Symbolized as a pair of twins who look the same but are actually quite different, Gemini is the sign most likely to find its way into telecommunications, sales, or the media. This is the sign of improvisation and insubordination, manic subversion and mercurial mad hat tactics, fast moving fiber optics and high flying manichaeans. Sitting 60 degrees from Gemini is Leo. Symbolized as a regal Lion with a mane to die for, Leo is always on the A-List whether lounging around on the sun drenched savannas of Africa or strutting down the brightly lit red carpets of Hollywood. So what happens when you pair the physical and mental agility of a Gemini Sun with the instinctual stage presence of a Leo Moon you ask? You get a Sun/Moon pairing that is eternally youthful and always colorful, a creative thinker and a confident performer, a natural salesperson and a first-rate storyteller. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson calls Gemini/Leo “the Ham” whose life is “a nonstop soap opera with few station breaks . . . people can’t wait for the next episode.” (Source) Linda Goodman says this pairing will stay busy changing the scenery (Gemini) and hogging the encores (Leo Moon) while describing both signs in distinctly theatrical terms:
From childhood, Geminis have been acutely aware that illusion is the most dependable of all riches. No Broadway stage is as packed with drama and color as the “theater of the mind.” And so, the Twins cast themselves in all roles, from character actors to the ingenues, from the stars to the lowliest bit players, sometimes slipping into the part of the stagehands or musicians. Why not? They’ve also decided they’re the producers and directors, so they can be whatever they choose to be.
. . . when playing the boards with the Big Cats, the Twins best be cautious about grabbing off the plum titles of Star, Director, or Producer. If there’s any kind of show going on, anywhere, at any time, actual or make-believe, you can be your greasainte and footlights are going to insist on directing it and producing it — and most definitely will star in it. No one successfully outshines a Lion or a Lioness for very long, let alone upstages a King or Queen.
To illustrate: using their debut date as the team’s date of birth, the 1980s professional wrestling tag team “The Rockers” are a Gemini with their Moon in Leo. (Chart) Comprised of Cancerian Shawn Michaels and Aquarian Marty Jannetty, the Rockers were a pair of acrobatic (Gemini) all-stars (Leo Moon), a high flying duo (Gemini) with highly teased hair (Leo Moon) whose live wire (Gemini) dramatizations (Leo Moon), hit-and-run style (Gemini) theatrics (Leo Moon), and up-tempo (Gemini) opening acts (Leo Moon) took the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) by absolute storm in the late 1980s. Their matches were nonstop action with no station breaks while many people who were kids at the time will remember barely being able to wait for the next episode of Saturday morning wrestling to see if they’d be on. Once their distinctive rock music blasted across the arena loudspeakers, audiences knew they were in for a Broadway style show packed with drama and color, one that that would not be out-shined or upstaged. It’s been almost thirty years since the team originally debuted but their combination of highly original in-ring maneuvers (Gemini) and bold, scene stealing moves (Leo Moon) seems as entertaining as ever:
True to the team’s Gemini/Leo pedigree, the Rockers were more colorful then most of their WWF contemporaries of that era while their well-choreographed arsenal of high flying (Gemini), crowd-pleasing (Leo Moon) moves enabled them to tell first rate stories via their matches in the ring. Most often they were cast as the young upstarts facing members of the old guard or as agile Davids taking on brutal Goliaths, fitting roles for a Sun/Moon pairing as lively and youthful as Gemini/Leo.

Gemini/Leo is not a natural revolutionary per-se but it does like to keep things fresh. According to the The Secret Language of Relationships this pairing is inclined to suspect “established conventions may simply be excuses for bad habits” and is capable of making “a good joke at the expense of more traditional associates.” (Source) Suzi and Charles Harvey observe that it is often “a talented weaver of magical images” with a God-given gift for “timing and exaggeration.” (Source) When the Rockers entered the WWF in 1987 the company was dominated by big name performers such as Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, mammoth sized wrestlers who were charismatic and able to connect with crowds but who sported all the athleticism and mobility of school buses. Popular tag teams of the day like the Powers of Pain and the Colossal Connection moved with the brute force of Soviet era tanks, the Rockers moved like a pair of high performance Tesla roadsters. Built more like modern day cross-fitters than old school carnival strongmen, the duo utilized their talent, timing, speed, and synchronization to weave sequences of moves that seemed darn near magical compared to the more pedestrian fare offered by their contemporaries. A few samples:
The Rockers certainly weren’t trying to intentionally upstage the rest of the WWF roster at the time with their dexterous (Gemini) theatrics (Leo Moon). However, in defying the established conventions of that era the Rockers did end up making their more traditional associates look a bit like slow moving jokes.
Pairing Gemini’s mercurial aptitudes with a Leo Moon’s instincts for entertainment means this pairing is often great at recruiting campaigns. According to astrologer Jason Fleming, this pairing “. . . can have far-reaching implications for playing in the big leagues when it comes to putting passion and promotion behind ideas and concepts designed to further the growth of humanity at large.” (Source) The WWF is considered the “big leagues” of the sports entertainment world and the success of the Rockers, with their attainable physiques and revolutionary style, had far-reaching implications for the profession. It was their popularity with fans that helped usher in an era where normal sized performers would have a chance at the big time. They weren’t a literal outreach team for the WWF but their matches did serve as de-facto recruitment campaigns for the next generation of wrestlers. A documentary about the team was produced a few years ago and, not coincidentally, a number of current superstars such as Chris Jericho cited the Rockers as their favorite team growing up:
This is probably one of the top Sun/Moon pairings for loving to have fun. The Rockers’ original run in the WWF lasted less than two weeks as they were fired for “partying too much.” By all accounts the culture of the WWF during the 1980s was such a Dionysian free-for-all that it would have given the likes of Rick James or Charlie Sheen a run for their money. So for a pair of performers to get fired for “partying too much” under those circumstances is really quite an accomplishment — one that as a fun-loving Gemini/Leo team the Rockers were likely quite proud of.
Gemini/Leos are often a natural at sales, marketing, or merchandising. The Rockers were so popular with young fans that their merchandise flew off the shelves — in no small part due to their highly animated promo interviews (Gemini) and fabulously cultivated mullets that only a Leo Moon could love:
As with all Gemini pairings, this one is subject to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style splits between the good twin and the evil twin. For the Rockers, splitsville came in January 1992 with Shawn Michaels assuming the role of the evil twin (Mr. Hyde) and Marty Jannetty that of the the good twin (Dr. Jekyll). The split took place on a talk show (Gemini) that doubled as a hair salon (Leo Moon), hosted by Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, a performer known for his hair cutting shears and shear fitting tights. Tag teams routinely broke up at that time but the Rockers’ split was staged to be a shockingly violent one, something that really stood out at a time when the WWF’s plot lines were more sugary bubble gum than iron-shoe coffee in their disposition. Most fans had assumed our favorite tag team specialists would patch up their differences and, in true Gemini/Leo fashion, keep on “rockin’ and rollin’, struttin and strollin’, slammin’ and jammin'” but that was not to be the case. The action is staged but the sense of shock among the fans was real:
Gemini/Leos are naturals at anything involving mass media and the Rocker v. Rocker feud promised to be absolutely epic in terms of TV ratings and pay per view buys. It even tapped into archetypal myths, a pair of Davids who had taken on Goliaths now caught in a blood feud along the lines of Cain vs. Abel or Olivia de Havilland vs. Joan Fontaine — one that would be resolved in the ring at Wrestlemania. Unfortunately, legal issues and drug problems sidelined Marty Jannetty shortly after the team’s split and the feud never really had a chance to live up to its full potential. However, the pair did manage to have a few sporadic but spectacularly well choreographed Rocker v. Rocker confrontations.
After their split, Michaels and Jannetty went their separate ways with Michaels going to be a headliner for the WWF and Jannety a mid-card performer for a variety of promotions. The team did enjoy a brief “Rockers Reunion” tour almost 20 years later. (The tour got off to a rollickingly mercurial start, with Jannetty saving Michaels from a 5-on-1 attack by the “Spirit Squad”, a team of evil male cheerleaders.) Both men, now well into middle age, might have lost a step or two courtesy of father time and inevitable injuries but once paired together they were still able to execute their tandem (Gemini) theatrics (Leo Moon) with as much quicksilver exuberance as they had a generation earlier:
Using its incorporation date as its date of birth, the global public relations firm Ketchum Inc. is also a Gemini/Leo. (Chart) Within the big money advertising world, Ketchum is known for being mad hat (Gemini) hawt shots (Leo Moon), the Madison Avenue equivalent of multimedia (Gemini) hair stylists (Leo Moon) responsible for total corporate brand image makeovers. For instance, they recently helped Mattel transform their Barbie doll brand from that of a shallow glamour girl obsessed with fashion to a super smart “chic-geek” girl in love with science. The “computer geek Barbie” was part of a viral internet campaign designed by Ketchum that got picked up by the NY Times and others, exactly the sort of thing media savvy Gemini/Leos are naturals at.
Since this is a Gemini agency we’re talking about here there is, of course, two sides to the Barbie campaign. On the one hand putting Barbie over as a “chic-geek” computer engineer is certainly a positive thing as doing so might encourage young girls to more enthusiastically pursue their math and science studies. On the other hand, playing with Barbie dolls has been linked to eating disorders so it’s difficult to justify anything that encourages developing children to idealize her. (Source)
But Barbie dolls, be they cast as smart geek or fashion chic, are small potatoes compared to some of Ketchum’s other clients. In 2014 it came to light that they had received massive spin doctoring contracts to work on behalf of oil conglomerate Gazprom and Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent who many now suspect of having directed Russian interference with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (Source)
Geminis excel at using improvisation to tell stories while Leo Moons need their stories to be seen by an adoring public in order to feel emotionally nourished. The Rockers took their capacity for superbly choreographed, catch-as-catch can (Gemini) forms of street theater (Leo Moon) to the traveling media circus that is the World Wrestling Federation. Ketchum has taken a slightly different route. Whereas the Rockers plied their trade in front of millions of wrestling fans, Ketchum has gone to work for the world’s most notorious pharmaceutical and biotech companies including Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow Chemical — multi-billion dollar organizations as fueled by choreographed hallucinations as the world of professional wrestling. The Rockers got over with fans by way of Saturday morning wrestling programs and monthly pay per view sports entertainment bonanzas. Ketchum has gotten their clients over with the public by manipulating levers of the “Mighty Wurlitzer” that is the mainstream media. According to SourceWatch’s entry for Ketchum:
Ketchum is one of the largest public relations agencies employing over 1100 people across 21 offices and with 35 affiliates around the world. Like all of these large public relations firms, while servicing wealthy corporations and industries — often over a national or international territory — they often walk the borderline of illegality, and almost always overstep the boundaries of immorality. Deception is their stock-in-trade, and conspiracy is often intrinsic in client discussions. (Source)
Stella Hyde says Geminis make for great “Gawker Content Managers” and “Spies” but that they do particularly well in “Public Relations” jobs where they’ll have the opportunity to “green wash oil spills off the Venezuelan coast.” (Source) Ketchum is officially a public relations firm with a reputation for engaging in mercurial practices that seem awful similar to actual spycraft or internet gossip mongering (Gemini), all while on the payroll of corporate royalty (Leo Moon). For instance, according to Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber’s book, Toxic Sludge is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies, and the Public Relations Industry Ketchum was responsible for mounting a campaign to disrupt author David Steinman’s tour for his book Diet for a Poisoned Planet, which documents how U.S. foods are rife with pesticides and carcinogens. Rampton and Stauber’s other book, Trust Us We’re Experts: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future , documents how Ketchum had contingency psy-ops ready to go on behalf of the Clorox corporation.
Similarly, a 2010 lawsuit by GreenPeace accuses the firm of subcontracting with private investigators to spy on anti-GMO activist groups in order to further the interests of modern day biotechnology monarchists at the Monsanto corporation. (Source) In addition working with former investigators (Gemini), Ketchum is also responsible for producing pro-industry website “GMO Answers” on behalf of a group funded by BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, and Syngenta. (Source) According to the NY Times, Ketchum spin doctors even ghostwrote pro-GMO articles on behalf of college professors masquerading as independent experts. (Source) They haven’t helped green-wash any oil spills in Venezuelan but they have counted British Petroleum as a client, the company responsible for the massive 2010 oil spill in the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Geminis are natural pranksters. When paired with a Leo Moon, their Geminian mad-hat pranks are likely to be quite colorful. For instance, in 2011 Ketchum (in)famously pranked a group of high profile food and mommy bloggers. Working on a contract for agriculture giant ConAgra, Ketchum invited the bloggers to a (fake) Italian restaurant so they could ostensibly provide reviews of high end meals cooked by celebrity chef George Duran. What they didn’t tell the bloggers was that the meals they were being served were actually frozen line of ConAgra products and that their reactions were being secretly recorded. Conagra originally planned on using the footage on YouTube and in its promotional videos but the bloggers did not respond according to the pre-planned script Ketchum had hoped they would follow. The incident was as staged as any of the Rockers’ matches but totally botched and arguably unethical. However, food and mommy bloggers do have a reputation for pretentiousness so it’s also difficult not to laugh at how well Ketchum (almost) managed to clown them. It’s not harmless catch-as-catch can (Gemini) street theatrics (Leo Moon) ala the Rockers but it certainly had the makings of a well played switcheroo. From the NY Times coverage of the incident:
“Our entire meal was a SHAM!” wrote Suzanne Chan, founder of Mom Confessionals, in a blog post after the event. “We were unwilling participants in a bait-and-switch for Marie Callender’s new frozen three cheese lasagna and there were cameras watching our reactions.” (Source)
Speaking of bait-and-switch tactics, Ketchum recently begun pitching its services to the organic food market. That’s as Geminian a swerve as they come since Ketchum’s been at the forefront of running interference on behalf of chemical based agriculture companies for years now. (Source)
Gemini Sun, Leo Moon: Telling Stories at Center Stage
The great thing about astrology is that pretty much everything has a chart, whether a bank, a tag team, a company, and even cities. For instance, the city of Geneva, Switzerland is a Gemini with a Leo Moon based on its original charter date. (Chart) The city is best known for the Geneva Conventions, a series of treaties signed following World War II that established legal protections for prisoners and civilians during times of war. It’s also home to a wide range of groups involved in peace, international affairs and sustainable development. Unlike many international cities, Geneva does not have a “sister city”. According to its Wikipedia entry, “Geneva declares itself related to the entire world” — a very Gemini/Leo thing to proclaim as Gemini loves variety in matters of the heart and Leo Moons feel in their heart of hearts that all the world is their stage.
Like all Geminis, Geneva also has a bit of a split personality. Officially, it stays neutral during times of war. Unofficially, its banks have often served as safe havens for war profiteers and arms dealers. On the one hand, the city considers itself a leader in the world of environmental sustainability. On the other hand, it’s also home to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, a massively powerful piece of technology that some fear could rip holes in the fabric of space time. Only a Gemini town could declare itself neutral during times of war while simultaneously handling the money of weapons makers or call itself the “home of sustainable finance” while simultaneously being home to an atom smasher that might destroy the entire planet.
Gemini/Leo is fundamentally about telling stories (Gemini) at center stage (Leo Moon). This is true whether we’re talking about the World Wrestling Federation back in 1987 or Fortune 500 companies here in the year 2017. With the Age of Aquarius rapidly approaching, it could also be true should all of humanity ever find itself in the position of selecting a city to represent our stories to citizens of other worlds. In such a scenario it’s doubtful we’d want to go with imperial capitals like Moscow (home to Russian oligarchs), Washington D.C (home to American kleptocrats), or Beijing (home to Chinese despots). Geneva is far from perfect but humanity could certainly do worse than selecting as our public representative a city whose name is synonymous with respect and dignity for all persons, regardless of their origins or circumstances.
About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

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