Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon: The Outlaw Homeopath and the Runaway Nun, the Fugitive Physicians and the Technicians on a Mission

Editor’s Note: an audio/video version of this video is available on YouTube. -Matt

In medical astrology Virgo rules the intestines which separate what stays with the body for nutritive purposes from what must be discarded as waste. This is the sign most accustomed to dealing with pathogen loaded waste, be it the type our bodies produce or the sort pumped into the environment by Fortune 500 corporations. Astrologer Stella Hyde says Virgos’ obsession with being “au naturel” and precision calibrated intelligence means they make for great homeopaths and nano-technologists while people with their Moons (unconscious emotional needs) in Sagittarius (the Super Crusader) need to feel as though they’re on a mission of great spiritual significance to feel themselves. (Source) Both Virgo and Sagittarius are considered intellectual signs so this is often a profoundly intelligent Sun/Moon combo. To illustrate: using its debut as its date of birth, the cult 1980s children’s series Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is a Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Don’t let the cartoonish metal costumes fool you. This was one of the few shows that sought to smarten kids up rather than dumb them down. As one reviewer for IGN put it, “Captain Power proved an immeasurably intense series. There was a shockingly mature story underneath . . . it dealt with the darker side of humanity while openly dealing with death, compassion and redemption of mankind in a profound way.” (Source)

Set in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by a Dick Cheney look-a-like known as “Lord Dread”, the Captain Power series follows a small team of service minded (Virgo) guerrilla fighters (Sagittarius) as they fight to stop the “digitalization” of surviving humans into the global “OverMind”, an advanced supercomputer prison that is one part Monsanto, one part Facebook. The guerrilla fighters are equipped with high tech “power suits” that give them the near superhuman abilities necessary to do battle with Dread’s fleet of flying “Bio-Dreads”, nano-technology based (Virgo) super-soldiers (Sagittarius) that bear more than a passing resemblance to today’s predator drones. Medical supplies are in short supply and the guerrilla fighters are often found delivering or rounding up medicines for people traumatized by the ravages of ecological ruin and political collapse. Sadly, significant numbers of humans have pledged their allegiance to Lord Dread, becoming traitors to both their own species and the planet itself. Suffice it to say, many of the issues the show approached as speculative fiction back in 1987 are now the most pressing matters of our time.

The show was ahead of its time in other ways too. Lord Dread’s cybernetic machine empire was clearly the inspiration for “the Borg”, the infamous race of nano-technology (Virgo) super-fanatics (Sagittarius) that didn’t make their debut on Star Trek: The Next Generation until three years later. In one episode, entitled “Flame Street”, Captain Power contracts with a team of underground computer hackers for access to the “mental matrix”, a direct neural link to an artificial reality known as the “cyber-web”. Once inside the “mental matrix”, Power does battle with Lord Dread who attempts to manipulate his perception of what’s real versus what’s imaginary. Watching that episode on YouTube it’s hard not to notice just how much it looks, sounds, and feels like the plot to The Matrix, the blockbuster film franchise that wouldn’t hit movie theaters for another twelve years:

power 11 1

Captain Power was highly original not just in terms of its on air plot-lines but also in terms of how it was filmed and produced. The show was the first television series to make regular use of CGI graphics and the first to be produced via the internet. According to a recent documentary on the series, the show’s writers were based in Los Angeles and would “modem over” their scripts to the cast and crew who were filming the show in Toronto. They would then modem back photos, suggestions, and revisions. This was all done via 56k connections — primitive by today’s standards but cutting edge technology at a time when 99% of the population hadn’t even heard of the internet let alone ever been on it.

The show was one of the first children’s shows to feature a legitimately strong female character in the form of Jennifer Chase, a pilot and tactical systems experts portrayed by actress Jessica Steen. More than a few Virgo/Sagittarians are raised in restrictive, oppressive religious or social environments. This is because Virgo’s shadow is often expressed as an obsession with sexual or moral purity while the Sagittarian shadow is expressed as religious fanaticism and dogmatic fundamentalism. The Chase character, for instance, grew up as a member of the “Dread Youth”, a fanatical political group for children modeled on the Hitler Youth of the 1930s and 40s only to escape its clutches as a young adult.

Jessica Steen as Jennifer Chase in “Captain Power”

That a Virgo/Sagittarius like the Captain Power series would be so far ahead of its time in both plot-lines and production methods makes sense if you understand the psychological operandi of this paring. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the lower mind, while Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of the higher mind. As astrologer Sue Tompkins explains in her book Aspects, when the two minds are working together the result is somebody adept at thinking, writing, or communicating about the future:

Since Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) can be associated with short and long distance travel physically as well as mentally, this pairing can be associated with a life filled with plenty of travel. Physical travel as well as educational travel is a very good way to use these contacts. Surely such exploration is the purpose of this combination. Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) is a good mix for the writer and can often be found in those whose work is read well into the future.

. . . this is a useful combination for teachers, preachers, politicians, and philosophers. Anyone with Big Ideas and anyone who might talk or think about the future and, in particular, about an improved future. The concern with the future can point to an interest in youth or work with youth. The combination may also be found in people who enjoy or write science fiction — a genre that usually involves itself with future worlds far from their own.


The Captain Power series checks out on all points: the show was for designed for kids and used science fiction to communicate very “Big Ideas” about how to improve the future. Almost thirty years after it went off the air the show is still talked about among science fiction aficionados, both viewers who remember being riveted by it at home and Hollywood production staff who remember being impressed by its graphics, design, and special effects. Virgo/Sagittarians are often excellent teachers and many of the crew who worked on the show would go on to teach the methods they pioneered on the series to people throughout the entertainment world.

Like a good teacher, Captain Power may also have planted seeds within the minds of at least some of the young people who grew up watching it. The series was very popular among children, many of whom are now in their mid-to-late thirties and early forties. This is the generation already at the forefront of dealing with the consequences of a society turning its life support systems over to an armada of giant, artificially intelligent computer systems owned by defense contractors, pharmaceutical corporations, Wall Street banks, and other entities whose intentions in the real world are every bit as nefarious as Lord Dread’s were in the imaginary one. “We can’t just sit back and wait for things to get better” Power insists when it’s suggested that he and his team simply hide out from the forces of evil:

According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey, two metaphoric images for the Virgo/Sagittarius pairing are, “A bespectacled librarian locks the door at closing time and transforms into Superwoman” and “An anthropology class goes on a field trip”. (Source) Both images are excellent approximations of the Captain Power series. The Jennifer Chase character, for instance, was something of a computer technician-librarian type until she donned her power suit at which point she transformed into a laser-pistol wielding, homeopathic (Virgo) rough rider (Sagittarius) ready to take on all comers. To keep costs down the production staff took a year long field trip from Los Angeles to Toronto. Once there, they created a complex anthropological back-story for a futuristic world filled with enormous amounts of pain and despair but also some pangs of hope, a world uncannily similar to the one we all now occupy.

About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults via Twitter, YouTube, Spreaker, Soundcloud, or his contact page.

The premier issue of Hexagon, now shipping:

Matthew Savinar, Novalee Truesdell, and Carrie Davoli on the premier issue of Hexagon

Sign Forecasts for 2015 from Michael Lutin

I don’t write sign forecasts but for those of you looking for well written ones for 2015, Michael Lutin (former astrologer for Vanity Fair) has good ones written up at his site here. As with all sign forecasts make sure to check the forecast for your rising sign as it will likely be the most relevant. Michael also has more in depth reports available for $15, I bought the Leo/Leo Rising forecast report and it was well worth it.

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Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar 2014

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Mars in Capricorn Trine Jupiter in Taurus: Big Brother’s Big Budget

Editor’s Note: parts of this post are excerpted from my article “Watching the Watchers: The Astrology of the National Security Agency”, originally published in the October/November 2013 issue of The Mountain Astrologer. -Matt

Mars describes how an entity asserts itself. The NSA’s Mars is in Capricorn, the sign of power and patriarchy, strategy and status, determination and decision making. This is the sign of the President and the Prime Minister, the Authority Figure and the Administrator, the Establishment and the Executive, the Four Star General and the Fleet Admiral, the Master Planner and the Man-In-Charge. Mars in Capricorn is considered an exalted (highly effective) placement because the fiery “charge” of Mars is sustained by the work capacity of Capricorn. Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates Mars in Capricorn with the Afro-Caribbean myth of Ogoun, a highly demanding, highly organized deity whose “area of patronage includes the police and the military”. (Source)

NSA Headquarters (Photo Credit: Trevor Paglen)
NSA Headquarters (Photo Credit: Trevor Paglen)

Mars tells us what things a person is willing to fight for. People with Mars in Capricorn (status) are often found fighting for cash, money, or other status symbols of a Capricornian nature such as their VISA black card(s). According to a report in Der Spiegel (Germany’s version of the NY Times), the agency extensively monitors international banking transactions “the transactions of customers of large credit card companies like VISA”. (Source) A number of commentators have expressed concern the agency has used its Ogoun like capacities for financial warfare to go beyond simply monitoring bank accounts and into actively manipulating them. On December 19th, 2013 the popular financial website reported:

Hidden in the report which the White House panel on NSA released today is a stunning implication: that the U.S. government has been using its massive offensive cyber capabilities to change the amounts held in financial accounts and otherwise manipulating financial systems. Specifically, the panel’s report states on page 221 that (1) Governments should not use surveillance to steal industry secrets to advantage their domestic industry; (2) Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change the amounts held in financial accounts or otherwise manipulate the financial systems. (Source)

The NSA’s Capricorn Mars is in the 6th house of the workplace. Astrologers Sakoian and Acker associate Mars in the 6th house with workplaces which “involve machinery that consumes large amounts of power”. (Source) Given the NSA’s off-the-charts demand for large amounts of both electricity and computing power, it’s very fortunate to that its Mars in Capricorn receives a nearly perfect trine (supportive contact) from Jupiter (expansion) in Taurus (resource accumulation) in the 10th house of government. Jupiter describes where an entity experiences largesse. When placed in the 10th house of “Status Before the King,” the largesse will involve the King and his Court, or their modern-day equivalents: the President and Congress. Jupiter in the sign of Taurus suggests that the largesse will involve cattle and land, or their modern-day equivalents: cash and turf. The NSA’s budget is classified, so nobody knows for sure just how “fortunate” (Jupiter) the agency is when it comes to material resources (Taurus) provided by public officials (10th house); however, Steve Aftergood, director of the government secrecy program at the Federation of American Scientists, has estimated the agency budget to be approximately $10 billion annually.

Venus in Scorpio: Planet of Love in the Sign of the Vampire Slayer

Venus is the planet of love, style, self-worth, aesthetics and values. Scorpio is he sign of Shaman and the Spy, the Sorceress and the Super-Villainess, the Special Agent and the Super Sleuth, the Vampire and the Vampire Slayer, the Samurai and the Assassin. Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates Venus in Scorpio with the myth of Inanna, a Sumerian goddess who must “go down to the bottom of the pit and back up again, over and over, until it is a familiar place and has no power over her”. (Source) When Inanna finally emerges from her trip to the underworld she is accompanied by “an entourage of chittering underworld she-demons”. Repeated trips to the underworld affords Inanna the chance for “rebirth at a higher level of honesty . . . all who venture near had best hang on for the ride” Kaldera tells us. (Source) To illustrate: using the character’s first appearance on the show as his date of birth, Robert Vaughn’s portrayal of “Hunt Stockwell” in the 1980s television series “The A-Team” is a Libra with his Venus in Scorpio. (Chart) Stockwell, the audience is told, is the head of something called “Enhanced Intelligence Assets” (EIA), a highly classified outfit the show’s writers seem to have modeled after the “Intelligence Support Activity” (ISA), a real life organization whose astrology has been discussed on this site here. Like the goddess Inanna, Stockwell hails from the underworld (of U.S. covert operations) and is accompanied by an entourage of black suited he-demons armed with chittering sub-machine guns:

Venus in Scorpio
Robert Vaughn in his Venus in Scorpio alter-ego Hunt Stockwell (Photo: NBC Universal)

Venus in Scorpio really does believe in “till death to us part”. Stockwell, for instance, makes contact with members of the “A-Team” on the eve of their scheduled execution for a crime they did not commit. He provides intelligence that enables them to fake their own executions, escape prison, and then disappear to one of his safe-houses amid the haunts of Langley, Virginia (home of the CIA). Once the A-Team is ensconced in his web, he blackmails them into going on a series of high-risk (ie “suicide”) missions, reminding them that as convicted murderers and escaped fugitives they are now totally, thoroughly, 100% expendable. “If you fail, we won’t even ask for your bodies back” he cooly informs them.

Should, however, they “hang on for the ride” through a Plutonic underworld of plausibly deniable foreign policy interventions, Stockwell’s promised to acquire for them full presidential pardons. In other words, Vaughn’s Venus in Scorpio alter-ego is going to take the A-Team to “the bottom of the pit and back up again” in exchange for the possibility of “rebirth” as free men and the opportunity to come out from the shadows in which they’ve been hiding since the end of the Vietnam War. “All I need”, he tells their leader, “is your commitment” — the importance of which can’t be underestimated for this Venus placement.

Venus is style, Scorpio is shadows. (Photo: NBC Universal)

As far as television shows go, “The A-Team” was simplistic, highly-sanitized Reagan era pablum but Vaughn’s portrayal of the Scorpionic Stockwell did briefly bring an intensely serpentine authenticity to the series. Whenever he appeared on the screen it was as though a totally different, far spookier, far more honest show had momentarily come on in its place. From his fashion sense (dark sunglasses, black suit) to his modus operandi (in the shadows), the Stockwell character was a textbook Venus in Scorpio.

Washington D.C. based attorney Jesselyn Radack is a Sagittarius with her Venus in Scorpio. (Chart) She represents NSA whistle-blowers Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake, and William Binney — three men truly committed to opposing the surveillance state that is cataloging the fact you’re currently reading an article about the surveillance state. You could say that she is to the band of dissidents like Snowden and company what the Hunt Stockwell character was to the A-Team except that, unlike Stockwell, there are no doubts as to the nobility of her intentions.

The Stockwell character was, of course, fictional but the shadowy “network” he ran was actually anything but unrealistic. Consider, for instance, the insurance company American International Group (AIG), which has Venus in Scorpio in its incorporation chart. (Chart) The public thinks of AIG as simply the large insurance company that was somehow involved in the 2008 financial crisis. The reality is that there is much more to what goes on behind the closed doors of that company than most people realize. For starters, it’s been heavily involved in covert operations since World War II, many of which are not all together different than those run by the fictional Mr. Stockwell. A year 2000 Los Angeles Times article entitled “The Secret Agent (Insurance) Man” explains:

Newly declassified U.S. intelligence files tell the remarkable story of the ultra-secret Insurance Intelligence Unit, a component of the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the CIA, and its elite counterintelligence branch X-2.

. . . the unit mined standard insurance records for blueprints of bomb plants, timetables of tide changes and thousands of other details about targets . . . “They used insurance information as a weapon of war,” said Greg Bradsher, a historian and National Archives expert on the declassified records.

The men behind the insurance unit were OSS head William “Wild Bill” Donovan and California-born insurance magnate Cornelius V. Starr. Starr had started out selling insurance to Chinese in Shanghai in 1919 and, over the next 50 years, would build what is now American International Group . . . (Source)

Venus in Scorpio can be the placement of “the femme fatale who uses her appeal to gain power over people” according to astrologers Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker. (Source) AIG is a multinational corporation, not a “femme fatale”, but the information contained in their insurance files could certainly be leveraged to gain power over people since people only insure that which is important to them.

Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon: Radcast the Vampire Slayer and the Dead Hand Doomsday Device

Combine a Scorpio Sun’s orientation to psychologically intense confrontations with a Cancer Moon’s need for a secure home life and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that’s passionate and powerful, magnetic and mysterious, compelling and self-controlled, armed with enormous reserves of emotional courage and a penchant for supporting people and causes “left for dead” by the rest of society. According to astrologer Jefferson Anderson, the textbook Scorpio/Cancer individual excels at anything requiring equal parts emotional intensity (Scorpio) and emotional intelligence (Cancer):

Never content with surface impressions, you like to probe beneath appearances to discover the genuine meaning and significance of things. Depth, imagination, and shrewd realism combine to help you excel at just about anything — and once absorbed in some endeavor, your concentration and dedication are matchless. (Source)

The Scorpio/Cancer capacity for “concentration and dedication” makes this pairing a particularly attentive parent, the sort who is extremely protective of their home and family — so much so that they can easily take things more than a bit overboard should they or those close to them be threatened. To illustrate: back in the 1980s the Soviet military set up a network of nuclear devices code-named “PERIMETR”, designed to automatically obliterate the entire planet should the U.S. ever attack the Russian homeland. Using its initial date of operation as its date of birth, the PERIMETR system is a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon. (Chart)

Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey observe that Scorpio/Cancers can lay dormant for long periods during which time they’re all “sweetness and light” only go to into “exterminator mode” on a moment’s notice at which point they will seek out the “sweet satisfaction of revenge”. (Source) PERIMETR was designed to, quite literally, lay dormant for long periods of time only to go into “exterminator mode” on a moment’s notice for the sole purpose of seeking the “sweet satisfaction of revenge” on an almost unimaginable scale. Also known as “The Dead Hand”, PERIMETR is for all intents and purposes the real life actualization of the “Doomsday Device” envisioned in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb:

Scorpio/Cancer is a very emotionally courageous pairing so here is something to contemplate, the implications of which require a good dose of emotional courage to process: PERIMETR is still active, still ready to obliterate the entire planet, and still plugged into the same computer it was originally plugged into back in 1984. (Source) Scorpio is ruled by Pluto while Cancer by the Moon so the Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon pairing is similar energetically to a Moon/Pluto aspect, which astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan says should “develop the psychological skills that come so naturally”. If you feel the need to develop some good psychological coping skills in order to get your mind around the fact there’s an active Cold War era doomsday device still sitting around ready to blow us all to kingdom come, well rest assured you’re not the only one. As Peter Sellers’s puts it in Dr. Strangelove, “Why would you build such a thing? It’s absolute madness”.

While not technically classified, PERIMETR’s existence is still largely hidden from public awareness despite there having been two books recently published about it — The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy by David Hoffman and Doomsday Men: The Real Dr. Strangelove and the Dream of the Superweapon by Peter D. Smith. Both Scorpio and Cancer are famously tight-lipped about what goes on behind closed doors so it’s fitting that according to a 2007 article in Wired Magazine, “the Russians still won’t discuss [PERIMETR], and Americans at the highest levels — including former top officials at the State Department and White House — say they’ve never heard of it. One Soviet official who spoke with Americans about the system died in a mysterious fall down a staircase.” (Source)

PERIMETR is a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon
PERIMETR is a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon

Even if one can justify the creation of such a device under a theory of deterrence, it sure would have been nice if somebody had thought to disarm the thing once the Cold War wound down. Unfortunately, Scorpio doesn’t forgive, Cancer never forgets, and neither sign is known for letting go of grudges very easily. This is doubly the case when the grudges pertain to the sanctity of the home(land).

Using its on-air debut date as its date of birth, the show “24” starring Kiefer Sutherland as gonzo counter-terrorist agent Jack Bauer is also a Scorpio/Cancer. (Chart) According to Wikipeida, the show routinely deals with themes similar to those raised by a system such as PERIMETR:

. . . a typical plot has Bauer racing against the clock as he attempts to thwart multiple terrorist plots, including presidential assassination attempts, weapons of mass destruction detonations, cyber attacks, as well as conspiracies which deal with government and corporate corruption. (Source)

Astrologer Bil Tierney says the Scorpio/Cancer pairing possesses “heightened emotional sensitivity” and must routinely retreat for purposes of emotional regeneration or they’ll risk reaching their bursting point. During the show’s nine plus seasons on the air, Sutherland portrayed Jack Bauer as a paranoid, high-strung individual who never retreated and was thus almost always at his emotional bursting point. In his character’s defense, there was no denying his dedication to fiercely (Scorpio) defending his culture of origin (Cancer) from threats both foreign and domestic:

Of course, it’s not all doom-and-gloom for this pairing. Being so attuned to the watery world of emotions, Scorpio/Cancer often possesses a sense of humor that’s very well-attuned to the current psychological zeitgeist. Whoever came up with the line “It’s always darkest before it goes pitch black” was likely a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon.

Speaking of things going pitch-black, Scorpio/Cancer may make for one hell of a doomsday weapon but it also makes for a great scientist, doctor, or social worker attempting to prevent doomsday type events from occurring or helping others handle their aftermath. To illustrate: using its registration date as its date of birth, the website is a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon. (Chart) Established in the fall of 2013, the site compiles radiation readings taken by citizen-scientists across the U.S. and makes them publicly available in an easy-to-use online format. The site’s creators were inspired to build it after realizing that the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima nuclear planet in Japan is being completely covered up by the corporate media. Radcast is, in effect, operating as a detective (Scorpio) whose applied their penetrating investigative skills to defending home, food, family, and country (Cancer) from threats more than a bit similar to those posed by a nuclear doomsday device such as PERIMETR:

Stella Hyde says Scorpios are the “Vampire Slayers” of the zodiac while Cancer Moons have an instinctual knack for jobs involving property management such as lighthouse keeping. (Source) is essentially a crowd sourced slayer of the vampire that is nuclear radiation (Scorpio), one that operates as an information lighthouse (Cancer). It does so at a time when corporate lies, media disinformation, government cover-ups, and large scale denial are monsters (Scorpio) in the closet (Cancer), ones every bit as nefarious as automated mass murder machines like PERIMETR. Scorpio is the sign of the death and destruction but also of radical honesty and deep self-awareness while Cancer Moons require healthy home lives in order to survive. You can thus leave it to a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon like to be one of the few organizations that is radically aware (Scorpio) about the real deep-level threats to our homes and families (Cancer).

About the Author: Matt Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults at his contact page.

Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon: Doc Rendezvous and the G-Funk Astronaut

Combine an Aquarius Sun’s desire to make the world a better place with the interpersonal instincts of a Libra Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that’s liberal, charming, affable, and very avant garde when it comes to people, politics, and music. Jefferson Anderson calls this the Sun/Moon pairing of “the Idealist” whose “ingenuity and originality are focused on romantic, social, and artistic endeavors”. (Source) To illustrate: astronaut Buzz Aldrin is an Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) Aldrin’s best known for traveling in outer space (Aquarius) alongside his partner (Libra) John Glenn back in the 1960s but these days he’s busy hanging in a high-technology (Aquarius) music studio alongside his colleague (Libra) rapper Snoop Dogg. The idea of a man from space like Buzz Aldrin and a man from the streets like Snoop Dogg cutting a hip hop album together may sound outrageous to the point of being unbelievable but, as this oddly (Aquarius) endearing (Libra) video documents, it really did happen:

Aldrin’s hip hop stage name “Doc Rendezvous” given to him by Snoop is actually a nice approximation of this pairing as Aquarius is the zodiac’s most scientifically attuned sign while rendezvous with “the other” is an emotional survival need for a Libra Moon. Aquarius/Libra is a very tolerant combination, capable of appreciating different points of view. Aldrin, despite being a strait laced astronaut, was even willing to tolerate Snoop’s inclusion of a reference to ingesting marijuana while on a rocket trip to the Moon in his “G-Funk” style remix of Aldrin’s rap efforts.

Aquarius/Libras often excel at handling controversial (Aquarius) matters in a diplomatic (Libra) fashion. This is a pairing that very much believes in not going to bed angry. For instance, in the above video the issue of Gil Heron’s poem “Whitey on Moon” is raised. A poem which contrasts the scientific achievement that was the Moon landing with the suffering of black people back here on Earth would make most white people feel noticeably uncomfortable, particularly if the white person in question is the “whitey” who actually did land on the Moon. Being a Aquarius/Libra, however, Aldrin addresses it in a good humored fashion without any of the touchy defensiveness that such conversations are so often characterized by. Aquarius is the sign of “the revolution” but when paired with a Libra Moon it wants the revolution to be as peaceful and friendly as possible.

Most Aquarius/Libras will want to explore a wide range of the arts, ideally alongside a stylish and glamorous partner. In addition to exploring the world of the Moon alongside John Glenn and the world of of hip hop alongside Snoop Dog, Aldrin has also explored the world of partner dancing alongside professional dancer Ashley Costa, a woman almost as stylish and glamorous as the “d-oh-double-gee” himself:

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of excitement and futuristic developments while Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of interaction and sociability. The Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon pairing thus often express similar to a Venus/Uranus aspect, which astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan associates with going “off to foreign or exotic lands” and having a “relationship with someone of another nationality and perhaps from a completely different culture.” Buzz Aldrin’s relationships with Snoop Dog and Ashley Costa are two examples of an Aquarius/Libra venturing off to exotic lands (the rap studio, the dance floor) to enjoy partnerships with people of completely different cultural backgrounds. Legendary hip hop music producer Dr. Dre is an Aquarius/Libra whose relationship with his protege Eminem is another example of this pairing’s eclectic social leanings. (Chart)

In their book Sun Sign, Moon Sign, astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey say the Aquarius/Libra pairing can be an “easy going member of the gang who can get rebellious if your rights are abused.” Dr. Dre rose to fame in the early 1990s producing songs for Death Row Records, an extraordinarily successful if highly controversial record label that many commentators say was run like a street gang. In 1996 Dre shocked the music world by rebelling and leaving the label because, among other reasons, his rights were being abused. According to a former colleague of Dre’s, while at Death Row Dre was forced “to follow his sergeant’s directions or [he’d] get popped by the Smith and Wesson”. (Source) A Sun/Moon pairing as sociable, civilized, and peace-loving as Aquarius/Libra is really going to struggle in such a conflict prone work environment.

Stella Hyde says futuristic Aquarius is the sign of the “Mad Scientist” who is often surrounded by stacks of shiny technological apparatus while Libra is the zodiac’s resident fashion maven. (Source) A decade or so prior to pioneering the “G-Funk” style of hip hop in the early 1990s, Dr. Dre got his start in music dee-jaying for the Los Angeles based electro-group the “World Class Wrecking Crew”. As you can see from this vintage video of the group, Dre was essentially a Mad Scientist of funky beats who sported a distinctly futuristic fashion sense all while being surrounded by stacks of shiny, music-producing technological apparatus:

In addition to excelling at exciting or off-beat (Aquarius) partnerships (Libra), this pairing can often be found promoting futuristic enterprises as both Aquarius and Libra are air (mental) signs. Bil Tierney writes of the Aquarius/Libra’s passion for stimulating intellectual pursuits, “this pairing seeks to network with stimulating minds who are willing to pool their intellectual energies to serve a progressive social cause”. (Source) Using its establishment date as its date of birth, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, aka “DARPA”, is an Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) Responsible for the funding of radically advanced technologies, DARPA is the agency that originally provided funding for the development of the internet in the 1960s and 70s. Originally known as the “ARPANET”, the internet was in its early days a “network” made up of “stimulating minds” who pooled their computer power together to create what was then seen as a radically progressive social endeavor:

As coincidence would have it, inventor Christopher Sholes is also an Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) He invented the QWERTY style typewriter, which in the 19th century was the premier technology (Aquarius) for enabling social (Libra) intercourse. These days his inventions allows us to type on computers hooked into DARPA’s Aquarius/Libra brainchild the internet.

Linda Goodman says of this pairing, “Aquarius is the inventor of new ideas; Libra is the architect who designs them for practical use”. (Source) In addition to funding the development of the internet, DARPA has also been responsible for inventing a wide range of technologies (Aquarius) that it ultimately shared with others (Libra). The technologies behind GPS, Apple’s “Siri” personal assistant, and Google’s “Street View” were all originally funded by DARPA. Today we use these technologies (Aquarius) to facilitate our rendezvous with others (Libra) on pretty much a daily basis. If we’re fortunate, at least some of these rendezvous will be as egalitarian (Aquarius) and harmonious (Libra) as Buzz Aldrin’s rendezvous with Snoop Dogg.

About the Author: Matthew David Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults via Twitter, his first YouTube channel, his second YouTube channel, SoundCloud, LibSyn or this site’s contact page.

The premier issue of Hexagon, now shipping:

Matt Savinar, Novalee Truesdell, and Carrie Davoli on the premier issue of Hexagon

North Bay Astrology Show: Jupiter Cycles, Virgo Voice Healing, and Yoga for all Body Types

I’m getting caught up on posting my old shows to YouTube. Here are some recent additions:

Carrie the Virgo Voice Healer on Performing, Holistic Healing

Astrologer Samuel F. Reynolds on Jupiter Cycles, Star Trek

Super Leo Turned Yogini Uber Diva Kimberly Dark on Yoga for All Body Types

Contact Matt Savinar for a Consultation

Copyright Matthew David Savinar 2013

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