Editor’s Note: this is a 400 word article excerpt from Michael Lutin’s 2,000 word appearing on pages 24-to-27 of Hexagon #2. -Matt
In the case of the United States, we are facing a Plutonian confrontation that began before the United States was even the United States and was just a ragtag bunch of settlers.
Way back then, Pluto was also in Capricorn. So let’s look at that.
Pluto in Capricorn represents the landlord, archetypically speaking, and always involves the question of the rightful ownership of property. In fact, we could say that it represents invasion and the seizing of property. So while attorneys litigate their heads off in long protracted court cases, the issue is, of course, who owns any property on the Earth. No matter how well we disguise the motivation for war and dress it all up in ideological and moral righteousness, it is always about real property and the development of natural resources.
Viewed astrologically, the United States’ Sun in Cancer is at a pretty wide angle to be considered a traditional opposition to Pluto. I’m not so interested in that sort of orb. I’m interested in at what point in time and space such an alignment would become exact or partile.
In the case of the United States, by secondary progression, that was around the year 1791. That was the year the Sun opposed natal Pluto by secondary progression. 1791 marks a very big defeat for the Native Americans when the US won the territory of the Northwest at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. It was also the year that the Bill of Rights was ratified.
Transiting Pluto, currently in opposition to the natal Sun, is echoing the progression of 1791 in current events. And here we are at the doorstep of our Pluto return natal position being 27 Capricorn.
The United States of America was born in confrontation. The fundamental issue in the history of this country is the control of property, and especially the illusion that you can invade, conquer, and seize property and pilfer someone else’s natural resources with no consequences at all.
If you do it in the name of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, nobody can say a thing.
But wait, think of everyone in the world right now. Isn’t this a mark of the darker side of Pluto in Capricorn? It is easy to name names and fire away at political leaders and “terrorists” for their encroachment upon foreign territory since the 16th century. But are we not, as members of the Earth community, being encouraged to shiver in fear as our leaders all over the world demonize the next group whose lands they jealously covet?
But wait again: those heartless murderers who kill innocent citizens in surprise attacks—who are they? Who are they really?
This is not new. This is not news. Is the population of the world truly resolved to end evil? Who is the terrorist? Is there a macabre plot to intimidate everyone and demonize all Xenos?
Who are the Xenos? What is a Xeno? Are you a Xeno? Am I a Xeno? The fact is, we are all Xenos to somebody.
With Pluto in Capricorn, it is not so clear exactly who the invader is.
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