Category: by Matt Savinar

Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon: The Mathematician, The Mind Bender, and the Genetically Modified Super Freak

Gemini is the fast moving, highly flexible, fiber optic wired communicator of the zodiac. Capricorn is the hard-assed, hard-working, hoof-busting strategist of the zodiac. Pair the mental agility of a Gemini Sun with the strategic instincts of a Capricorn Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is methodical, calculating, determined, and freakishly intelligent. Other Geminis play checkers, this one plays chess. If you can imagine a butterfly (Gemini) genetically engineered to have both the backbone and the ruthlessness of a Mountain Goat (Capricorn) you’ll have a sense for this pairing’s basic modus operandi. To illustrate: using the date of its first flight as its date of birth, the F-117 Nighthawk is a Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) The F-117 is the highly agile, freakishly advanced stealth fighter that Americans first became familiar with via CNN’s coverage of Operation Desert Storm.. During its heyday the plane was considered the Air Force’s premier fly-by-wire (Gemini) workhorse (Capricorn), a flying question mark (Gemini) that always got the job done (Capricorn Moon).

You’ll find a disproportionate number of Gemini/Capricorns working in experimental physics, mathematics, engineering, or other technologically advanced fields which require equal parts mental dexterity (Gemini) and back breaking hours of hard work (Capricorn). Astrologer Linda Goodman says that when Gemini and Capricorn meet up it’s usually for “. . . a reason relating to mystery, death, hypnosis, psychiatry or some bending of the mind.” (Source) The F-117 doesn’t bend minds, hypnotize people, or mysteriously alter the laws of physics but its stealth technology does bend radar signatures thereby (metaphorically) hypnotizing its opponents’ computer tracking systems. It performs these feats using methods so mysteriously advanced they would seem like magic to previous generations.

Gemini and Capricorn form what’s known as a “quincunx”, an inherently discordant aspect that results in extreme ingenuity, extreme instability, or a combination of both. The textbook Gemini/Capricorn will thus have to make constant adjustments between the radically different nature of their luminaries in order to maintain an even keel in life. In the case of the F-117, its extreme design necessitates an advanced on-board computer system make constant adjustments to correct for its inherent instability. (Source) Prior to being given an official name it was referred to as the “Wobblin’ Gobblin” by people inside Lockheed due to its unstable avionics and bizarre looking airframe. (Source)

Using its release date as its date of birth the 1987 film Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger is also Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) In the film a special forces unit led by the future governator is oblivious to the fact they’re being tracked by a technologically advanced extraterrestrial who can follow them while remaining invisible. In other words, the creature uses highly sophisticated stealth technology to stalk and kill its prey just like the F-117. By today’s standards, the film’s special effects are fairly pedestrian. Back in 1987, however, its mind-bending audio-visuals seemed like magic:

Computer scientist Tim Berners Lee is a Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) He is the man most directly responsible for developing the world wide web, the highly advanced communications (Gemini) structure (Capricorn) whose collective power now rivals technologies previously seen only in science fiction films like Predator.

Using date of its initial release as its date of birth, the Oculus Rift virtual reality machine is also a Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) People in the tech world seem to think the Oculus is poised to revolutionize how we experience the internet as much as the internet revolutionized how we generate, transmit, and synthesize information. Like other Gemini/Capricorns, it’s a mind-bending piece of technology that previous generations would assume is powered by black magic:

San Francisco Giants baseball pitcher Tim Lincecum is a Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon whose mind bending physical capabilities are to the world of sports what the F-117 is to aviation or the Oculus Rift is to the world of video games. (Chart) A two time Cy-Young award winner, Lincecum’s radically unorthodox pitching delivery has been described as “an engineering marvel” akin to a Blue Angels jet fighter by Sports Illustrated magazine. (Source) A writer for the New Yorker observed, “His pitching motion invites similes and multiple-angle replays . . . Nobody has ever pitched like this before”. (Source) Similarly, an article in Vice described his delivery as a “freaky whirling dervish”. Lincecum may not be a literal “genetically engineered super freak” but the physics of his delivery are so extreme that a normal player probably would have to undergo some type of genetic modification in order to duplicate them. Even video games companies using the most advanced motion capture technologies on the planet have found his mechanics nearly impossible to model on their computers. (Source)

never been called a “Wobblin’ Goblin” like the F-117 but he is nicknamed “The Freak” which means essentially the same thing. Lincecum doesn’t have the ability to literally “go stealth” but his most devastating pitch is an advanced “split-change”, a highly deceptive pitch which works by disrupting the way a hitter’s visual cortex tracks the baseball as it approaches the plate. In effect this gives him the ability to mystify hitters’ timing mechanisms as thoroughly as the F-117’s stealth coating mystifies opponents’ radar tracking mechanisms. Within the world of professional baseball, the pitch is practically considered a form of black magic — one that dodgers hitters’ bats as effectively as the F-117 dodges surface-to-air missiles.

Strangely enough, the F-117 was designed from the ground up by scientists at Lockheed while Lincecum’s delivery was designed from the ground up by his father Chris, a lifelong employee of the Boeing company.

In her book Dark Side Astrology, Stella Hyde says Geminis make great “futures” brokers while Capricorn Moons can handle grim jobs such as “grave digger”. The F-117 wobbled between brokering the future of military aviation and digging graves for its targets on the ground. Lincecum also wobbled between the traits of his two luminaries except his wobbling was between his playful persona off the field (Gemini) and being a methodical ice cold closer on the mound (Capricorn). This is where the similarities between the F-117 and Lincecum diverge. While the F-117 wobbled on behalf of the military industrial complex, Lincecum only wobbled on behalf of professional baseball fans.

Obviously few Gemini/Capricorns will end up involved in professional sports or military aviation. However, like both the F-117 and Mr. Lincecum, there will often be something radically innovative or even alien about their work, often pertaining to communications (Gemini) hardware (Capricorn) or hi-tech (Gemini) project management (Capricorn). Tim Berners Lee, the man most responsible for layering the World Wide Web on top of the internet, is a Gemini with his Moon in Capricorn. Originally rolled out on a desktop computer at CERN in 1992, Berners’ mercurial (Gemini) hardware (Capricorn) seemed utterly alien at the time. It rapidly morphed into the communications (Gemini) infrastructure (Capricorn) upon which the entire modern world now depends and upon which you are now reading this article.

About the Author:

Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Mars in Libra: The Planet of Courage and Confrontation Moves into the Sign of the Romance and Relationships, Smooth Charm and Subtle Coercion

Your Mars placement indicates how you execute a plan. By sign and by house it tells us where, how, and with whom you will act with courage and conviction, energy and enthusiasm, impulsiveness and impetuousness, fearlessness and ferociousness.

On December 7th, 2013 Mars moved from Virgo into Libra for an eight month stay. Libra is sign of the Lover, the Peacemaker, the Statesmen, the Counselor, the CEO of Civil Discourse, the Debate Team Captain of Diplomatic Overtures, and the Department Chairman of Smooth Charm. This is the sign most associated with fairness, elegance, romance, and marriage. With the planet of courage in the sign of relationships, people with Mars in Libra are often quite enthusiastic about figuring out how two people can get on the same page, intellectually as much as emotionally. Their relational enthusiasm stems from coming into this life with “a soul desire to learn the art of healthy intimate conflict” astrologers Steven and Jodi Forest tell us. (Source) The challenge with this placement is that “intimate conflicts” are often the Achilles heal of Mars in Libra. According to astrologer Stella Hyde, “Mars in Libra is the Mars placement most likely to be caught with its pants down and in no position to fight.” (Source) Bill Clinton is a Leo with Mars in Libra and a near textbook one at that. (Chart) He trained as a lawyer before moving into politics. He’s known primarily for his life long marriage to Hilary as well as his smooth charm and suave maneuvering. He’s also spent much of his adult life either caught up in intimate conflict or answering for having been caught with his pants down.

It’s probably no coincidence that Clinton’s impeachment trial before Congress for lying about his intimate relationship with Mrs. Lewinsky began on December 19th, 1998 when Mars was transiting through Libra. (Chart) Symbolized by the scales of justice, Libra is associated with the court system. It’s famously the sign of marriage but this means it’s also the sign of divorce. Check the natal chart of any attorney practicing divorce law for longer than 10 years as there is a good chance he or she has Mars in Libra. To illustrate: using its premier date as its date of birth the documentary Divorce Corp, an expose of the marriage-divorce industrial complex, has Mars in Libra. (Chart)

Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates Mars in Libra with the myth of King Arthur. (Source) Reading through Kaldera’s description it is difficult not to notice a number of similarities between Arthur and Bill Clinton, notes added in italics:

Like Arthur, romance is often the Libra warrior’s downfall. Arthur inherited a kingdom torn by religious (political?) differences; the older pagan faith (the Democratic party?) was clashing with the newer, more aggressively spreading Christian religion (the Republican party?) and it was his job to keep the peace. He called himself a good Christian knight but kept a pagan wizard (Al Gore?) by his side as an adviser; he married a Christian woman (Hilary?) but had an affair with a pagan (Monica?). By the end of his reign not only was there no peace, but neither side trusted him . . . (Source)

The Oslo Accords that Clinton brokered between the Israelis and the Palestinians were signed on September 13th, 1993. Not surprisingly, the chart for the Accords has a Mars/Jupiter conjunction at 17/21 degrees Libra. (Chart) On the upside, the famous image of Clinton standing behind Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat as they shook hands embodies much of what is wonderful about Mars in Libra: former warriors who have put down their weapons in order to make peace. The image even has a structural resemblance to the scales of justice that are the symbol for Libra:

While Libra is considered the sign of balanced civility, it is also the sign that can project the image of balanced civility even as hostilities continue to mount behind the scenes. The image of Clinton standing behind Rabin and Arafat as they shook hands was great looking (Libra) at the time but we all know that the peace was, at best, short lived. As a number of informed commentators have pointed out, historians of the future will likely see the event as more photo-op than actual peace deal.

Speaking of photo ops, people Mars in Libra often love photography. Mars indicates what turns a person on so if you’ve got your eye on somebody with this placement make sure they get a glimpse of that recent photo of yourself out at the ballet or opera. If there’s a beautiful person (or two) in the photo with you and a Lexus Rx in the background you’re guaranteed to get a response from Mars in Libra. People with Mars in Libra also tend to be quite photogenic themselves. Both Kate Middleton and Prince William, for instance, have Mars in Libra and you’ve seen how great they look together.

Libra is known as the peacekeeper of the Zodiac but don’t let this fool you into thinking this sign can’t or won’t fight. Astrologer Hazel Dixon Cooper tells us, “Like Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde, the Libra Mars personality can change without warning from harmony-seeking to confrontational. Verbal confrontation excites as much as physical contact.” (Source) Like many people with Mars in Libra, Bill has been known expend so much energy trying to maintain that sense of balance that he eventually just snaps, as he did during this appearance with Fox News reporter Chris Wallace:

Mars in Libra also comes up a lot in the charts of people or events that involve fighting (Mars) between equals (Libra). Mixed Martial Arts superstar Gina Carano, for instance, has Mars in Libra. (Source) Some of the physical fights she’s been in are just as knock down and drag out as the political and legal fights Bill Clinton has found himself in.

Dr. Richard Gatling – inventor of the Gatling gun, the precursor to all modern machine guns – has a Mars/Mercury conjunction in Libra. (Chart) Gatling’s original goal was to design a weapon so horrific that people would come to understand the futility of warfare. This would usher in a new era of peace he thought. Obviously things did not work out as he had hoped.

When you think Mars in Libra think of “a duel” (Mars) between equally matched opposites (Libra) It can be a duel between a politician and a journalist broadcast on television, a duel between two martial artists in a boxing ring, a duel between gun fighters under the blazing sun of the Western frontier or a duel between nation-state super powers out in the icy coldness of outer space. Sputnik, the Russian satellite that set off the decades long “Cold War” between the US and the USSR has a tight conjunction between Sun, Mars, and Jupiter all in the early degrees of Libra. (Chart)

Using its release date as its date of birth, the film Star Trek: Wrath of Khan has Mars at zero degrees Libra. (Natal Chart) The duel between Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Mr. Khan (Ricardo Montalban) portrayed in the film is a great metaphor for how Mars at 0 degrees Libra will often express itself: an absolutely explosive (Zero Point) confrontation (Mars) between equally matched opposites (Libra), both of whom are seeking to reset the balance of power in their own favor. The trailer for the film will give you a great feel for just how confrontational Mars in Libra can be. Take particular note of how the characters played by Shatner and Montalban are engaged in battles so pitched it almost seems like they’re a married couple fighting it out in divorce court:

As far as actual couples fighting their differences out in divorce court, it should be noted that the hit television show Wife Swap has a Mars/Jupiter conjunction at O degrees Libra with the Sun not far behind at 4 degrees Libra. (Chart) If you’ve ever seen the show, or even just clips online, it has Mars in Libra all over it: people from seemingly opposite (Libra) backgrounds fighting (Mars) over balance of power (Libra) issues. Here, for instance, is an episode where a “pirate” family swaps wives with a “hyper-organized” family:

You’ll also find Mars in Libra in the charts of people involved in restoring the balance of power between the genders, races, and classes. Sue Tompkins tells us, “The capacity to fight other people’s battles makes this an excellent placement for the law and for any vocation which involves a drive for reconciliation.” (Source) Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela both have Mars in Libra. The chart for the Amistad slave revolt, later portrayed in the 1997 Stephen Speilberg film Amistad, also has Mars in Libra. (Chart)

For most people reading this article, the current transit of Mars in Libra is going to express itself in Libra’s favorite arena: one-to-one partnerships. Mars indicates the methods we use to solve problems. When in Libra – an air sign – Mars solves problems by clearing the air. Whatever his faults, Clinton’s marriage is not a bad example of how Mars in Libra works. One can only imagine the number of “air-clearing” discussions that he and Hilary have had to last as long as they have through all that they have.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon: The Jet-Setter and the A-Lister, the Glitterati and the Gold-Digger, the Showcase and the Superstar, the Dolla’ Dolla’ Bills and the Doll on Wheels (aka "the Limo Ride")

(Image: Capricorn/Leo Marlene Dietrich in The Shanghai Express available via

Capricorn is the sign of the Prime Minister, the Authority Figure, the Strategist, the Business Man, the CEO, and the Tycoon. People with their Sun (conscious identity) in this sign will come to be identified with their capacity for organization, long term planning, and hard won material success. Like their animal totem the Mountain Goat, Capricorns ensure their success through taking a strategic, sure-footed, and step-by-step approach to climbing life’s mountains. This is where Capricorns get their famous executive abilities from but also their diabolical tendencies. Actress Jane Badler is a Capricorn best known for portraying the oh-so-strategic yet oh-so-diabolical Diana on the 1980s television series “V”. (Chart) These days she brings a Capricornian sense of authenticity to her role as a well-dressed, highly ambitious, and oh-so-devious businesswoman on the hit Australian soap opera Neighbors:

Sitting 150 degrees from Capricorn is Leo, the sign of the Entertainer and the Performer, the Actor and Actress, the King and the Queen, the Movie Star and the Showman, the Mistress of Ceremonies and the Professor of Super Stardom. Even the most mundane of activities will be infused with all the drama of a big budget movie premier or Broadway play when a person’s Moon (emotional needs) is in Leo (attention). Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates the Leo Moon with “Bast”, the Egyptian Cat Goddess who was the patron saint of parades and performances. (Source) Australian sprinter turned YouTube dance routine super-sensation Michelle Jenneke is a Leo Moon whose instincts (Moon) for parades and performances (Leo) have made her a viral video mega-celebrity who is to the denizens of social media what Bast was to the citizens of ancient Egypt. (Chart)

Combine the organizational capacity of a Capricorn Sun with the theatrical instincts of a Leo Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that gets down to brass tack reality (Capricorn) but with a whole lot of pizzaz (Leo), combines business mindedness (Capricorn) with creative flair (Leo), is very ambitious (Capricorn) yet also quite charismatic (Leo). This is the Sun/Moon pairing most likely to find success (Capricorn) in the entertainment (Leo) business, whether it’s amid the gratuity and glamour of Hollywood or the dropkicks and flying face-busters of the World Wresting Federation. To illustrate: Joan Weston is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon best known for her ability to deliver dropkicks and face-busters amid the camp glamour and gratuitous showmanship that was 1970s Roller Derby. (Chart) This pairing has a passion for both the big bucks (Capricorn Sun) and the bright lights (Leo Moon) and Weston is thought to have been the highest paid female athlete of her era. (Source) Astrologer Jefferson Anderson observes that this pairing is “much more extroverted than their fellow Capricorns”, something that Mrs. Weston’s disposition in this circa 1975 photo makes quite clear:

Image: American Public Television
Image: American Public Television

Derby was more fringe spectacle than legitimate sport during Weston’s heyday but lately it’s experienced something of a revival, both culturally and financially. Capricorn/Leo is a very ambitious, determined pairing that wants respect with a capital “R” more than anything else. Were she still alive, a Capricorn/Leo like Mrs. Weston would thus be thrilled that a recent Sports Illustrated article explained, “not only is the Derby thriving again, it’s downright respectable to be a doll on wheels”. (Source)

Suzi and Charles Harvey write of this pairing’s capacity to combine work (Capricorn) with high profile fun (Leo), “Women born with this combination are particularly likely to find their way to the top of their chosen mountain, but they will also find the J. Arthur Ranks, David Bowies, and Robert Blys there to party with”. (Source) The good news is that the textbook Capricorn/Leo will not only find a way to bump elbows with the glitterati, they’re also likely to arrive in a first class ride. To illustrate: using its incorporation date as its date of birth, the Bentley automobile corporation is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart)

Pictured above: a Bentley Continental (Image Source: “GT Speed” by way of Wikipedia)

The even better news is that astrologer Carolyn Reynolds notes that the Capricorn/Leo woman can “handle her liquor”, which is always good if one is partying with the David Bowies of the world. (Source)

Capricorn and Leo form what’s known as a “quincunx”, an astrological relationship that’s as difficult to reconcile as it is to pronounce. Where Capricorn leans heavily towards the cautious and the conservative, Leo expects the regal and the extravagant. The two signs don’t have too much in common except one thing: they both want to be on the “A-List”, with Capricorn wanting to be on the A-List in the business world and Leo wanting to be on the A-List in the creative world. Linda Goodman observes of the Capricorn/Leo’s capacity for social climbing:

. . . the typical Capricorn prefers marrying up the social ladder to down. [They’re] secretly and shyly impressed by — even in awe of — fame and success, whether on a local community, national, or worldwide basis.

. . . the typical Leo realizes relatively early in life, some measure of prestige and status, some degree of public notice or social distinction.

. . . Capricorn’s “purple mountain majesties” beckon the curious Leo with the promise of a magnificent view from the top. (Source)

Using its initial flight as its date of birth, the Lockheed Martin SR-71 “Blackbird” reconnaissance plane is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) Originally introduced in 1966, the SR-71 flew higher, faster, and further than any plane before and any plane since — an amazing set of achievements given the advancements in technology of the last 60 plus years. In true Capricorn/Leo style, it existed at the top of the social ladder (Capricorn) and has enjoyed such enormous public notice (Leo) that even people outside the aviation world will often recognize its distinctive frame. The handful of pilots who’ve flown the SR-71 generally acknowledge that few planes offer a better chance to observe the world’s “purple mountain majesties” or to enjoy “magnificent views from the top” of the world. One pilot even compared it to driving a luxury automobile. (Source) The SR-71 isn’t a Bentley but it does sort of resemble a limo-ride, at least the reconnaissance world’s version of a limo-ride:

The SR-71 is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon (Photo: USAF, Tech. Sgt. Michael Haggerty)
The SR-71 “Blackbird” is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon (Photo: U.S. Air Force, Tech. Sgt. Michael Haggerty)

The really amazing thing about the SR-71 is that despite being nearly 60 years old, Lockheed Martin is still using it in the recruiting materials for young aeronautical engineers that they place in the pages of aviation related magazines. You could say the SR-71 is to the world of military aviation what a Bentley is to the world of luxury automobiles: a classic that never goes out of style, which is exactly how most Capricorn/Leos would like to be thought of.

Even Capricorn/Leos who find themselves in distinctly alternative professions such as astrology will find a way to do so with class, style, prestige. For instance, astrologer Noel Tyl is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) Prior to getting into astrology, Tyl was an opera singer who “specialized in the larger than life roles of Richard Wagner” his entry tells us. In true Capricorn/Leo fashion he also worked in the business management side of opera and is now “known and respected as a lecturer in almost every major city in the U.S. and Europe”. You could go so far as to say Tyl is to the world of professional astrologers what the SR-71 is to the world of reconnaissance aircraft: a jet setting high flyer known the world round.

In his book Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Tyl says that in the Capricorn/Leo pairing, “the energy to organize and deploy resources is showcased for the fulfillment: self-dramatization is the mode for persuasion and the call for appreciation”. (Source)

Capricorn/Leos are naturals when it comes to management, leadership, showcasing, and self-dramatization but they can also be serious social snobs and more than a bit dictatorial. This is because both Capricorn and Leo have a streak of elitism in their DNA, with Capricorn leaning towards elitism in the financial world and Leo leaning towards elitism in the social world. The Bentley corporation, for instance, is a symbol of class and style but also financial despotism (Capricorn) and unabashed social privilege (Leo). Even the SR-71 was something of a social snob in its day. According to a recent documentary, its unique aerodynamics caused the plane to fly with its nose pointed up in the air even when it was flying straight and level, almost as though it thought it was superior to all the other aircraft beneath its vapor trails. In other words, the SR-71 often sported exactly the sort of posture we’d expect from a CEO (Capricorn) or member of royalty (Leo) who walks around with their nose in the air thinking they’re “above” everybody else — which technically the SR-71 was.

Even Capricorn/Leos squarely in the “99%” will often consider themselves a member of the “1%”, albeit one in waiting. Not coincidentally, the SR-71 flew so high that it was routinely in the upper 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere. (Source) Capricorn/Leos feel being in the 1% is safe because when you’re that high up nobody can hurt you. The SR-71 flew in the upper 1% of the atmosphere not only for purposes of spying but also because being that high up meant it was out of the range of Cold War era Russian jet fighters and surface to air missiles. From that altitude it was thus nearly impossible to shoot down. The pilots who flew the SR-71 were also considered in the upper 1% of their respective profession, generally older and much more established than their hot-shot, “Top-Gun” inspired brethren.

“In the one percent? Older and more established? Well then, what’s his phone number?” more than a few Capricorn/Leos will ask.

The SR-71 was a supersonic reconnaissance plane, not a bomber or attack aircraft. So while it was never used to kill people the U.S. did utilize its capacity to generate incredibly loud sonic booms in a distinctly Capricorn/Leo fashion: when other countries were having national events the U.S. would sometimes have a SR-71 do a supersonic flyby from tens of thousands of feet up in the air. The subsequent sonic boom would totally disrupt the event, thus letting everybody down on the ground known who the real boss is.(Source)

Capricorn/Leos are often very shrewd when it comes to money but the Harveys warn that this pairing can also be something of a gold-digger. Jill Kelley, the media savvy Tampa Bay socialite who was at the center of the Paula Broadwell/David Petreaus scandal, is a Capricorn/Leo. (Chart) More than a few commentators have characterized her as a straight up gold-digger. (Source)

Of course, there are different types of “gold diggers” — not all of them necessarily bad. A high proportion of Capricorn/Leos are the sort of gold-diggers willing to show up to the gold mine at the crack of dawn with shovel and pick in hand, more than ready to put in a hard day’s work for their gold. If they just so happen to partner with somebody who’s also really good at digging for gold then what’s so wrong with that? After all, even Mrs. Kelley had to put in a whole lot of work organizing the lavish, A-List parties she and her surgeon husband were known for throwing.

As the saying goes, “don’t hate the playa’ . . .”

Anyhow, Capricorn is the sign of the structures built to last and Leo has been associated with gold bullion so if you do find some gold and need a safe place to stash it, the house of a Capricorn/Leo might be a good spot. To illustrate: using its completion date as its date of birth, Fort Knox is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) For those who may not know, Fort Knox is the repository for the federal government’s gold supply. It was established during the Great Depression as part of Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to stabilize the nation’s collapsing economy. Capricorn/Leos do well in Hollywood and, as coincidence would have it, Fort Knox has been the subject of many Hollywood films. Most notably, it was the subject of Gold Finger, widely considered the most iconic of the James Bond films:

So long as they keep the social climbing and gold-digging to a reasonably low roar, Capricorn/Leos often posses first rate organizational acumen and a knack for raising funds on behalf of philanthropic endeavors. Better yet, this pairing knows how to keep its poise, polish, composure, and class amid even the toughest of circumstances. At a time when the economy is still mired in the most dogged recession since the 1930s and pretty much everybody seems to be going through a giant collective mental breakdown, this pairing’s combination of backbone (Capricorn Sun) and self-assurance (Leo Moon) might be worth more than all the gold in the world.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon: The Commando Carpe Noctem

Combine the conscious awareness (Sun) in the sign of crusades (Sagittarius) with the unconscious instincts (Moon) in the sign of the underworld (Scorpio) and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that’s fervent, intense, and who will live life infused with a spirit of terrifyingly high stakes adventure. A free-wheeling scholar (Sagittarius) of the shadows (Scorpio Moon) at its best or a fanatical archer (Sagittarius) of darkness (Scorpio Moon) at its worst, this pairing is more than willing to go to great lengths for great causes, with a minority of less evolved Sadge/Scorpios even willing to risk the well being of others as well. According to astrologer Wendell C Perry, for Sagittarius/Scorpio “it’s a matter of you against the world, and the world had better watch out”. (Source) To illustrate: Using its incorporation date as its date of birth, the insurance company American International Group (AIG) is a Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon whose financial super-soldiering (Sagittarius) nearly doomed the world economy to the underworld (Scorpio Moon). (Chart)

Most people think of AIG as simply the large insurance company whose failed derivative schemes put the livelihood of the entire world economy at risk during the collapse of 2008. The reality is that the company’s back story is far more complicated than anything that can be represented on actuarial tables or argued on the floor of Congress. For starters, AIG has been heavily involved in covert military operations since its inception. A year 2000 Los Angeles Times article entitled “The Secret Agent (Insurance) Man” traced the company’s involvement with “shadow wars” all the way back to at least World War II:

Newly declassified U.S. intelligence files tell the remarkable story of the ultra-secret Insurance Intelligence Unit, a component of the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the CIA, and its elite counterintelligence branch X-2.

. . . the unit mined standard insurance records for blueprints of bomb plants, timetables of tide changes and thousands of other details about targets . . . “They used insurance information as a weapon of war,” said Greg Bradsher, a historian and National Archives expert on the declassified records.

The men behind the insurance unit were OSS head William “Wild Bill” Donovan and California-born insurance magnate Cornelius V. Starr. Starr had started out selling insurance to Chinese in Shanghai in 1919 and, over the next 50 years, would build what is now American International Group . . . (Source)

As globalization has spread since World War II the connections between the insurance industry and overseas military expeditions have only deepened. AIG, for instance, has been the go-to insurer for the private mercenary companies that have flourished in Iraq since the U.S. led invasion in 2003. (Source)

That a seemingly boring insurance company like AIG would be so involved in covert operations and mercenary work is not as counter-intuitive as it seems when you remember that the symbols for both Sagittarius and Scorpio involve armaments. Sagittarius is symbolized by a Centaur Archer armed with a bow and quiver of flaming arrows ready to be fired at far-off targets. Scorpio is symbolized by three animals, each a deadly predator capable of surviving in extreme environments: the Scorpion armed with its stinger; the Snake armed with its venomous fangs; and the Eagle armed with its talons. With the glyphs for both signs so heavily armed, the Sagittarius/Scorpio combination is poised for a life ferocious confrontations, whether upon actual battlefields or (more likely) legal, political, and financial ones.

Astrologer Linda Goodman says the ruthlessness with which Robin Hood redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor leads her to believe he was a noble-minded Sagittarius/Scorpio. (Source) If there’s one thing the bailout of 2008 proved it’s that AIG is something of a modern day Robin Hood minus the noble intentions, one who steals from the poor and gives to the rich with every bit as much ruthlessness as the legendary archer did the reverse. AIG agents may not run around in tights or on horses like Robin Hood and his merry men but they are responsible for insuring the kevlar-clad military contractors who fly around the oil fields of the Middle East, the modern day equivalent of the forests of Nottingham:

According to a study by ProPublica, from 2003-2008 AIG made an underwriting gain of $500 million from insuring these “merry men”, all of which was picked up by the American taxpayers.

Using its initial publication date as its date of birth, the reality based comic book The Activity is also a Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon. (Chart) According to a recent ABC News piece, The Activity is based on the Pentagon’s most secretive unit: the Intelligence Support Activity (“ISA”) aka “The Activity”, a U.S. Army unit vastly more secretive than the Navy Seals, Delta Force and other compartmentalized outfits that have garnered so much media attention in recent years. Informed observers seem to think ISA members are tasked with “snatch and grab” missions, sanitizing botched operations, and engaging in the most intensely ferocious forms of extrajudicial direct action. (Source) The comic book, while technically fictional, is meticulously researched by its creators and reported to ring true among the few individuals familiar with the ISA’s “activities”. (Source) They may run around corners of world as dark as the forests of Nottingham but merry men (and women) they are not:

Pictured Above: The Activity (Copyright: Image Comics)
Pictured Above: ‘The Activity’ (Copyright: Image Comics)

Marital artist turned film star Bruce Lee is also a Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon. (Chart) Lee was neither an insurance agent working to defeat Hitler or a covert operative assigned to potentially lethal missions but his life was infused with the type intensity normally reserved for such endeavors. Lee left a widow at the young age of 32 following a death as shrouded in mystery as any AIG or ISA operation.

Sagittarius/Scorpios are also known to venture forth on intellectual and philosophical expeditions as all-consuming as military crusades. For instance, using its original publication date as its date of birth, the Encyclopedia Brittanica is a Sagittarius/Scorpio. (Chart) Lee too had an encyclopedic knowledge of martial arts and was as consumed with philosophy as he was with actually fighting. He may not have been a “merry man” but, unlike American International Group, he did pair a sense of ethics (Sagittarius) with passion (Scorpio).

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon: The Straight Talking Comedian and the Street Wise Folk Singer, the Balladeers with Business Sense and the Opera Singers with Attitude

Taurus/Gemini is a curious combination as it pairs the practical sensibilities of of the “Farmer” (Taurus) with the fiber optic wiring of the “Fast Talker” (Gemini). Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey ask this combination, “Are you a streetwise city slicker or a slow country soul tuned to the serious business of survival?” (Source) A healthy Taurus/Gemini will be both. To illustrate: using its release date as its date of birth the song “Straight Outta Compton” by the rap group NWA is a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon. (Chart) The song depicts a group of young “streetwise city slickers” explaining how they get down to the “serious business of survival” in a manner so unapologetically truthful that a sitting vice-president of the United States took time to personally condemn the song. Nobody featured on the song is a “slow country soul” per-se but the group’s lead vocalist (Ice Cube) does warn rivals that if they “want to rumble” he’s prepared to “cook ’em up like a pot of gumbo”. (Taurus/Gemini often loves to talk about food.)

Taurus/Geminis can really excel when taking complex subject matter and articulating in a pragmatic fashion that regular people can understand. This is exactly what NWA did with “Straight Outta Compton”. Behind the bravado and braggadocio of the young men is 400 years of internalized rage that that they manged to condense down into a four minute song. Anybody interested in studying black history or the prison-industrial complex in more depth might turn to books by professors such as Angela Davis or Cornell West but the reality is 99% of the masses have neither the time or the inclination to do so. What they will do is listen to a song that makes use of the senses (Taurus) to communicate (Gemini) the feelings those books contextualize in great if prohibitive detail.

Much of the tension illuminated by “Straight Outta Compton” was the result of Ronald Reagan’s “war on drugs”, a campaign whose goal from day one was to terrorize black people. Anti-nazi campaigner Sophia Scholl is a Taurus/Gemini who also knows a few things about being the target of race based campaigns of terror. (Chart) According to her Wikipedia entry, “Scholl was a talented young painter in 1930s Germany when she met a few other so-called ‘degenerate artists’ and formed the White Rose resistance movement against the Nazis”. (Source) Like the young men depicted in “Straight Outta Compton”, Scholl was a “streetwise city slicker” who spent her final years getting down to the “serious business of survival”. In 2005 she was portrayed by actress Julia Jentsch in the film The Final Days:

Taurus’ orientation to “value” makes it the sign most associated with “dead presidents, dolla’ dolla’ bills, and dough-re-mi” while Gemini’s dexterity, deftness, and ability to make deals is why it’s the sign most associated with sales. Pair the two together and you get a Sun/Moon combination that can make a lot of money in endeavors such as media, publishing, speaking, and teaching. “Straight Outta Compton”, for instance, was the first album to go double platinum despite getting absolutely zero radio airplay. I recall a story that the group sold the album primarily out of the trunk of a used El-Camino. I haven’t been able to confirm if that is true or not but the image definitely fits this pairing’s reputation for capitalizing (Taurus) on versatility (Gemini). Whoever coined the phrase “making a dollar out of 15 cents” was quite likely a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon.

Sophie Scholl’s pamphlets were something of a best seller too, at least in a manner of speaking. Copies weren’t sold out of the back of a used car or bootlegged at house parties like “Straight Outta Compton” but they were traded via underground exchanges and safe houses throughout Nazi Germany. Scholl’s “Leaflet #6” was even smuggled into the hands of the U.S. Army Air Corps who dropped millions of copies of it over Germany. You could even say Scholl’s “Leaflet #6” was to the world of political pamphlets what NWA’s “Straight Outta Compton” album was to the world of rap music.

Comedian George Carlin is a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon whose stand up routines have more than a few things in common with the young men we see in “Straight Outta’ Compton”. (Chart) Like the members of NWA he wears all-black and has adopted an “earthy” version of the King’s English that makes extremely creative use of words like “asshole” and “motherfucker”. More importantly, he manages to summarize the insanity that has become the American way of life in a manner that resonates with the masses in a manner similar to what NWA did with urban issues in “Straight Outta Compton”. People who would never have the time or energy for a Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn book can watch one of Carlin’s routines and walk away with a similar if condensed take on socio-political issues.

Comedian Stephen Colbert is also a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon. (Chart) Colbert and NWA would certainly have a lot to talk about because, like NWA, Colbert knows what it’s like to have the office of the president on his ass. In 2006, his “roast” of Bush at the White House correspondents dinner was so blistering it had people seriously wandering if he was going to show up dead. A number of Bush’s “enemies” such as author James Hatfield had recently met their demise under extremely suspicious circumstances so the concern wasn’t totally unfounded either. (Source) On a metaphoric level, you could say Colbert arrived at the dinner “ready to rumble” then proceeded to “roast Bush up like a pot of gumbo”:

Like “Straight Outta Compton”, a number of Colbert’s enterprises have also become multimedia best sellers. His show The Colbert Report is one of the most watched shows on television while YouTube videos like his “roast” of Bush have stirred up as much controversy as “Straight Outta Compton” did almost 25 years ago. Something similar can be said about the songs of folk singer Harvey Andrews, also a Taurus/Gemini native. (Chart) According to the Wikipedia entry for Andrews, “his 1972 song ‘Soldier’ transmits the quiet desperation of a soldier about to die a senseless death.” (Source)

The solider in Andrews’ song is about to die in an blighted urban setting in Northern Ireland, a piece of geography that is to the British military what the city of Compton, California is to the LAPD. Like the lucidly honest scenes transmitted in “Straight Outta Compton”, Andrews’ “Soldier” is based on a true story. (Source) Like “Straight Outta Compton”, getting banned from the airwaves didn’t stop it from resonating with whoever heard it.

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Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon: The Battle Front (Astrological Analysis of the NFL)

Last year around this time, Men’s Journal ran a very touching article on the plight of retired vets of the National Football League. You’ve probably heard by now about the epidemic of traumatic brain injuries that many of the players suffer from. What’s less acknowledged is that many end up suffering from “poly-pharmacy”, a phrase used to describe addiction to as many as a dozen (or more) pharmaceuticals including multiple prescription painkillers. Turns out addiction to opiates is the real drug issue in the league, much more so than performance enhancers like steroids or speed. According to the Men’s Journal article, once the guys retire many of them can’t even get their physical injuries operated on because they’re so addicted to painkillers that doctors fear they’ll stroke out on the operating table. The whole situation is reminiscent of what happens with vets back from Iraq or Afghanistan who are loaded up on psychoactive drugs, a subject which Men’s Journal has an article on in this month’s issue. Both articles definitely have a Saturn in Scorpio (rehab) trine Neptune in Pisces (compassion) vibe to them.

Out of curiosity I looked up the chart of the NFL using its date of incorporation as its date of birth. Turns out it’s a Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon – a combination that astrologer Carolyn Reynolds says possesses a “volatile, ruthless animal nature”. (Source) I’ve previously referred to it as a Sun/Moon pairing that has the potential for werewolf like behavior — although obviously this is only in extreme examples. (Source)

The conjunction between the Sun (conscious identity) and Jupiter (expansion, largesse) in Leo (Royalty, Entertainment, Parades, Performances) means it has an over inflated ego albeit one that’s great at putting on outrageous spectacles like what you see on Superbowl Sunday. The Moon (emotional needs) in Scorpio (intensity) means the league is operating as a home (Moon) for what are not infrequently extremist circumstances (Scorpio)>

See the Mars/Moon conjunction in Scorpio? Mars/Moon conjunctions are associated with home lives that feel like war zones. (Source) Astrologer Sue Tompkins has linked them to bouts of murderous rage. (Source) In Scorpio, the sign of extremes, a Mars/Moon conjunction is as potentially nasty an aspect as you’ll find in western astrology. To illustrate just how nasty: using its first flight as its date of birth, the F-22 Stealth Fighter (aka “The Raptor”) has a Mars/Moon conjunction in Scorpio. (Chart)

For those who may not have been following the story in the news: the F-22 is the fighter jet built by Lockheed Martin known to (literally) choke its pilots to near death. (Source) Back in May the show 60 Minutes interviewed two seasoned F-22 pilots who have flat out refused to fly the thing. Other F-22 pilots are so terrified about its safety record that they’re taking out extra life insurance policies in anticipation of their deaths. (Source) The F-22 pilots thus have more than a few things in common with people who grew up in abusive families or those who find themselves victims of domestic violence: they’re essentially captives of their abusers who must either eject or die.

As far as people being choked to (near) death . . . we all know what spikes through the ceiling on Superbowl Sunday. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson writes of the dysfunctional Leo/Scorpio, “When life gets tense, rather than trying to relax you probably explode, taking out your frustrations on your mate, children, or co-workers.” (Source)

Saturn (karma) is currently moving through Scorpio, on its way over the NFL’s North Node, its Mars, and its Moon. With Saturn transits a person (or organization) always reaps what it has sowed.

For the purposes of compare and contrast: using its establishment date as its date of birth, Major League Baseball is an Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon. (Chart) Aquarius/Taurus is more the Sun/Moon pairing of an alliance (Aquarius) of farmers (Taurus) than that of an egotistically ruthless animal. The Moon in Taurus, the sign symbolized as a serene bovine, means MLB needs pasture or things akin to pasture in order to be emotionally sustained. Baseball is essentially a pastoral sport, one that evolved on farms of the Midwest United States during the summers of the mid-to-late 1800s. MLB players have used performance enhancers and painkillers for going on 100 years now but rarely do any fall prey to the violently destructive extremes seen in the NFL.

Obviously there are healthier expressions of the Leo/Scorpio combination than the NFL. Rapper Chuck D, the head of the pioneering group Public Enemy, is a Leo/Scorpio as are Alex Haley, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stanley Kubrick. At its best this pairing excels at confronting or illuminating excessively militarized, psychopathic behavior – the exact sort of thing celebrated en masse on Superbowl Sunday.

For more information on this pairing: Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon: The Scorpion King and the Public Enemy

About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults via Twitter, his first YouTube channel, his second YouTube channel, SoundCloud, LibSyn or this site’s contact page.

The premier issue of Hexagon, now shipping:

Matt Savinar, Novalee Truesdell, and Carrie Davoli on the premier issue of Hexagon

Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: The Original "X-Man"

Symbolized as two lightning bolts, Aquarius is the sign of the Genius and the Mad Scientist, the Rebel and the Revolutionary, the Exile and the Eccentric, the Social Heretic and the Sectarian Pagan, the Oddball Nonconformist and the Off-Beat Iconoclast, the Avant Garde Android and the Maverick Mini-Computer, the Splinter Cell of Scientific Dissent and the Big Daddy of Big Data Processing. When a person has both their Sun (identity) and Moon (emotional needs) in this radically nonconformist sign they’ll be inclined to challenge the status-quo in some shocking or unconventional manner, often one that involves advanced technology or ideas that exist at the edge of what can be discussed in polite company. Aquarius is also the sign of the social network which means it’s the sign of the conspirator as conspiracies by their very nature require networks of like minded people. To illustrate: U.S. Army Colonel Fletcher Prouty has both his Sun and his Moon in Aquarius. (Chart) Following his retirement from the military, he published The Secret Team: How the CIA Controls the United States and the World, a shocking tell all book about high level criminal conspiracies including the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. (Source) According to director Oliver Stone, Prouty was the basis for the “Mr. X” character portrayed to great effect by actor Donald Sutherland in Stone’s blockbuster 1991 film JFK. (Source)

According to astrologer Linda Goodman, double Aquarius is the pairing most likely to know “where to look for Regulus and Spica on a starry summer night in the mountains, and can point out Arcturus too.” (Source) Fletcher Prouty may not have known where fixed stars of the cosmos are but in this stunning interview he does explain how the NSA, CIA, and other agencies utilize space based reconnaissance systems to manage conspiracies ranging from the elimination of troublesome politicians to the facilitation of the global narcotics trade.

The “Mad Scientist” of the zodiac, Aquarius is considered the sign of aviation, space travel, experimental technologies, and all things cybernetic. Prouty served as an aviator in World War II during which time he witnessed the U.S. ferry Nazi trained scientists out of war-torn Europe under the auspices of what would become known as “Operation Paperclip”. Most of these scientists had been working on experimental, Aquarian-era technologies like stealth airplanes and hyper-sonic space craft that were 50-to-100 years ahead of their time. Once in the U.S., they formed the backbone of the U.S. space program. According to Prouty, those with expertise in biology and psychology were enlisted into the infamous “MKLUTRA”, the CIA’s experimental, Cold War era program of psychological warfare and cybernetic mind control.

On an equally Aquarian albeit less sinister note, Prouty was one of the founders the U.S. Air Defense Command (ADC), now known as the Air Force’s “Space Command” division. During Prouty’s time at ADC in the 1950s, it became one of the first organizations to make large scale use of nation-scale computer networks, which they used to track airplanes as they entered and exited U.S. airspace. (The internet was still several decades away from being born as the ARPANET around 1970.) He later went to work in the banking industry where he was involved in managing the shift from punch-cards and vacuum tubes to automated computers, all Aquarian era technologies that most people wouldn’t have direct contact with for another few decades.

In their book Skymates, astrologers Steven and Jodie Forrest tells us that free-spirited Aquarians will “override the tribal instinct” but may risk being eaten by saber tooth tigers in doing so. Prouty clearly over-rode the tribal instincts of the deeply corrupted military-industrial complex of which he had been a high ranking member for 25 years. In doing so he likely risked being eaten alive by that world’s version of saber-tooth tigers: professional assassins working at the behest of the intelligence agencies and their affiliates. Prouty referred to these saber-toothed assassins as “mechanics” and described their business methods in chilling detail for a 1975 Gallery Magazine article “An Introduction to the Assassination Business”.

Like many double Aquarians, Prouty also had to deal with more subtle saber-tooth tigers — those of censorship. We’ll never know for absolute certain if the intelligence agencies ever conspired to suppress his writings but some very strange things did happen following the publication of The Secret Team. Thousands of copies were bought up en-masse by unnamed buyers and simply disappeared while copies that had been purchased by libraries began mysteriously vanishing from both the shelves and their computer files. In 1997 Prouty recounted:

. . . by some time in 1975, The Secret Team was extinct; but unlike the dinosaurs and others, it did not even leave its footprints in the sands of time. A letter from a professor informed me that his department had ordered more than forty of the books to be kept on the shelves of his university library for assignment purposes. At the start of the new school year his students reported that the books were not on the shelves and the registry cards were not in the master file. The librarians informed them that the book did not exist.

With that letter in mind, I dropped into the Library of Congress to see if The Secret Team was on the shelves where I had seen it earlier. It was not and it was not even in that library’s master file. It was an official non-book. (Source)

While never “disappeared”, Prouty was subsequently pushed to the fringes of American society. Prior to the publication of The Secret Team, he had been widely featured in many prominent mainstream news outlets. After the book’s publication, the only outlets that would feature him were fringe magazines. His book was nearly impossible to find until the late 1990s when it experienced something of a revival thanks to the more Aquarian methods of distribution allowed by the internet. It’s now one of the most widely read texts among citizens who question officially sanctioned explanations of events such as 9/11 or the reasons given for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Astrologer Jefferson Anderson writes of the double Aquarius pairing, “their findings are so far out that the rest of the world doesn’t appreciate them until many years have passed” — an observation that certainly applies to Colonel Prouty. (Source)

Unfortunately, being so far ahead of the rest of the world comes at a cost. Astrologer Austin Coppock warns that Aquarius often pays for its futuristic bent through encounters with prophecy, premonitions, and tragedies that can be foreseen but can’t be changed. (Source) Fletcher Prouty was not a prophet in the traditional sense of the word nor did he traffic in premonitions. However, he did foresee a future where further consolidations of power on part of the political and financial elite would lead the world into a new order, one that lacks any appreciable democratic safeguards.

Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: The Wi-Fi Wonder Woman and the I-chat Ice-Queen, the Microprocessor Mentirosa and the Super Computer Sugar-Mama

The biographical arcs of people with the same Sun/Moon pairing often sport uncanny similarities to each other, even if one is a flesh-and-blood aviator who worked with computers like Fletcher Prouty and the other is an artificial intelligence computer “entity” created on behalf of an aviation corporation. To illustrate: using her operational start date as her date of birth, the Alaska Airlines company’s virtual customer service agent “Jenn” has her Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune and North Node all in Aquarius. (Chart)


Astrologer Stella Hyde tells us that Aquarius is the sign most likely to speak in computer code or to work as the organizer of a science fiction convention. (Source) It’s also the sign most likely to seek companionship online. Hyde writes of this sign’s capacity for cyber-love, “. . . you’re far too much of an uber-geek to leave any digital footprints. You’d prefer to be online permanently, so you try to lure potential dates into a Wi-Fi zone, hook them up to one of your spare laptops, and clatter away on iChat . . .” (Source) Powered by the latest in artificial intelligence, “Jenn” was designed to assist people navigate the Alaska Airlines website. Like many Aquarian women, she A) speaks in computer code; B) appears to be something out of a science fiction movie; and C) is an expert at socializing via technological means. As you can see from this screenshot, she was even kind enough to let me know her astrological sign when I attempted to chat her up online:


Aquarius is famously the sign of the “know it all”. True to form, Jenn was designed to know pretty much everything about Alaska Airlines. According to a description provided by her creators, she is “the culmination of Alaska Airlines’ best practices, employees, information and resources.” (Source) The downside to knowing so much is that one runs the risk of knowing too much. Aquarius is the sign of the Truth-Sayer but, as the saying goes, “Knowing the truth is greatly over-rated.” Among other things, people who know the truth may encounter “mechanics” who seek to censor their knowledge. This was certainly the case for Fletcher Prouty and, amazingly, appears to have also been the case for Jenn. When initially released to the public she apparently answered visitors’ questions a bit too truthfully. A secret team of computer “mechanics” were quicklly dispatched to keep her in line. NY Times travel writer Joe Sharkey recounts:

A couple of weeks ago, when I first tried out the system, I went through a list of serious and frivolous questions, all of which elicited good, or at least reasonable, responses. Then I threw a curveball, asking whether Alaska Air had ever had a plane crash. The response both amazed me with its honesty and chastened me for being glib. Jenn readily provided details of a tragic crash of an MD-80 in 2000 that killed 88 people. It was Alaska’s first accident in decades.

But when I asked the same question Monday, Jenn had obviously been sent to remedial class in public relations.

“I think you may be looking for more detail than I have,” she said sweetly. “Our goal is to always provide safe and reliable transportation at reasonable prices.” (Source)

In addition to working with advanced technologies and encountering censorship, “Jenn” has something else in common with Fletcher Prouty — something very Aquarian. Both can trace their roots back to the intelligence agencies: Prouty served as an aviator in the U.S. Army before becoming a liaison with the CIA while Jenn was originally designed for use by the U.S. Army and the CIA. According to a profile of Jenn in the Seattle Post Intelligencer, “[her] ActiveAgent technology was developed by Spokane’s Next IT . . . It has also been used on the U.S. Army’s Web site with a virtual recruiter named SGT. STAR.” (Source) An article in Digital Trends magazine notes, “The company behind SGT. STAR, Next IT from Spokane in Washington, has previously developed similar technology for the FBI and CIA . . .”

Strangely enough, Jenn referenced “SGT. STAR at” as a friend of hers in a 2008 chat conversation that a visitor to the Alaska Air website archived in the comments section of an article for the website.

Jenn is a customer service chat-bot designed to help people book flights online, not an agent activated on behalf of the intelligence services. However, given the nature of the Big Data ecosytems, it’s not totally unreasonable to wonder if conversations or patterns of conversations with her deemed sufficiently anomalous could be passed on to “secret teams” of one sort or another. Nobody’s raised any concerns over what happens to the information people exchange with Jenn but in 2014 her friend SGT. STAR was the subject of an extensive FOIA investigation by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the results of which you can read about at their website.

Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: “Six in the morning, Secret Team at my door . . .”

Like Fletcher Prouty, rapper turned television star Ice T was also born on a New Moon in Aquarius, sign of the rebel, the truth-sayer, and the anarchist in spirit if not in trade. Surprising as it may seem, the two men have a lot in common. Prouty’s book The Secret Team was about the criminal syndicates running the government, Ice-T’s album Body Count was about the criminal syndicates running the streets. Prouty’s book was censored while Ice-T’s album Rhyme Pays was the first album to have a “parental advisory” censorship label slapped on it. Prouty originally wanted to be a singer before enlisting in the military. Ice-T originally enlisted in the military before becoming a singer. Prouty ended up writing for adult magazines, Ice-T ended up marrying an adult film star.

Aquarius is considered the sign of group enterprises, ranging from sports teams and humanitarian campaigns to street gangs and political conspiracies. Ice-T is considered the godfather of gangsta’ rap music thanks to his song “Six in the Morning” while Prouty is the defacto godfather of modern day conspiracy literature thanks to his book The Secret Team.

Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: “A former conspirator . . .”

Actor Gene Hackman is another double Aquarius. He’s never worked for the intelligence agencies nor is he powered by computer code. However, he has enjoyed a much celebrated career from bringing a real sense of authenticity to the portrayal of technologically adept, Aquarian-style conspirators, counter-conspirators, and members of various “secret teams” in films such as The French Connection, Night Moves, The Firm and The Conversation. In the 1998 espionage thriller Enemy of the State Hackman portrays “Brill”, a Fletcher Prouty-esque character who had previously worked for the National Security Agency as a radio intercept officer on the Iranian border before going off-the-grid. Brill describes himself as “a former conspirator”, a role that an uber-Aquarian like Hackman slipped into as easily as a headset.

Double Aquarians often find themselves in humanitarian pursuits where they’re using advanced technology or forward thinking methodologies to help strangers who become friends or friends who are a bit strange. This pairing understands better than most that “a friend in need is a friend in deed” and is unlikely to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or color. In Enemy of the State Hackman’s character utilizes his knowledge of advanced technologies (Aquarius) and unconventional (Aquarius) warfare to assist the Will Smith character in turning the tables on the NSA.

Real life is far more complex than a 1990s spy thriller movie but if humanity ever does manage to turn the tables on “the Secret Team” it will likely be a double Aquarian at the forefront of figuring out how we’re going to do so.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Hexagon #3 now shipping:
Photo: Hexagon #3, front and back covers

So you’ve decided to date a Cancer? A guide to what they will be hoarding based on their Moon sign

So you’ve decided to date a Cancer and you want to know if there’s any truth to what the astrology textbooks say about this sign’s tendency to hoard? The reality is it’s rare you’ll find a Cancer who doesn’t hoard something although exactly what they hoard and how they hoard can vary tremendously. Here’s a guide to your crab’s hoarding ways based on their Moon sign, the symbol of one’s emotional needs.

Cancer Sun, Aries Moon aka “The Crab of War”: Aries is the Hard Charging Heroic Spirit of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard workout equipment, boxing gloves, weapons, adventure gear, running shoes, protein powders, and energy drinks. There’s a good chance they’ll either have a home gym and/or coach children’s sports. This is the only crab who might have a F-16 fighter jet parked in their garage. Stunt pilot Melisa Pemberton, recently featured alongside her husband in an Outside Magazine article entitled “As Long as They Both Shall Live”, is a representative Cancer Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart)

Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon aka “The Courvoisier Crab”: Taurus is the Sensualist of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard rich food, fine wine, expensive clothing, and the most luxurious of creature comforts. There’s also good chance they’ll hoard high end hedonistic experiences as Taurus is the lunar placement most attuned to both bodily pleasures and the accumulation of dolla’ dolla’ bills. Expect this crab to have a Bentley parked in their garage, a chenille leather coach in their living room, and a wet-bar installed in their basement. Cancers are known to love dairy but with this crab you’re more likely to find them with a hoard of Cristal and Courvoisier than Dreyers or Lucerne. Actress Lindsay Lohan is a representative Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon:

Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon aka “The Village Gossip Crab” aka “The Advice Column Crab”: Gemini is the Communicator of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard books, cell phones, records, and demo tapes. Cancerians are notoriously shy outside of their family but that’s not so much the case with this highly communicative crab. At the very least they’ll know the business of everybody in the neighborhood. There’s a good chance they’ll be involved in the communicative industries and/or have a music studio or writer’s loft in their home. This is a very street smart pairing, one that will have the dirt on who is doing what with who, when and where. Rapper Fifty Cent is a representative Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon:

Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon aka “The Cash Money Crab”: There’s an interesting phenomenon that often occurs when a person’s Sun and Moon are in the same sign. They’ll often express as the opposite sign. (It’s some type of psychological reaction to an overflow of a single sign’s energy, the excess jumps to the opposite sign.) In the case of double Cancers they will often express as very ambitious Capricorns. This is the crab most likely to have a bank vault installed in their garage where they can count their hoard of money, a proxy for the emotional security double Cancers so desperately seek. Billionaires Steve Forbes, Ross Perot, and Arianna Huffington are all double Cancers.

Cancer Sun, Leo Moon aka “The Famous Crab”: Leo is the Entertainer of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard opportunities to draw attention to themselves or to perform for a crowd. Very conscious of how they appear to their fans, they’ll likely hoard hair care products. This is the crab most likely to convert their garage into a movie studio for their Youtube channel. They don’t necessarily need a car as they have staff members to chauffeur them around. Tom Cruise, P.T. Barnum, Ringo Star, and Tom Hanks are all representative Cancer Sun, Leo Moons. So too is Australian track star turned YouTube dance routine super sensation Michelle Jenneke, whose instincts for theatrics have turned her into a viral video mega-celebrity:

Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon aka “The Fit as a Fiddle Crab”: Virgo is the Health Fanatic of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard nutritional supplements and health care gadgetry. The most tidy of crabs, they will likely hoard cleaning products in a perfectly organized cupboard and have bottles of Omega-3 rich fish oil precisely lined up in their fridge. Don’t be surprised if you see a highly efficient electric bicycle (“gets 201.5 mpg”) parked in their garage next to a colon cleansing machine and an array of blood purifying devices. And a lifetime supply of hand sanitizer. Fitness guru Tim Ferris is a representative Cancer Sun, Virgo Moons. (Chart)

Cancer Sun, Libra Moon aka “The Stylish Crab”: Libra is the Super Smooth, Super Suave Debonair Playboy of the Zodiac. This is the crab most likely to keep their thread count high, their drama quotient low, and their walk in closet ready for a Vanity Fair photo shoot. They’ll likely have a ridiculously high number of nicely tailored suits and an equally large number of exes just as beautiful as themselves, all of whom they are still on very good terms with. Their garage will double as a Pilates studio as the Lexus RX will be parked out front for the neighbors to see. New York Yankees superstar shortstop is a representative Cancer Sun, Libra Moon:

Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon aka “The Cobra Crab”: In the animal kingdom Scorpio has three symbols: the scorpion, the snake, and the eagle. In the human world, Scorpio’s three symbols are the Spy, the Shaman. This is the crab most likely to hoard or hide secret liaisons. Wikileaks mastermind Julian Assange is a Cancer/Scorpio whose made a career from hiding and hoarding secrets. (Chart) Using its establishment date as its date of birth, the United States Secret Service is also a Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon. (Chart) While on the clock the Service is charged with protecting the secrets of the first family. Off the clock things apparently get a bit racier. The agents apparently used to have a saying “Wheels up, rings off” while those assigned to Bill Clinton’s protective detail spent their off hours at some of Moscow’s most notorious nightclubs.

Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon aka “The High Adventure Crab”: Sagittarius is symbolized by the Centaur-Archer so this is the crab most likely to hoard either actual racehorses or stand-ins for racehorses such as fast cars and motorcycles. Cancerians are notorious for being homebodies but that’s not so much the case with this crab. If anything they’ll likely to live out of their van or truck as they crisscross the country. “Why would a seashore dwelling crab be crisscrossing the country?” you ask. Because this is the crab most likely to have warrants out for their arrest across state (and national) lines. Actor Vin Diesel, best known for playing renegade race car driver Dominic Toretto in The Fast and Furious franchise of films is a representative Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart)

Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon aka “The Business Crab”: Capricorn is the Workaholic of the Zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard business suits. It’s rare that this crab has a car parked in their garage because they usually have it parked at work, their favorite place. Rebecca Black, best known for the “It’s Friday, Friday” video, is a Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) Her classmates can laugh all they want, “It’s Friday, Friday” is “Rebecca Black’s payday, payday.” According to Forbes she’s got a cool million in the bank as a result of that song and is already working on her next viral video hit. (Source) When the haters are in their 20s and selling their blood to pay off their student loan debts maybe she’ll hire a few of them to shine her gold plated rolodex or iron some of those business suits.

Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon aka “The Eccentric Crab” aka “The Crazy Uncle Crab”: Aquarius is the Mad Scientist of the zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard crystal attunment technologies, new age gear, and ufo contact manuals. Cancers are famous for living in the past but this is the only crab who might actually have a time machine parked in the garage. Using its premiere date as its date of birth, the film Back to the Future is a Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon. (Chart)

Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon aka “The Psychic Crab”: Pisces is the Psychic of the zodiac so this is the crab most likely to hoard impressions from other realms. Symbolized as two fishes, Pisces is associated with both the ocean itself and oceanic levels of compassion. This is the crab most likely to convert their garage to a photography or painting studio where they can give life to impressions they get from the psychic world. Using its launch date as its date of birth, NASA’s experimental “psychic” space satellite SeaSat One (short for “SeaFaring Space Satellite”) is a representative Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon. (Chart)

SeaSat spacecraft artist rendering with callouts. Requested by: Pedigo 11/01/1977
SeaSat spacecraft artist rendering with callouts.
Requested by: Pedigo

Like its Cancer/Pisces astro-twin Hellen Keller, SeaSat was technically blind. It did not have an on board optical camera nor did it rely on the availability of light to capture images. Instead, it remotely detected what was going on deep beneath the surface of the ocean by using the echoes of radar waves to “sense” through the water. A 1996 NY Times article described the craft as being akin more to a space-age psychic antenna than simply an old fashioned camera lofted to high-altitude. (Source) As a result of the radically advanced imaging technologies demonstrated by SeaSat, NASA now has a literal “hoard” of images about the health of the oceans.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or consults at his contact page.

Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon: The Lone Survivor and the Last Woman Standing, the Anarchist Emeritus and the Atom Bomb A-Team

(Image: Robert F. Kennedy, source unknown)

Scorpio is the sign of Shaman and the Spy, the Hitman and the Detective, the Investment Banker and the Depth Psychologist, the Covert Op and the Deep Cover Cop. Co-ruled by Mars (the Lord of War) and Pluto (the Lord of the Underworld), Scorpio is the sign least likely to fear death. Astrologer Frances Sakoian warns, “In battle they will give no quarter and expect none. If one takes up cudgels against a Scorpio, he should be well fortified.” (Source) To illustrate: using its release date as its date of birth, the original Terminator film has its Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Saturn all in Scorpio. (Chart) The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the “T-800” model Terminator — a heavily fortified, totally determined hitman from the future who gives no quarter and whose cybernetic brain possesses no fear of death:

According to astrologer Judy Hall, people with their Sun (conscious identity) in this intensely secretive sign make for great undertakers and insurance agents. (Source) They also do well in any career that requires infiltration, such as working for the internal affairs department of a Fortune 500 corporation. Schwarzenegger’s Scorpionic alter-ego the T-800 is not a literal undertaker or corporate insurance agent but its mission to infiltrate (Scorpio) the past and assassinate (Scorpio) Sarah Connor is designed to insure (Scorpio) that things goes as planned for a massive defense contractor known as the Cyberdyne Corporation. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is also considered the sign having dominion over nuclear energy. (Source) Not coincidentally, the T-800 is powered by an internal nuclear reactor that sits in its solar plexus region behind heavy armor. Human Scorpios are powered by similarly powerful, if intensely guarded, sources of energy.

Sitting 60 degrees from Scorpio is Capricorn, the sign of responsibility, realism, and relentless determination. This is the sign of the Prime Minister, the Authority Figure, the Strategist, the Business Man, the General, the CEO, and the Director. Ecologically, Capricorn is the sign of the winter solstice, a time of the year when supplies may be getting short and members of the tribe may be in danger of succumbing to the elements both physical and emotional. In order to make it through the winter, the remaining provisions must be utilized judiciously while movements of survivors must be managed strategically. This is why the Moon (emotional needs) is considered “in detriment” when in Capricorn. Soul-crushing experiences that would break the spirits of other Moon signs are actually emotionally nourishing to the Capricorn Moon. This is the one lunar placement that actually “switches on” during times of austerity. Abraham Lincoln is a high profile but fundamentally representative Capricorn Moon. (Chart) He grew up amid austere circumstances and went on to lead the U.S. through the Civil War, an extraordinarily dark time that required extremely strategic management of both soldiers and civilians. In 2012 Lincoln was portrayed by Daniel Day Lewis in the film bearing his name:

Combine the psychological intensity of a Scorpio Sun with the strategic instincts of a Capricorn Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that’s self-disciplined, self-controlled, single-minded and serious to the point of being militant. Intense and brooding, highly responsible and naturally adept at “realpolitik”, this is a potentially ruthless Sun/Moon pairing that has “something of the devil” in their soul according to astrologer Jefferson Anderson. (Source) To illustrate: General George Patton is Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) Nicknamed “Ol’ Blood and Guts”, Patton was responsible for a number of America’s most important victories over the Nazis during World War II. In true Scorpio/Capricorn fashion it’s been said that Patton “out Blitzkreiged the inventors of the Blitzkreig”. Nazi generals admitted they feared him more than the devil himself. (Source) In 1970 Patton was portrayed to great effect by George C. Scott in the film bearing his name:

For this pairing, power (Scorpio) and respect (Capricorn), cunning (Scorpio) and hard work (Capricorn) are the undisputed currencies of the realm. A few quotes from George Patton summarize the tenacious if somber Scorpio/Capricorn modus operandi quite effectively:

The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

Astrologer Stella Hyde says Scorpios make for great secret agents, samurais, interrogators and professional assassins while Capricorn Moons are emotionally nourished by occupations such as horror-story writing, satanism, and grave robbing. (Source) Lieutenant Colonel Robert K. Brown is a Scorpio/Capricorn. (Chart) He’s best known for establishing Soldier of Fortune magazine, an extraordinarily controversial publication that has long catered to professional mercenaries, weapons lovers, and war-fanatics. During the 1980s Brown and people associated with his magazine were involved in training, arming, and raising money for the Contras in Nicaragua and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan — CIA connected groups that did make use of assassinations, interrogations, and other methods more than a bit reminiscent of those employed by satanists, grave-robbers, and characters straight out of Stephen King horror stories. As far as whether Brown has “something of the devil in his soul”, George Orwell once said “by the time he’s 50 years old a man has the face he deserves.”

Anybody to left of G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North is likely to find Mr. Brown an off-putting character, to put it mildly. (This is doubly the case if you’ve done much reading on the geopolitics of Central America and Central Asia during the 1980s.) There is, however, no doubting his resourcefulness or capacity to utilize the protections of the first amendment to their absolute limit — something even those of us more likely to admire Woodward and Bernstein than John Rambo and E. Howard Hunt can (grudgingly) appreciate. For instance, according to a recent article in Newsmax, in 1983 Brown published an interview with a KGB assassin known as “JAWS”, something the U.S. government had warned him against doing in the strongest possible language. When the KGB got wind of the article they recalled their assassin to Moscow and Brown “subsequently received a threatening letter from JAWS stating that he looked forward to a meeting in Central America”. (Source) Many Scorpio/Capricorns will find themselves in similar exchanges with their co-workers. To his credit, Brown spent a good deal of his own money attempting to get to the truth about what happened to American POWs in Vietnam. According to a recent profile of Brown in Maxim magazine:

Over the years, the colonel routinely sank his largesse back into financing whatever mission the magazine had embarked on. He says he personally spent more than $300,000 backing efforts to hunt for POWs he and many of his readers believed had been left behind after the Vietnam War. “And that was 30 years ago,” he notes. (Source)

Brown’s exploits at Soldier of Fortune are supposedly the inspiration for The Expendables, Sylvester Stallone’s violence laden film franchise about a team of mercenaries who appear to straddle the line between professional soldiers and murderous psychopaths — both of which are Scorpio/Capricorn archetypes. (Source) As Stallone’s character explains when deciding whether or not to accept a contract to overthrow a government in the Gulf of Mexico, “if the money’s right we don’t care where the job is”. (Source) That’s a pretty good approximation of the Scorpio/Capricorn approach to life should their unremitting desire for power (Scorpio) and material success (Capricorn) head stomp their sense of humanity into bits and pieces.

Even those Scorpio/Capricorns who dedicate their lives to the causes of peace and justice will do so with as much ferocity, passion, and determination as George Patton invested into fighting wars and Robert Brown has invested into mercenary work. Robert F. Kennedy (RFK), the brother of President John F. Kennedy, is a Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon. (Chart) During his time as the U.S. Attorney General, RFK was “known for his advocacy for the African-American Civil Rights Movement and crusade against organized crime”. (Source) In the late 1950s he wrote a book about high level political corruption entitled The Enemy Within, a title that suggests an armada of themes close to the heart of any Scorpio/Capricorn. Indira Ghandi, named “Woman of the Millennium” in a poll organised by the BBC in 1999, is also a Scorpio/Capricorn. (Chart) She was so tough that even Richard Nixon — a man roughly as ruthless as the aforementioned “JAWS” character — admitted he was afraid to go head-to-head with her:

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of totality and extremes. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of brass tack reality and long term karma. Sue Tompkins links this combination with the most extreme life circumstances imaginable such as “the full horrors of Auschwitz becoming known”, “Chernobyl blowing up”, “Wall Street crashing” along with “accelerated fears concerns the dangers of nuclear power or the possible threat of nuclear war”. (Source) If, God forbid, somebody ever plants a nuclear device in your town you’ll probably end up calling a Scorpio/Capricorn to come down and defuse it. Why a Scorpio/Capricorn? For two reasons: A) because only a Scorpio/Capricorn has the nerves of steel necessary to remain calm in such a situation and B) because, using its establishment date as its date of birth, the U.S. government’s Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) is a Scorpio/Capricorn. (Chart) If you haven’t heard of NEST before — and very few people have — it’s a clandestine government agency comprised of approximately 600-800 scientists whose job it is to respond to nuclear threats. Scorpio and Capricorn are both very private signs so it makes sense that outside of Jeffery Richelson’s 2006 book Defusing Armageddon: Inside NEST, America’s Secret Nuclear Bomb Squad, almost nothing has been written about this real life doomsday version of the “Mission Impossible” force.


Linda Goodman links Scorpio to “the process of death itself” and Capricorn to “all matters pertaining to the dead themselves”. Both signs, she says, “have a powerful affinity for deeply felt and long-held secrets”. (Source) NEST, for instance, is prepared to handle both the “process of death” and “matters pertaining to the dead” while the very fact of its existence is a deeply held, long-term secret. NEST agents may not literally have a bit of “Satan in their souls” but if being responsible for defusing nuclear bombs doesn’t count as dancing with the devil I’m not sure what does.

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon: The Lone Crusader and the Last Valkyrie, the Shadow Warrior and the Splinter Cell, the Delta Force Operator and the Punk Rock Riot Protestor

(Image Credit: Tomb Raider video game, available for purchase at Amazon)

Combine the extreme intensity of a Scorpio Sun with the competitive instincts of an Aries Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is highly combative, hyper-individualistic, and always looking for a fight. Astrologer Bil Tierney says this pairing is “built for confrontation”. (Source) To illustrate: using its incorporation date as its date of birth, Boston Dynamics Inc. is a Scorpio/Aries. (Chart) They’re the company the Pentagon has contracted with to build what looks like the real life incarnation of “The Terminator”, the hyper-confrontational cyborg from the future famously portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Take a look:

Using its establishment date of 11/21/1977 as its date of birth, the U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (aka the “Delta Force”) is also a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) This undated photograph of four Delta Force “Operators” courtesy of the Department of Defense starkly summarizes the modus operandi of what might be the zodiac’s most dangerous Sun/Moon combination. Like the machines built by Boston Dynamics, Delta Force is an organization that’s very much “built for confrontation”:

Delta Force, established 11/21/77, is a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon organization. (Photo courtesy DOD)

Scorpio and Aries form what’s known as a “quincunx”, a potentially volatile astrological aspect that’s as difficult to reconcile as it is to pronounce. Signs that quincunx each other are so different they may as well be from different planets if not different dimensions. About the only thing Scorpio and Aries have in common is they’re both ruled by Mars, the planet of war. (Aries is ruled by Mars, Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto) As astrologer Linda Goodman explains in her book Love Signs, Scorpio fights like a ninja, Aries like a prize fighter:

Aries is the reckless, Mars-driven crusader, stirred emotionally by dedication to a cause, and the excitement of a dangerous mission. Scorpio is the seasoned veteran, possessing a deep sense of realities and the strength to endure hardships, with no illusions about the glamour of marching bands, uniforms, and decorations for bravery. Their strategies are very different. Aries defends fiercely, in the front lines. Scorpio attacks suddenly, unexpectedly, from the rear. (Source)

Combine the two together and get you a Sun/Moon pairing that will storm life by the front door, the back door, and all points in between — something this video about the Delta Force selection process makes abundantly clear. Using its original release date as its date of birth, spy novelist Tom Clancy’s best selling, reality based Splinter Cell video game franchise is a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon every bit as confrontational in the imaginal alter-verse of video gaming as the Delta Force is in the very real three dimensional world of war-fighting. (Chart) According to Wikipedia, the series features themes that are both covert (Scorpio) and aggressive (Aries), “the game stars protagonist Sam Fisher as a highly trained agent of a fictional black-ops sub-division within the NSA.”

Using its original release date as its date of birth, the video game Tomb Raider is also a Scorpio/Aries. Like Splinter Cell, the game is full of action and adventure. It was also intensely (Scorpio) pioneering (Aries) in its own right as it was the first high-profile video game to feature a female character — Lara Croft — as its protagonist.

Have a knuckle dragging, uber-Republican, pro-Haliburton, pro Dick Cheney type in your family who thinks astrology is just a bunch of bunk? Tell them that the U.S. Delta Force and/or Splinter Cell are both Scorpio Sun, Aries Moons — then read to them what Charles and Suzi Harvey have to say about this combination, then sit back and watch their jaws drop as low as their knuckles:

Fight! Fight! Fight! You rally to the call of battle of any kind with unstoppable courage and determination. Yet you can also find conflicts where others see none . . . you are one of life’s warriors, and when you can bring together the fighter and the strategist, you are well-nigh invincible.

You may find yourself caught between a smouldering, silent intensity and a need to get out there, guns blazing, and tell the world what you are going to do – shooting straight from the hip.

. . . you are never frightened to mix it up with those who cross your path. Both friends and enemies think of you as somebody who can be relied upon in a corner to rally to the barricades. . .


Even those Scorpio/Aries individuals who are completely opposed to militarism will take an intensely “guns blazing” approach to their opposition. To illustrate: using the group’s formation date as its date of birth, the “Free P***y Riot” (FPR) is a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) The FPR are a hyper-confrontational, pro-feminist, pro-LGBT, Russian punk rock political protest group, not an American special forces group, but given the ruthless approach Vladimir Putin takes to his political opponents there’s no doubting their willingness to “mix it up” or to “rally to the barricades” in aid of their cause. Like the members of the Delta Force, the missions the FPR go on are dangerous enough that its members must disguise their identities. Like Tom Clancy’s spy thriller video game series, FPR is also something of a “splinter cell”, one whose members have landed in prison as a result of their efforts:

Unfortunately, always being ready to “rally to the barricades” with “guns blazing” ready to “fight, fight, fight” comes with a deep cost. Life is a jungle for many (most?) Scorpio/Aries natives which is also why you’ll find a disproportionate number who suffer from stress disorders. Grant Lewi cautions his readers, “This combination has a high temper which can be explosive to the danger point . . .” (Source)

Scorpio/Aries Martin Luther is a 16th century German monk, priest, and professor of theology who went to war against the moneyed corruption of the church. (Source) For his efforts he was excommunicated by the Pope and condemned as an “outlaw” by the Emperor of Rome. Luther also married a runaway nun, which should give you an idea of the type of romantic partner many Scorpio/Aries men are attracted to. Legendary blogger-provocateur Matt Drudge is a Scorpio/Aries whose made a career doing to the establishment media what Martin Luther did to the Church. Even those of us who find his brand of politics profoundly distasteful can recognize that he’s certainly “rallied to the barricades” in defense of free speech and independent media. In fact, during the late 1990s he so effectively rallied to the barricades of free speech that he became Bill and Hilary Clinton’s public enemy number one. At the time the Clintons were at the peak of their power while Drudge was still working a low wage job to support himself. One need not agree with his politics to recognize that only a person with intense (Scorpio) levels of courage (Aries Moon) would have dared to do that.

About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults via Twitter, his first YouTube channel, his second YouTube channel, SoundCloud, LibSyn or this site’s contact page.

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