Today is the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB) so it’s good time to take a look at its Sun/Moon pairing. The opening celebration for the bridge commenced on May 27th, 1937 but it was opened for traffic the day before. The GGB was thus “born” on May 26th, 1937 making it a Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart)
Gemini is symbolized by two twins facing each other in much the same the twin pylons of the GGB face each other. Sagittarius is symbolized by a centaur (half-man, half-horse) and considered the sign most likely to take long distance trips. The GGB looks like the Twins (Gemini) and was the longest distance (Sagittarius) suspension bridge ever built at the time. It has twin sets of lanes that go in two directions at once (Gemini) and is traversed primarily by people inside vehicles measured in horsepower (Sagittarius).
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius: The Golden Gate Bridge (Photo Source: Rich Niewiroski Jr.)
Gemini is the sign of Bike Messenger and the Cab Driver, the Blogger and the Bookseller, the Writer and the Journalist. It’s also the sign most likely to look for shortcuts or, as in the case of the GGB, actually engineer them. People with their Sun (identity) in this quick moving sign eventually come to be identified with their aptitude for quick communication and ability to cross-pollinate between different areas of life. In the case of the GGB, it’s now identified primarily as an avenue for quick-commuting and cross-pollination across different parts of the Bay Area.
Sagittarius, the sign opposite to Gemini, is the Traveler, the Student, the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Professor of High Adventure and the Super Crusader of Quests and Faith. For people with their Moon (emotional needs) in Sagittarius, travel is a form of emotional nourishment. With its Moon (needs) in Sagittarius (travel) it’s not a coincidence the GGB is funded (nourished) by the money (emotional support?) that people pay to travel across it. The GGB needs paying drivers to travel across it in order to be physically sustained in much the same way a person with their Moon in Sagittarius needs travel in order to be emotionally sustained.
Astrologer Jefferson Anderson emphasizes pairing’s love of freedom, writing that “The open road is a lot more tempting to you than the drudgery of a routine job . . .” He also provides an eerie warning given the location of the GGB atop two active fault lines, “You have a tendency to dispatch past catastrophes from your short memory.” (Source)” In light of Anderson’s warning it should be mentioned that, according to
While engineers did find a way to secure the bridge’s towers in the heavy ocean currents, accommodating earthquakes was not part of their original design. (Source)
The GGB has its Moon right on its North Node, the point of destiny. This is considered an indicator of coming before the public in a big way according to astrologer Celeste Teal. (Source) Placed in Sagittarius, the sign of long distance travel and expansion into new frontiers, the nature of the GGB’s public notoriety was destined to involve travel in some way. Russian Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, also has a Moon/North Node conjunction in Sagittarius in her chart. (Chart)
Pisces is the sign most likely to move in and out of other dimensions. Sagittarius is the sign most likely to travel across wide-ranging terrains, both physical and philosophical. Combine the trans-dimensional nature of a Pisces Sun with the freedom loving instincts of a Sagittarius Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is far-seeking, freedom-loving, and frontier-faring. Craving adventure, variety, and novelty this is the Sun/Moon pairing most likely to go on road trips so unbelievably wild they will just blow your mind. To illustrate: Russian Cosmonnaut Valentina Tereshkova is a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Officially the first woman in space, Tereshkova embarked on her voyage to the final frontier on June 16th, 1963.
Being so attuned to other dimensions and far-away frontiers, the Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon individual struggles to handle earthbound matters. Jefferson Anderson writes of this pairing’s tendency to ignore life’s mundane-but-important details:
At home with Nietzsch or Kierkgaard, you are thrown into a quandry when it comes to balancing your checkbook! You are not the practical sort. You live in a world of ideas and impressions, and the mundane details of life annoy you. Fortunately your keen intuition manages to steer you away from perilous conditions that anyone else as capricious and absentminded would fall into helplessly. (Source)
As far “steering clear of perilous conditions”, there’s an important detail generally omitted from Tereshkova’s biography. Frank Edwards, a former columnist for Fate Magazine, describes the perilous conditions that formed the backdrop to Tereshkova’s mission:
Tereshkova was NOT the first woman into space — she was the first woman to come back from space. There is a difference — and the difference is grim. . . . there were many scientists both in and out of the Communist countries who knew the truth, that the first woman into space never came back. (Source)
On May 23rd, three weeks before Tereshkova’s trip, a listening post at the Torre Bert Space Centre in Italy picked up a series of deeply unsettling voice communications between a Russian spacecraft and mission control:
To this day the identity of the woman heard in the above transmission remains unknown. What is known, according to the Judica-Cordiglia brothers who manned the listening post at Torre Bert, is that “Three days later, on May 26, 1961, the soviet press agency announced the return to earth on the 23rd of a unmanned satellite the size of a city bus. Its launch had not been previously disclosed and its purpose was unknown.” (Source)
As the first woman to venture into the unknown realms of outer space Tereshkova was extremely fortunate to be a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. Astrologer Bill Tierney tells us, “This pairing has a marvelous way of communicating with angels on high. Miracles happen for them more than any other combination of signs.” (Source) Given the grim fate that seems to have befallen her predecessor it’s not too much of a stretch to assume Tereshkova really did have “angels from on high” watching over her.
Strangely enough, Yuri Gagarin – officially the first man in space – is also a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Source) Like his astro-twin Mrs. Tereshkov, Gargarin also seems to have had a few guardian angels looking over him. Eight years after his famous flight on board Vostok One, Gargarin narrowly missed being the pilot for Soyuz One which resulted in a fatal crash.
Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Temporal Rifts, Parallel Timelines, Messages from the Past, Images of the Future
The ability to communicate with angels is also what tunes this pairing to multiple levels of reality and to even more mind-blowing possibilities such as multiple timelines. Consider, for instance, the plot of “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, one of the most popular installments of the Star Trek television franchise. The episode originally aired on February 19th, 1990, making it a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) In the episode a temporal rift creates a fascinating if mind bending network of parallel time lines. The only way for the official timeline to be maintained is for a female crew member to volunteer for a suicide mission through time and space:
Guinan’s line to Captain Picard regarding the multiple realities at 4:03 of the above clip, “I can’t explain it to myself so I can’t explain to you, I only know that I’m right” could easily be life’s motto for this pairing. It may seem a bit “out there” to draw parallels between a real life person such as Valentina Tereshkova and an episode from a fictional television show but Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon knows better than any other combination that truth is stranger than fiction and and sometimes fiction is truer than truth.
Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Multiple Dimensions, Final Frontiers, Other Worlds
Speaking of concepts so mind-blowing they enter the frontiers of the unexplainable, Albert Einstein is also a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Curiously enough, his theory of relativity bears a strange resemblance to the narrative backdrop to “Yesterday’s Enterprise”. Take a look at this computer generated representation of Einstein’s theory on the left and compare it to a screenshot of the temporal rift depicted in “Yesterday’s Enterprise” on the right:
Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Einstein's theory of relativity on the left; a temporal rift in 'Yesterday's Enterprise' on the right
Notice any similarities?
Like the starship from the past depicted in “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, Einstein traveled through the dimensions of space and time. The only difference is his journeys took place not on board a warp-speed capable starship but inside the vastness of his own warp-speed capable mind. His famous letter to FDR regarding the potential of atomic weapons in 1939 probably altered the course of the second world war as much as “Yesterday’s Enterprise” altered the course of the galactic war depicted in Star Trek.
Copernicus, the 16th century astronomer whose book On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres is considered the starting point of the scientific revolution, is also Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Like his astro-twin Albert Einstein, Copernicus’s theories took him so deep into the final frontiers of human knowledge (of his time) that they altered the course of world history. According to his Wikipedia entry, “His work stimulated further scientific investigations, becoming a landmark in the history of science that is often referred to as the Copernican Revolution.” (Source)
Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus
Given his interest in astronomy, Copernicus would probably be interested to know that on March 14th, 2012 NASA released an image of the entire universe as observed by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. (Source) Yes, you read that correctly: “the entire universe”. A high resolution version of the image is available here and really must be seen to be believed. Using the image’s release date as its date of birth it is a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon just like Copernicus. (Chart)
Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: The Entire Night Sky (Source: NASA)
You think that’s mind-blowing? Strap yourself in because you ain’t seen nothing yet. Get a load of the “ChronoZoom Project”, a joint research effort between the University of California, Moscow University, and the Microsoft corporation that allows you to point and click your way through the totality of time and space itself: everything from cosmic history to earth history to human history, to the origins of the stars, to the origin of life itself. The project is essentially a space-time travel machine albeit one that stays within the bounds of your computer. Using the date of its release as its date of birth, the ChronoZoom Project is a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon just like travelers of space and time Valentina Tereshkova, Yuri Gargarin, Albert Einstein, and Copernicus.
That Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon individuals or projects would be at the forefront of space travel, dimensional physics, astronomy, and time travel is no surprise. At its best this pairing will explore matters so extraordinary they seem magical.
Sagittarius is the Traveler, the Truth Seeker, the Scholar-Lecturer, the Philosopher-Prophet, and the Professor of High Adventure. Possessed by the energy of a wild horse, prone to taking off on wild escapades, and always looking towards new frontiers, Sagittarius is the sign most likely to go on long distance trips. Sometimes these trips will be geographical in nature but other times they will be across religious, spiritual, or moral philosophies. Oftentimes they will be across both.
When Sagittarius takes its desire to seek the truth to extremes it goes from being the Philosopher to being the Fanatic, from being the Professor of High Adventure to the Purveyor of Religious Warfare.
The film Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, released (born) December 6th, 1991 is a Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) The film hits all the major Sagittarian themes: long distance travel, involvement with foreigners, and broad based issues of morality. In particular the film touches on the examination of *belief systems*, including those taken to the point of fanaticism. In The Undiscovered Country, the belief system to be examined is Captain Kirk’s fanatical, almost religious like, belief that the Klingons are subhuman savages, a belief born from the fact his son was murdered by them.
Sagittarius is traditionally symbolized as an Centaur-Archer firing a flaming arrow at a far-off target. Astrologer Austin Coppock tells us this is the sign of “Doom’s Super Soldier” who will stop at nothing once possessed by the spirit of a crusade. (Source) In this next clip Admiral Chang – the film’s fanatical doom super soldier from abroad – quotes Shakespeare as he fires off a volley of photon torpedoes, the futuristic equivalent of the Archer’s flaming arrows. Meanwhile, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy rush to prepare one final flaming arrow of their own:
Double Sagittarius types often sport a sense of humor as wide ranging as their philosophical escapades. Take a look at this scene where Lt. Uhura, played by Nichelle Nicholas, attempts a foreign language without the benefit of the high-tech universal translator for an example of the double Sag’s boisterous laugh and rollicking sense of humor.
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius: Trek Through Space, Quest on the Martian Frontier
Curiously enough, the Curiosity rover launched by NASA on November 26th, 2011 and currently en route to Mars is also a Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Astrologer Jefferson writes of the double Sagittarius pairing, “You need plenty of space in which to move about and do exactly as you please . . . lots of travel is essential to your health.” (Source) Luckily for the Curiosity rover it will have an entire planet to roam across, a near dream for a double Sagittarius:
In medical astrology Sagittarius rules the hips (running muscles). Perhaps then it’s no surprise that a double Sagittarius rover like Curiosity has a base so much wider and larger and tires so much more rugged than its predecessors the Spirit and the Opportunity rovers. The Curiosity is the rover on your right, the scientists’ left:
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius: the Curiosity rover is on your right
The Curiosity rover even bears a strange similarity to the symbol for Sagittarius. Consider, for instance, how an image of the Curiosity released by NASA in 2011 compares with an image of the symbol for Sagittarius as published by Johannes Hevelius in 1690:
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius: the Mars Curiosity rover on the left courtesy of NASA/JPL, drawing by Johannes Hevelius from 1690 on right
If you didn’t know better you might even think the device the Curiosity is carrying on its left side is some type of mechanical bow or that the laser beam it’s firing is a flaming arrow.
It should be noted that along with its Sun (identity) and Moon (emotional needs), the Curiosity also has Mercury (communication) and the North Node (destiny) in the sign of wide intellectual horizons. Its Mars (how it fights) is in Virgo, the sign of analysis. Mars in Virgo is a great placement for forensic researchers who must dig deep and analyze the heck out of things, which is more or less what the Curiosity is doing up there on the red planet.
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius: “The heights of artistic and spiritual expression”
Of course there is more to this sign than exotic cultures, flaming arrows, and non-stop action across the high seas of deep space or great plains of the Martian frontier. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the most expansive of planets. When a person (or project) has both their Sun (identity) and Moon (emotional needs) in Sagittarius they will thus be very oriented to an expansive “Big Picture” view of things. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson explains:
. . . for this pairing, every facet of existence takes on cosmic, abstract proportions. Clarity of thought and lofty inspiration life you above the masses and into the realms of philosophy. Capable of ascending to great artistic and spiritual heights, you nevertheless have genuine difficult when it comes to returning to Earth. (Source)
On December 15th, 2009 the American Museum of Natural History released an amazing six and a half minute video entitled The Known Universe that may be the ultimate example of the Double Sagittarian’s capacity to “ascend to great artistic and spiritual heights.” The video takes the viewer on a bird’s eye trip from the Himalaya Mountains all the way out to the furthest known boundaries of space and time. Using the video’s original upload date as its date of birth, it too is a Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart)
The scholar of the Zodiac, Sagittarius loves museums and long distance trips. Maybe then it’s no coincidence a museum staffed by scholars produced a double Sagittarius video that takes the viewer on the longest of long distance trips, whether measured in terms of miles traveled or minds blown.
Sagittarius is the sign of the quests, crusades, and devil-may-care adventures. It’s also the sign most likely to be passionately involved in religious, spiritual, or philosophical pursuits. At it’s most extreme expression, however, Sagittarius is the sign of “Doom’s Super Soldier” who will stop at nothing to achieve its quest, according to astrologer Austin Coppock. (Source)
If Sagittarius is the sign of the quasi-religious philosopher-super soldier then is it any surprise that actor Samuel Jackson, best known for playing a Bible quoting philosopher-hitman in the film Pulp Fiction, is a 29 degrees Sagittarius Sun? (Chart)
There are 30 degrees to each sign, 0-29, with each successive degree correlating to a more concentrated form of that sign’s energy. Twenty nine degrees Sagittarius is thus the most intensely concentrated degree of Sagittarius. Jackson’s wallet in Pulp Fiction is inscribed with the phrase “Bad Mother Fucker” which is basically a synonym for “Doom’s Super Soldier”, the most intensely concentrated expression of Sagittarius energy.
Sagittarius can usually be found on a spiritual quest of some sort. Not coincidentally, Samuel Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction spends most of the film on a quest for his boss’s suitcase. We never find out for sure what’s in the suitcase but it does shine very brightly when opened, which leads us to suspect there may be some type of spiritual component to whatever is in it.
Like a textbook Sagittarius, Jackson’s character also undergoes something loosely akin to a spiritual awakening from the beginning to the end of the film. As he says to Ringo, the would be hold-up man, in the film’s famous concluding scene, “Normally both your asses would be dead as fried chicken but you happened to pull this shit while I’m in a transitional period.” He also speaks quite loudly, yet another Sagittarius trademark.
Your South Node is placed in the 10th House, the house concerned with the government, big business, the status-quo, anything to do with your relationship to “The Establishment”. In the astrology of the medieval days, the condition of your 10th House was considered to be indicative of “your status before the king.” Today it is more commonly associated with your career as seen from the view of the public. (Your day-to-day working environment, on the other hand, is described more by the 6th House than the 10th.)
With your South Node in the 10th House, you were likely a member of “The Establishment”, an authority figure, or otherwise in a position of public acclaim and importance in your past lives.
But, and this is a crucial “but” in your chart, the planet Uranus (symbolic of shocks, rebellion) is conjunct (fused) with the South Node (past life). So it is likely you were involved in some type of rebellion (Uranus) against “The Establishment” (10th House) even if you were originally born into “The Establishment”. As your South Node/Uranus conjunction is in the sign Sagittarius, the nature of the rebellion had something to do with Sagittarian themes of religion, faith, the pursuit of truth, or belief systems and philosophies.
Uranus in the 10th: Determined Idiocy or Strategically Planned Acts of Independence?
Uranus/South Node is a very edgy energy to be bringing into this life. This aspect imbues you with a wealth of “out of left field” type creative gifts but can lead to sudden disruptions in matters associated with your 10th House of Career and Public standing. At its highest expression, this aspects indicates you have likely been a force for speaking truth to power (the function of Uranus) over matters related to the status-quo (the 10th House). Darker possibilities include participation in a futile rebellion (the Uranian shadow) against tyrants or authoritarian establishments (the 10th House shadow). If, in this life, your efforts at breaking with the status-quo ever begin to feel more like “determined idiocy” (the Uranian shadow) than strategically planned acts of independence (the healthy expression of Uranus), then you may want to reconsider how you’re making use of this energy.
The good news, given your political and socio-cultural leanings, is that with South conjunct Uranus in your chart, you’re in very good company: Filmmaker Michael Moore and musician Willie Nelson, as well as several other notable modern day “rebels”, also have this aspect in their charts. (Source)
Editor’s Note: Below is an excerpt from an analysis I did for a client whose chart included South Node in Sagittarius and Pluto in the 9th. -Matt
South Node in Sagittarius: Past Lives as a Vagabond, a Gypsy, a Scholar
Your South Node is in Sagittarius, the sign of the Philosopher, the Gypsy, the Vagabond, the Scholar. Sagittarius is the sign most associated with the pursuit of broad based knowledge (“the big picture”), belief systems, the search for meaning, higher education, organized religion, foreigners and foreign adventures, crusades and quests. At its best, Sagittarius is the sign associated with the expansion of consciousness, the renewal of faith, and belief in a better tomorrow. It is represented by the Centaur, the half man/half horse who roams across broad landscapes in the pursuit of truth. At its worst Sagittarius is the sign of blind faith, dogma, nihilism, religious extremism, and a belief in Utopian spiritual/cultural schemes involving migration to foreign lands.
With your South Node in Sagittarius, “roaming” and the search for truth were major themes in your past live. The roaming may have been through different lands and cultures but just as easily could have been through the geographies of various religious or philosophical belief systems.
Pluto in the 9th House: When Faith Becomes a Matter of Life and Death
While Sagittarius is the *sign* of belief systems and the quest for truth, the 9th House is the *House* of belief systems and the quest for truth. In your chart, Pluto – the planet of extremes – is in the 9th house. This mean 9th House issues of belief systems, spirituality, and faith took on Plutonian dimensions for you in your past lives. Put simply, what you believed – or refused to believe – was a matter of life and death for either yourself or others around you.
With your South Node in Sagittarius – the sign of belief systems – and Pluto in the 9th House – the House of belief systems, it’s safe to say the theme of belief systems has been a dominant one in your past lives. In my estimation your past lives included elements of fanaticism, nihilism, or religious/moral persecution. It is possible you have been on both ends of such persecution, possibly in the same life, possibly on the delivering end in one past life while on the receiving end in a different past life.
The Gifts of Pluto in the 9th House: Be the Philosopher, not the Moralizer
The good news is that Pluto in the 9th endows you with Plutonian gifts related to preaching, philosophy, and higher education. Anything involving questions relating to the “big picture” of why we’re here, what’s true, and what should we put our faith in is favored for you. So too are long-distance travels, particularly any embarked on as part of religious, philosophical, or educational pursuits.
You have the ability to be a powerful preacher, professor, or philosopher so long as you don’t fall prey to the darker expressions of the 9th House: cynicism, zealotry, and dogmatic belief systems. The key to using this placement is to go on knowledge crusades without become a crusader, work towards being a moral authority without become a moralizer.
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