on the premier issue of Hexagon

Gemini Sun, Aries Moon: Two of America’s Most Wanted

Combine the intellectual dexterity of a Gemini Sun with the confrontational instincts of an Aries Moon and you get a person who can wield words as effectively as an Old West gun fighter could wield a six-shooter. Light on its feet and quick on the draw, this pairing is ideal for a war-reporter on the front-lines of a fast moving conflict. Gemini Suns identify with their communicative abilities while Aries Moons emotionally “click on” when going head to head against adversaries much larger and more powerful than themselves. The combination is thus an excellent one for anybody who must speak truth to power. Journalist Bill Moyers, for instance, is a Gemini Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) His 1987 documentary The Secret Government documented the U.S. government’s long history of extra judicial enterprises and is widely considered his most compelling work to date:

In their 1994 book Sun Sign Moon Sign, astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey describe the Gemini Sun, Aries Moon individual’s attraction to current events and rapid fire news cycles:

Twenty four hour rolling news and current affairs programmes were dreamed up for the likes of you. With your quick intelligence and enthusiasm you make a vivid speaker and inspiring teacher . . . You have the gifts of a formidable writer, broadcaster, or debater. (Source)

That’s an excellent approximation of Moyers as he is a highly decorated writer, broadcaster, and debater whose made his mark by producing news and current affairs programs such as Bill Moyers Journal.

Gemini is symbolized by two twins talking to each other while the Aries penchant for blazing its own trails makes it the sign most likely to get arrested. People with the combination emphasized in their chart often manage to get in plenty of hot water with the authorities for their spoken or written forms of expression. Iconic rapper Tupac Shakur is also a Gemini Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) Gemini is the Messenger and Aries is the Warrior so it makes sense that the world’s number one Gangster (Warrior) Rapper (Messenger) is a Gemini Sun, Aries Moon. Shakur also carved out a budding film career playing edgy roles ranging from a heroin addict in Gridlocked to a corrupt police officer alongside Jim Belushi in Gang Related:

Shakur took some heat for portraying a cop in Gang Related but, as he explains in the above interview, he was probably the ideal person for the role as he’s seen law enforcement at their best and their worst. Gemini, being symbolized by the twins, excels at seeing both sides of any social equation. Aries, meanwhile, is associated with courage and thus has no problem taking heat from critics.

Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey tell us that Gemini/Aries individuals make for potent, inspirational leaders whose “power assisted words can hit the world like sustained gunfire . . .” (Source). Shakur shot to fame on the strength of power assisted lyrics that he delivered in a rapid-fire, rat-a-tat-tat style that was the sonic equivalent of sustained gun fire from a 1920s Tommy Gun. The combination of verbal dexterity (Gemini Sun) and emotional bravado (Aries Moon) was particularly powerful when paired with the smooth, dove like lyricism of rapper Snoop Dog, who appeared alongside Shakur in the hit 1995 song “Two of Amerikaz Most Wanted”. “They wonder how I live with five shots, brothers is hard to kill on my block” Shakur famously raps in “Most Wanted”:

Unfortunately it wasn’t only his words that “hit like sustained gunfire”.

Each of the 144 Sun/Moon combinations has its own set of liabilities and Gemini Sun, Aries Moon combination is no exception. Aries is courageous and Gemini is perceptive but neither sign is known for its patience. The downside to these gifts are a tendency towards angry words and, more importantly, impulsive decisions. In his 1978 book Sun Signs Moon Signs, astrologer Jefferson Anderson issues the following warning to Gemini Sun, Aries Moon individuals:

. . . you get yourself into situations that would fry the nerves of even the most self-controlled.

Unfortunately, your on the spot decisions often turn out to be disastrous. Try to force yourself to stop and take a little more time. Examine your actions and options thoroughly before making a choice or embarking on an ill-fated enterprise. (Source)

Here’s the infamous photograph of Shakur taken September 7thm 1996 as he embarked on a tragically “ill-fated enterprise” after making a “on-the-spot decision” to leave the scene of a brawl at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Twenty minutes after the photo was taken he was murdered (assassinated?) while the vehicle he was in paused at a red light.

People with the same Sun/Moon pairing (“Astro-twins”) often bear a impossible to dismiss resemblance to each other even if they’re obviously not related by blood. Gemini Sun, Aries Moon natives will often display an undeniable quality of agile enthusiasm and quick-witted exuberance. Take a look at these photos of Tupac Shakur and Bill Moyers each taken when they were in their early twenties to see how these qualities come through when captured on camera:


In light of their respective abilities to speak truth to power, Shakur and Moyers share an astro-twin that must be mentioned. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, is a Gemini/Aries. (Chart) That her work helped bring about the end of slavery is no surprise given she’s a Gemini Sun, Aries Moon. At its highest expression this pairing will pair the communicative abilities of a Gemini Sun with the courageous instincts of Aries Moon to produce a whole lot of intellectual firepower.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Star Trek's Mr. Spock: The Ultimate Aquarius?

Aquarius is the sign of Genius, the Mad Scientist, the Truth Speaker, the Rebel, the Revolutionary, the Exile, the Eccentric. Astrologer Judy Hall writes, “Many Aquarians feel alien on earth, as though home is a long way away, or in a future where humankind is in a better place.” (Source) Actor Leonard Nimoy, best known for playing Mr. Spock on Star Trek, has Venus (style, self-worth, love) in Aquarius on his Midheaven (career). This means his public reputation (the Midheaven) was destined to be characterized by Aquarian themes no matter what specific career path he embarked upon. (Chart)

Like a textbook Aquarius, Nimoy’s space alien alter ego Mr. Spock favored logic and rational detachment to excessively messy emotional entanglements. Spock was also an outsider, an exile among both Vulcans and Humans, but his instinctive understanding of technology and capacity to pull information out of thin air were tremendous assets to the crew.

This scene from the film Star Trek: The Voyage Home captures nicely the modus operandi of an Aquarius Moon: involvement in humanitarian endeavors, engaging in behavior that shocks, taking an opinionated approach to political matters, and even being a bit socially awkward:

Anybody whose raised an Aquarian child can probably relate to Captain Kirk’s reaction of stunned shock upon realizing that Spock had jumped into the whale exhibit at the museum.

Aquarians find it darn near impossible not to speak their truth. Spock, not coincidentally, was unable to tell a lie.

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar 2011

Moon in Aquarius: A Need for the Unusual and the Unpredictable, the Eclectic and the Eccentric

Aquarius is the sign of Genius, the Mad Scientist, the Truth Speaker, the Rebel, the Revolutionary, the Exile, the Eccentric. When a person’s Moon (emotional needs) is in Aquarius, they’re nourished by the bizarre, the unpredictable, the unconventional, and the shocking. Symbolized as two lightning bolts, Aquarius can take the “30,000 foot view” of events so it has a tendency to view things before others can. Perceiving the Earth’s inhabitants from a vantage point analogous to outer space is why Aquarius Moons often resonate emotionally with the fringes of society.

Actor David Duchovny, best known for playing FBI agent Fox Mulder on The X-Files, is an Aquarius Moon. (Chart) With his Moon (emotions, instincts) in uber-eccentric Aquarius it was easy for him to slide into the emotional body of an uber-eccentric character like Fox Mulder:

Like Fox Mulder, most Aquarius Moons have a near total immunity to the weird. They also tend to attract a bizarrely eclectic mix of friends and can have trouble picking up on subtly romantic overtures from potential partners, again, just like the Fox Mulder character.

At its highest expression, Aquarius is the sign of tolerance for others, independent thinking, and radical innovation. To illustrate: Director George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is an Aquarius Moon. Star Wars did to the status quo in Hollywood circa 1966 what an actual UFO landing on the White House lawn would do to the status quo in Washington D.C. circa 2012. Had Lucas told people in the mid 1970s about his plans for Star Wars they likely would have thought “That sounds totally crazy.” That’s because given the primitive special effects standards of that era, his plans for the film were totally crazy. But doing the “totally crazy” is what an Aquarius Moon needs to do in order to feel normal.

Sometimes, as with Lucas’s Aquarian brainchild Star Wars, what was originally thought of as totally revolutionary later becomes the established standard by which all others are evaluated. This is why Aquarius has two planetary rulers: Uranus and Saturn. Uranus rules radical shocks while Saturn rules established structures. The young radical who later becomes an established politician is very much an Aquarian archetype.

Aquarius Moons can often be found working in large groups where they can feel a sense of esprit de corps. “All for one and one for all”, “Liberty and justice for all, malice towards none”, and “We all hang together or we all hang separately” are sayings probably thought of by people with Aquarius emphasized in their charts. The chart of the United States includes, not coincidentally, the presence of an Aquarius Moon. (Chart)

The Moon of the United States is in Aquarius, the sign of the revolutionary who later becomes a dictator

If you can imagine the feelings the founding fathers likely had for each other that is a good approximation of the ideal emotional state of an Aquarius Moon. They came from different colonies which in those days may as well have been different nations or even different worlds. They likely had plenty of beef with one another but they knew that the good of each of them was riding on the good of all of them. Most importantly what they were doing was incredibly innovative, absolutely shocking to the rest of the world, and involved pursuing the ultimate emotional need for an Aquarius Moon: independence.

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar 2011

Mars at Zero Degrees Libra: "Revenge, my dear captain, is a dish best served cold. It is very cold in space . . ."

The four Zero Points: 0 degrees Aries, 0 degrees Cancer, 0 degrees Libra, and 0 degrees Capricorn are considered the four most potent, powerful, and explosive degrees of the 360 degrees that comprise the zodiac. (Source)

To illustrate how planets express themselves through the four Zero Points, consider the film Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Born (released) May 4th, 1982 the film has Mars at zero degrees Libra. (Natal Chart) Its trailer will give you an idea of the colossal amounts of energy this placement is associated with:

Libra is usually associated with peace and diplomacy but that’s not necessarily the case when it’s Mars in Libra. When Mars is in Libra what you’re looking at is a confrontation (Mars) between equally matched opposites (Libra). When you think Mars in Libra think of “a duel”, be it a duel under the blazing sun of the Western frontier or a duel in the icy coldness of outer space. The duel between Kirk and Khan portrayed in Star Trek is thus a great metaphor for how Mars at 0 degrees Libra will often express itself: an absolutely explosive (Zero Point) confrontation (Mars) between equally matched opposites (Libra).

The Sabian Symbol for 0 Degrees Libra is “A man with a pistol in each hand walks in a barren land, unaware that he is followed by a man holding a sword.” (Source) That’s a pretty good metaphor for the way Mr. Khan stalks Kirk through the barren vastness that is deep space.

Truly great films always have endings that correspond to their North Node, the astrological symbol of a person’s destiny should they choose to accept it. The Wrath of Khan’s North Node is in Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother. At the film’s conclusion the Genesis Device, the ultra powerful terra-forming device Mr. Khan had attempted to weaponize, is used to birth a new planet.

See also: Zero Degrees Aries: The Zodiac’s “Yippee Ki Ya Motherfucker!” Point

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar, 2011

I recommend the following books:

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo: The Charade Stops Here

Don’t try to pull the wool over the eyes of a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon person. Scorpio is the Covert Operative of the Zodiac while Virgo is the Forensic Researcher. This is an ideal combination for anybody who needs to get to the bottom of a complex criminal enterprise as it combines the shamanistic abilities of Scorpio with the analytical prowess of Virgo.

Take a look, for instance, at this clip from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Future Imperfect”. The episode was originally broadcast November 12th, 1990 making it a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon. (Chart) Commander Riker has awakened sixteen years in the future, but soon his Scorpio/Virgo spidey sense is telling him things are not as they seem:

Scorpio is the Olympic champion when it comes to spotting deceptions while Virgo darn near gets turned on by focusing on details. Did you notice how Riker catches Commander Data in a deception (Scorpio) by spotting the tiniest of incongruities (Virgo) in his speech patterns?

Riker’s spidey sense is dead on accurate: he’s not 16 years in the future but trapped in a hidden cave prison. The images supposedly from 16 years in the future are actually hallucinations generated by an alien who is reading his memory.

In addition to making a fantastic detective, the Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon native has an affinity for the downtrodden, the ill, the less fortunate. Scorpio understands the depths of depression while Virgo has an inborn desire to serve. It turns out the alien who has trapped Commander Riker in the cave is not a Romulan but actually a child who has been masquerading as Riker’s future son. He’s been hiding in the cave for eons, by himself, after his own parents were killed by an invading force. He trapped Commander Riker not out of ill intent but simply out of desperation for companionship. Commander Riker, demonstrating the Scorpio/Virgo sense of devotion and duty, forgives the alien and offers him refuge on board the Enterprise.

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar, 2011

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