Today’s full moon at 12 degrees Capricorn bears a number of astrological similarities to the voyage of La Amistad, the Spanish slave ship whose “cargo” decided they weren’t going silently into the night. If you’re not familiar with the mutiny on board the Amistad and the subsequent Supreme Court case that decided the fate of the survivors, Steven Speilberg’s 1997 historical film Amistad will give you the Hollywood version of events. The film was made with an eye towards making sure white people left the theater feeling good about themselves but for the purposes of this post it’s a good enough summary for those who may be unfamiliar with the story:
Here’s the chart for the Amistad voyage. Here’s the chart for today’s full moon at 12 Capricorn. You’ll notice the following similarities:
Today’s full moon: Sun at 12 degrees Cancer, Moon at 12 degrees Capricorn
The Amistad: Sun at 5 degrees Cancer, Moon at approximately 13 degrees Capricorn
Today’s full moon: Mars (fighting) at 0 degrees Libra (balance of power)
The Amistad: Mars (fighting) at 0 degrees Libra (balance of power)
Today’s full moon: Pluto at 8 degrees of a cardinal sign (Capricorn)
The Amistad: Pluto at 18 degrees of a cardinal sign (Aries)
Today’s full moon: Jupiter in the early degrees of an air sign (Gemini)
The Amistad: Jupiter in the early degrees of an air sign (Libra)
Uranus (shocks) in Aries (fires, explosions) is a major player in today’s full moon chart. Uranus (shocks) was in Pisces (oceans) when the Amistad launched, a very different placement that is much more about diffusion than explosions. Uranus was, however, conjunct the North Node (destiny) in the chart of the Amistad voyage so there was a major Uranian (shocking) component to that chart similar to the chart for today’s full moon.
The Mars at 0 degrees Libra is the lynchpin in both charts, in my opinion. People often think of Mars in Libra as “The Peacemaker” but that’s not quite accurate. When Mars is in Libra (the scales of justice), the martial fighting spirit of Mars is invested in fighting to restore balance of power between the races, genders, and economic classes. It also comes up a lot in the charts of people or events that involve fighting (Mars) between equals (Libra). Mixed Martial Arts superstar Gina Carano, for instance, has Mars in Libra.
As far as how this full moon will affect you: take a look at where 0 degrees Libra sits in your chart. That will be the house where balance of power issues will be coming up. (Do try to keep matters more peaceable than Mrs. Carano did in Haywire.) Then take a look at the house where 12 degrees Capricorn sits as that will be where something is coming to a culmination or ending.
Mars/Moon aspects are intensely combative aspects as they combine the emotionality of the Moon with the aggressiveness of Mars. According to astrologer Sue Tompkins, people with Mars/Moon aspects in their chart often grow up in extremely dangerous environments:
The person is usually used to feeling unsafe and is very quick to smell danger and thus cultivates speedy reactions and responses – the kind of reactions that can save lives.
The need to protect the self and more especially one’s family and others with whom there is an emotional bond is usually keenly developed with all Mars/Moon aspects. Not uncommonly, the family was threatened in some way in childhood, if not by anger or violence within the household, then by some threat from outside.
[. . . those with the hard contacts] may continually behave or believe as if World War III is about to break out. (Source)
The album Straight Outta Compton by the pioneering rap group NWA was released (born) August 8th, 1988. A Leo Sun, the album’s Cancer Moon is squared by its Aries Mars. (Chart) Watch the first 90 seconds of the video for the album’s cover song if you’d like to see an intensely vivid example of a very tough Mars/Moon contact:
You’ll find Mars/Moon contacts in people who have been abused, have inflicted abuse, and those who have done both. It will also be found in the charts of journalists who report/document abuse which is essentially what NWA was doing with Straight Outta Compton.
Mars/Moon conjunctions can be a bit easier to handle than Mars/Moon squares but not by much. Consider, for instance, this video of a crowd chasing away four police officers who were brutalizing a streaker far above and beyond what was necessary to subdue him. I ran the chart for the video using its creation date as its date of birth and it includes a Mars/Moon conjunction in early Libra, the sign most associated with the justice system:
The police officers are a stand in for the lowest expression of a Mars/Moon conjunction in Libra: a nasty, brutal, and swift disposition of a form of “justice”. The crowd is a stand in for the highest expression of this aspect: fierce, fast-moving, and highly enterprising in the pursuit of justice. At its best, Mars/Moon in Libra is about fiercely fighting (Mars/Moon) for fairness. Watch the above clip closely and you’ll see that the one officer who admonishes his colleague to stand down at :31-:32 is the only one who manages to get away from the crowd unscathed — which seems a reasonably fair result all things considered.
If the Mars/Moon aspect is in Aries (the sign of warfare), it’s likely to be particularly heated. To illustrate: the latest installment of the Terminator franchise was released (born) on May 21st, 2009. The film’s chart sports a very prominent Mars/Moon conjunction in Aries. (See Chart) In the next clip, the T-600 Terminator is a stand in for the lowest expression of a Mars/Moon conjunction in Aries: nasty, brutal, combative, even murderous. The three humans are stand ins for the highest expression of this aspect: fast-moving, fiercely protective and highly enterprising when coming to the aid of one’s family. On the metaphoric level it’s not too much of a stretch to compare the T-600 to a violently corrupt police force such as the Rampart division of the LAPD. The film’s post-Apocalyptic setting could certainly be analogized an urban war zone like South Central Los Angeles while the three humans are essentially members of a defacto family not all together different from NWA:
Obviously that scene is from the imaginal world of film but people with this aspect in their chart will likely relate to it as a good metaphor for how they experienced childhood. They may not have been fighting a psychopathic cyborg but they likely did live within a home that felt like an emotional battleground.
Sagittarius is the Spiritual Seeker, the Evangelical Gangster, the Philosopher-Prophet, the Professor of High Adventure, and the Super Crusader of Quests and Faith. People with their Sun (identity) in this truth seeking sign will come to be identified with their wide-ranging religious, spiritual, or philosophical pursuits. Symbolized as a Centaur-Archer firing a flaming arrow at a far-off target, Sagittarius is about as uncontrollable as a wild stallion once it has its sights locked on an adversary or possessed by the spirit of a crusade. Actor Samuel Jackson is about as close to a textbook Sagittarius Sun as you’ll find. (Chart) He’s starred in wide range of films but his signature role will always be that of “Jules Winnfield”, the bible quoting philosopher hitman he played to great effect in the 1994 film Pulp Fiction:
Sitting 120 degrees away from Sagittarius is Aries, its fire sign cousin. Aries is the sign of Trailblazer, the Daredevil, the Warrior, the Survivor, the Competitor, the Fighter Jock, the Airborne Ranger, and the Ass-Kicker of the Zodiac. In nature it is associated with the Ram who confronts rivals by ramming its head into them. When a person’s Moon (emotional needs) is in Aries they are emotionally nourished by going head to head against a challenge, the more overwhelming the better. Ronda “Rowdy” Rousey – the trash talking professional cage fighter considered the heir apparent to Gina Carano as “the face of women’s mixed martial arts”, is an Aries Moon. (Chart) If you’re not familiar with Rousey she’s the blonde seen ramming her head into her opponent in the below video:
Combine the raw horse power of the wild stallion (Sagittarius Sun) with the aggressive instincts of the ram (Aries Moon) and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that will be restless, aggressive, impulsive, and bluntly plain spoken. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson emphasizes this pairing’s outsized sense of commitment to speaking its truth, no matter the costs or consequences:
No other combination embodies such candid outspokenness as this one. Dynamic, impulsive, and extremely independent, you lack inhibition and have the courage to say exactly what you feel. You’re forthright and fearless, and things are as you see them – and to hell with what others may think. (Source)
Tyra Banks, the former super model turned outspoken television show host, is a representative Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) In 2010 she created a near international incident for delivering a philosophically righteous beat down on all those who had called her “fat” simply for sporting a more robust form than in her super model days.
The above incident was called “the slap heard round the world” which seems fitting given Banks’ astrological pedigree. Sagittarius is world traveler of the Zodiac while Aries Moons derive emotional nourishment from getting in fights. Put the two together and you get the Sun/Moon pairing most likely to go on an around the world ass kicking tour.
Speaking of “around the world ass kicking tours”, physical fitness icon Joseph Pilates is also a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) Today people think of the Pilates method as something lithe dancer types do but Pilates originally designed the method while confined in the hospital ward of a prisoner of war camp during World War I. A firebrand of physical culture and well ahead of his time, Pilates made it clear to any who would listen that his ideas about health were the “Truth”, end of story.
Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon: The Super Crusader of Tree Top Abandon (Picture: Joseph Pilates)
Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey tell the Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon individual, “Running large enterprises – whether it is a multi-million business or a large and nosiy family – is probably your cup of tea.” (Source) Banks, already a multi-million dollar super model, is now a student at Harvard Business School. On a similar note, Pilates famously turned his exercise studio in New York into the centerpiece of a worldwide, multi-million dollar global enterprise.
Drug lord Pablo Escobar is also a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon who ran a multi-million dollar business that involved around the world ass-beatings, albeit of a slightly different nature than those delivered by Tyra Banks or Joseph Pilates. (Source)
Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon: “My way or the highway” versus “Rules were made to be broken”
Each of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings has its own dark side. Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon individuals often have a tendency to run roughshod over more sensitive souls. Their temper tantrums can be near epic, particularly in their younger years. Both Joseph Pilates and Tyra Banks, for instance, have earned reputations as bullish authoritarians who practice the “my way or the highway” philosophy that many Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon natives subscribe to. To her credit, Banks has stated she is working on being less of a bully. (Source)
At its best this pairing will channel its rebellious “rules were made to be broken” attitude into some endeavor that challenges those status quo attitudes, customs, or institutions in need of a much deserved ass-kicking. Tobacco industry whistleblower Jeffery Wigand, famously portrayed by Russel Crowe in the film The Insider, is a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon who invested this pairing’s penchant for delivering wide-ranging (Sagittarius) beatdowns (Aries) into laying the smack down on the tobacco industry. (Chart)
That a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon like Jeffrey Wigand would posses the raw courage and crusading spirit necessary to go on an around the world ass-kicking tour against the tobacco industry makes a lot of sense. Using the publication date of the first Tarzan book by author Edgar Rice Burroughs as the character’s date of birth, Tarzan himself – the original around the world ass-kicker – is a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart)
Willow of WillowsWeb was our guest this past week. In this clip she discusses the significance of Black Moon Lilith, Ceres, Vesta, Juno, Pallas Athene. More clips from this past week’s show will be posted in the coming days. This clip begins at 02:00:
Today is the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB) so it’s good time to take a look at its Sun/Moon pairing. The opening celebration for the bridge commenced on May 27th, 1937 but it was opened for traffic the day before. The GGB was thus “born” on May 26th, 1937 making it a Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart)
Gemini is symbolized by two twins facing each other in much the same the twin pylons of the GGB face each other. Sagittarius is symbolized by a centaur (half-man, half-horse) and considered the sign most likely to take long distance trips. The GGB looks like the Twins (Gemini) and was the longest distance (Sagittarius) suspension bridge ever built at the time. It has twin sets of lanes that go in two directions at once (Gemini) and is traversed primarily by people inside vehicles measured in horsepower (Sagittarius).
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius: The Golden Gate Bridge (Photo Source: Rich Niewiroski Jr.)
Gemini is the sign of Bike Messenger and the Cab Driver, the Blogger and the Bookseller, the Writer and the Journalist. It’s also the sign most likely to look for shortcuts or, as in the case of the GGB, actually engineer them. People with their Sun (identity) in this quick moving sign eventually come to be identified with their aptitude for quick communication and ability to cross-pollinate between different areas of life. In the case of the GGB, it’s now identified primarily as an avenue for quick-commuting and cross-pollination across different parts of the Bay Area.
Sagittarius, the sign opposite to Gemini, is the Traveler, the Student, the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Professor of High Adventure and the Super Crusader of Quests and Faith. For people with their Moon (emotional needs) in Sagittarius, travel is a form of emotional nourishment. With its Moon (needs) in Sagittarius (travel) it’s not a coincidence the GGB is funded (nourished) by the money (emotional support?) that people pay to travel across it. The GGB needs paying drivers to travel across it in order to be physically sustained in much the same way a person with their Moon in Sagittarius needs travel in order to be emotionally sustained.
Astrologer Jefferson Anderson emphasizes pairing’s love of freedom, writing that “The open road is a lot more tempting to you than the drudgery of a routine job . . .” He also provides an eerie warning given the location of the GGB atop two active fault lines, “You have a tendency to dispatch past catastrophes from your short memory.” (Source)” In light of Anderson’s warning it should be mentioned that, according to
While engineers did find a way to secure the bridge’s towers in the heavy ocean currents, accommodating earthquakes was not part of their original design. (Source)
The GGB has its Moon right on its North Node, the point of destiny. This is considered an indicator of coming before the public in a big way according to astrologer Celeste Teal. (Source) Placed in Sagittarius, the sign of long distance travel and expansion into new frontiers, the nature of the GGB’s public notoriety was destined to involve travel in some way. Russian Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, also has a Moon/North Node conjunction in Sagittarius in her chart. (Chart)
Sky-diver, BASE-jumper, and professional daredevil Jeb Corliss is an Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon, the same Sun/Moon pairing as Steve McQueen. (Source) On January 16th, 2012 Corliss almost died during a wing suit demonstration gone horribly wrong over South Africa’s Table Mountain. The video of the accident is gruesome but if you want a very clear example of somebody crashing head on with the current square (collision) between Uranus (sudden shocks) in Aries (the Risk Taker) and Pluto (terror/extremes) in Capricorn (structures, including geologic ones), this is sure as heck it:
Amazingly, Corliss survived the collision and subsequent crash. On March 1st, 2012 he appeared on the Conan O’brien show where he recounted the incident, including an out-of-body experience he had upon realizing he was tumbling towards his death:
Corliss’s accident occurred when transiting Pluto (terror, extremes) in Capricorn (geologic structures) was squaring (colliding with) his natal Sun (identity) in Aries (the Risk-Taker). According to astrologer Steven Forest, transiting Pluto squaring a person’s Sun is associated with a number of unpleasantries including the potential for death:
. . . these transits tend to press Plutonian issues to the forefront. They are impossible to ignore . . . Here we often find forced contact with life’s darker side: a child is discovered with a drug problem, crime occurs, disease makes itself felt, an intimate death may take place. (Source)
Robert Hand warns that a square from transiting Pluto to a person’s Sun will “test your strength and the energy with which you have established yourself in the world.” (Source) In Corliss’s case the risk-taking Aries energies that have fueled his identity (Sun) are now being tested as he rehabs from his injuries.
Transiting Uranus (sudden shocks) was also squaring Corliss’s natal Mars (physical assertion) when the accident occurred. Astrologer Robert Hand warns that this transit is a really, really bad time to take unnecessary risks to life and limb:
Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions, and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk of getting involved in an accident. Do what you must, but act with a little discretion.
. . . unconscious eruptions of these energies can be quite disruptive. Accidents that you have not apparently caused but have somehow made more likely are one outcome of this transit. (Source)
Of course Corliss is a professional daredevil so it’s next to impossible for him to go very long without taking risks. His final jump off Table Mountain, however, was extremely dangerous even by his standards. In previous jumps he had come within six feet of the cliff that he later collided with. In the jump that almost killed him he cut the margin down from six feet to only six inches, thus exponentially raising the risk of an accident. HBO sports was there to film him so, as Robert Hand warns, Corliss may have been feeling pressure to take risks above and beyond what he could responsibly manage.
To Corliss’s credit he seems to have learned his lesson. During his interview with Conan O’Brien he stated, “I lost respect for the mountain. I was pushing way too hard and it spanked me. I’m very thankful I made a mistake so massive and still be able to recover from it.”
It should be noted that Corliss’s North Node, the point of destiny should one choose to accept it, is in Scorpio. It thus makes sense he is best known for flying around in an all black “wing suit” that bears more than a few resemblances to the wing suit worn by Batman, a character that most astrologers agree is Scorpionic in nature.
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