Songs have astrological charts just like people, companies, organizations, events, vessels, space satellites, etc. Just use the song’s release date as its date of birth and you can bring up its chart just like you would for a person or an event. To illustrate: the other day I was listening to the radio and the 1983 song “Talking in Your Sleep” by the Romantics came on. Listening to the chorus “I hear the secrets that you keep when you’re talking in your sleep” got me thinking “Okay, one of its luminaries is probably Pisces since Pisces rules sleep while the other luminary is probably Cancer (emotional intelligence) or Scorpio (secrets)”. Take a listen to the song and see if you can make a guess as to its Sun/Moon pairing:
Here’s where things get interesting: I’ve done 50 Sun/Moon articles and my favorite one thus far was the Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon article on SeaSat One, NASA’s amazing oceanographic satellite. (Source). “Talking in Your Sleep” includes the line, “When I hold you in my arms at night, don’t you know you’re sleeping in a spotlight?”. Now take a look at NASA’s original drawing of SeaSat and see if you don’t notice something extremely uncanny:
Artist's original concept image of SeaSat (Image Source: NASA, NTRS)
Like many Cancer/Pisces individuals, SeaSat excelled at sensing all things hidden. NASA launched it to study the oceans using remote sensing technologies that could see hundreds of feet deep into the oceans. What surprised the heck out of them was that it also ended up “hearing secrets that the United States keeps while it talks in its sleep”. Among other things it picked up, SeaSat unexpectedly detected all the U.S. ICBM armed submarines in addition to spotting experimental stealth bombers which at the time were a “black project” being flown out of Area 51. That seems pretty good example of somebody “hearing (seeing) the secrets that you keep while you talk in sleep.”
For more information on the Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon combination make sure to check out:
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Leo is the Entertainer and the Performer, the Actor and Actress, the King and the Queen, the Movie Star and the Showman, the Mistress of Ceremonies and the Professor of High Theatrics. Ecologically, this sign is associated with the middle of summer – a time when the weather is at its warmest, the sky at its brightest, and even the most solitary of animals can be seen out and about strutting their stuff. People with their Sun (identity) in this warmly generous sign thus typically become identified with their ability to attract attention to themselves. Actress Lynda Carter, whose name is now synonymous with Wonder Woman, is a representative Leo Sun.
Sitting 120 degrees from Leo is Sagittarius, the sign of the the Traveler, the Truth Seeker, the Scholar-Sage, the Philosopher-Prophet, the Professor of High Adventure, and the Department Chair of Broad Intellectual Horizons. Possessed by the energy of a wild horse, prone to taking off on wild escapades, and always looking towards new frontiers, Sagittarius is the sign most likely to go on long distance trips. When a person’s Moon (emotional needs) is in Sagittarius (travel), going on long distance trips is necessary for their emotional health. Sometimes these trips will be geographical in nature but other times they will be across religious, spiritual, or social terrains. Russian Cosmonnaut Valentina Tereshkova is a Sagittarius Moon who embarked on the ultimate high-adventure trip when she became the first woman in space on June 16th, 1963. (Chart)
Combine the theatrical, generous and heart-centered stage presence of a Leo Sun with the high-octane, high-adventure, devil-may-care instincts of a Sagittarius Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that takes an extraordinarly romantic, forthright, and passionate approach to life. Leo is ruled by the Sun which sits high in the heavens while Sagittarius is the associated with far-off horizons and trips across the high seas. Combine the two together and get you the Sun/Moon pairing of the “queenly nomadic, the regal philosopher, the traveling entertainer, and the daredevil extrovert”, to quote astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey. (Source) Imagine a young child bursting forth full speed on a tricycle to explore the wide world of excitement and discovery that lays outside the confines of their family’s front yard and you’ll have a good metaphor for how this pairing approaches life.
Of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings the Leo/Sagittarius is probably the pairing most likely to be famous for going on some sort of fantastic voyage or spiritual super-quest. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, a Leo/Sagittarius. He’s a high profile but fundamentally representative example of how high and how far this pairing is willing to travel once possessed by the spirit of a quest:
Obviously very few Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon individuals will end up faring through outer space like Mr. Armstrong did. Most, however, will have the travel bug like nobody’s business. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson writes of this pairing’s penchant for high-seas and far-off horizons, “Practically everything under the Sun intrigues you. With so many new lands to explore, so many new people to meet, and so many ideas to ponder, no wonder you can’t find the time to finish anything.” (Source) British Army office T.E. Lawrence, best known as “Lawrence of Arabia”, is a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon whose life of nomadic travel and daredevil extroversion was eventually turned into the blockbuster 1962 film bearing his name:
Even those Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon individuals who don’t go on to become known for being world travelers will find a way to express the wide-ranging, far-reaching potential of this pairing, oftentimes writing books or music to do so. Rapper Coolio is a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) He’s best known for the hit 1994 song “Fantastic Voyage”, the title of which could be the life theme song for this Sun/Moon pairing. When Coolio raps, “Come on in let’s take a ride. Don’t you say shit, just get inside” he is speaking sacred truths for Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon people of all cultures:
Take a look at this photo of Armstrong courtesy of NASA and compare it to a still-shot from Coolio’s video for “Fantastic Voyage”. While the socio-demographic profiles of the individuals couldn’t be more different, what you’ll notice in both photos are all the major hallmarks of the Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon pairing: a charismatic individual (Leo) surrounded by an entourage of wild world travelers (Sagittarius) about to embark on a joyous, moral-boosting voyage in a first class vehicle:
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon:The Fantastic Voyage
Curiously enough, both Armstrong’s fantastic voyage to the Moon and Coolio’s “Fantastic Voyage” music video have strong spiritual overtones. When Armstrong landed on the Moon there was for a brief shining moment a sense that maybe just maybe humanity could learn to walk away from warfare and violence. If you listen closely to the lyrics to “Fantastic Voyage” you’ll note that it’s actually an anthem expressing hope for an end to gang violence.
Comparing an astronaut like Neil Armstrong to a rapper like Coolio might seem a bit of a stretch but any Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon individuals reading his will likely “get it”. This pairing has the ability to grasp broad-based, big-picture truths while not getting excessively hung up on details like what a person’s skin color, hair style, or choice of vehicle is. There is also a strong, spiritually-inclined, social consciousness that comes with this pairing. Actress Sally Struthers, best known for her “Feed the Children” commercials, is a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) Roberto Clemente, the Hall of Fame baseball player who died in a plane accident delivering food aid to children, is also a Leo/Sagittarius. (Chart)
As both the entertainer and the monarch of the zodiac Leo is usually at the center of any party. Sagittarius, meanwhile, is the sign most likely to travel far and wide to find a good party. Combine the two together and you get one of the most fun-loving of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings. Jefferson Anderson writes of this Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon individual:
Action is the word that describes you best. People know when you are around because of all that moving about! Never content to fantasize about excitement you go out and create it.” (Source)
This ability to generate excitement makes it an ideal combination for a professional party starter of some sort. Deidra Muriel Roper, best known as DJ Spinderella of the pioneering female rap group Salt-N-Pepa, is a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon. (Chart) If you’re not familiar with Mrs. Spinderella, she can be seen this video behind her signature turntables. Being a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon it’s no surprise she’s the one to get the party started in the video’s opening seconds:
Leo/Sagittarians dream huge dreams and inspire others to do the same. Neil Armstrong did just that for a generation of young people interested in the sciences when he landed on the Moon. Mrs. Spinderella did something similar for a generation of young women interested in hip-hop when she landed at the top of the music world.
Both Leo and Sagittarius are extremely passionate signs so it should come as little surprise that the combination can be quite a handful in the romantic arena. Pair the demanding aggressiveness of the Lioness (Leo) with the high adventure antics of the Centaur-Archer (Sagittarius) and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that will tend to exhaust both itself and its romantic partners. This is particularly the case for the Leo Sun, Sagittarius female as astrologer Jacqueline Bigar explains in her book Women and Their Moon Signs:
You can be a delight to the right man. You will chase, pounce, and attack. He just needs to tell you how very wonderful you are. Your need for adulation can get be a bit much for your partner. You are good, you know it, and you want to know HE knows it. (Source)
Anybody in a relationship with a native of this pairing is well-advised to double down on their intake of B-vitamins, Siberian Ginseng, and Omega-3 rich fish oils. Each of these supplements are reputed to enhance both intellectual and physical stamina and you will need a world of both if you want to keep up with the textbook Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon individual. This pairing will find monogamy a hard road to hoe until it finds a partner with whom it can share its deeply romantic vision of what love – and life itself – has to offer.
This week’s guest was on evolutionary astrologer Joyce Van Horn. this show originally aired on August 30th, 2012. Joyce’s appearance is archived in two parts:
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We’re in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde so for writers like myself it’s a time to “re”-vist, “re”-vise, and “re”-publish older articles. One of the first, and still one of the most popular, articles on this site is the profile of Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon native Michael C. Ruppert published last fall. (Original Article) If Mike Ruppert’s name doesn’t ring a bell, he was the former LAPD police officer who helped blow the whistle on the CIA’s involvement in narcotics trafficking during the 1980s. Watch the first few minutes of this clip to see Ruppert’s 1996 confrontation with then director of the CIA John Duetch:
The Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon combination is a great one for revolutionaries as it combines the humanitarian identity of an Aquarius Sun with the strategic instincts of a Capricorn Moon. Astrologer Bill Tierney writes of this combination’s social leanings:
Those of us with these energies highlighted in our charts are very much activists at heart . . . We’re willing to become involved in community affairs by supporting groups and organizations that bravely advocate fresh ideals that challenge mainstream thinking and social conformity. Our sense of civic duty is usually strong . . . (Source)
Abraham Lincoln and Rosa Parks are both Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon natives who, similar to Mike Ruppert, exhibited very well developed “senses of civic duty” coupled with the “brave advocacy of fresh ideals” regarding community affairs.
Ruppert has a few other astro-twins worth “re”-visiting during this retrograde period. The first is the 1988 film Stand and Deliver starring Edward James Olmos as the revolutionary high school math teacher Jaime Escalante. Using its premier at the 1988 Miami Film Festival as its date of birth, the film is an Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon just like Mike Ruppert, Abraham Lincoln, and Rosa Parks. (Chart)
Ruppert’s other Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon astro-twin worth mentioning is musician, mystic, and multi-faceted troublemaker Henry Rollins. (Chart) A legend in the punk rock scene, Rollins has made a near second career out of advocating for revolutionary causes. According to his Wikipedia entry, “Rollins has campaigned for various political causes in the United States, including promoting LGBT rights, World Hunger Relief, and an end to war in particular . . .” (Source) Here’s a video of Rollins going off on Halliburton style privatization in a manner very similar to many of Mike Ruppert’s lectures:
Astrologer Jefferson Anderson tell us that Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon natives, “often have a gleam in their eyes that hints at either genius or madness.” (Source) Whether risking your big-gig tv show speaking out against Halliburton like Henry Rollins did or risking your life blowing the whistle on CIA narcotics trafficking like Mike Ruppert did, you’d have to be a bit “mad” to do some of the things natives of this pairing often end up doing.
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We’re in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde in Leo, the sign of the lioness so it’s fitting that Leo Sun legend Julie Newmar – the original Catwoman – has made a “re”-appearance to discuss the current Catwoman as portrayed by actress Anne Hathaway:
The all-black Catwoman get-up was very Scorpio in its aesthetic but Newmar herself was totally Leo in terms of her vibe both in and out of character. Check out the second photo from the top here. More recently she donned a Catwoman like costume at age 74 and still rocked it like the total lioness she knows she is.
Leo is considered the sign most likely to go into acting as they love being on stage. Even those Leos who aren’t cast in the leading role will find a way to “steal the scene”, as the saying goes. Newmar writes of her scene-stealing portrayal of Catwoman as follows:
“Of course Catwoman is more popular than Batman,” Julie Newmar, who played the character in the 1960s TV series, tells The Post. “Catwoman’s her own boss, she makes up her own mind. Catwoman will go on just about forever.”(Source)
Leo is also the sign of royalty so it’s no surprise Newmar lets you know on her website that she truly is American royalty. From her site’s biography page, “As an eleventh generation American and a Mayflower descendant, Julie Newmar has beauty, brains and a charming sense of humor.” (Source)
Like benevolent monarchs, Leos can be quite generous. They will give of their time, energy, or advice as freely as the Sun gives of its light and warmth. In Newmar’s case she just published an advice book entitled The Conscious Catwoman Explains Life on Earth where, like Leo’s ruler the Sun, she shines on light on a wide variety of issues. The book is available at her website alongside some lovely photographs that come, in true Leonine lioness fashion, autographed by Mrs. Newmar herself.
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Cancer Sun, Leo Moon individuals have a real knack for drawing attention to themselves. Being the sign of emotional intelligence, Cancer has a real knack for intuiting the tides of public sentiment in much the same way a crab intuits the tides of the ocean. As the entertainer of the zodiac, Leo is at its best when on stage performing for an adoring audience. Tom Cruise, for instance, is a Cancer Sun, Leo Moon whose ability to attract attention to himself never ceases to amaze. (Chart)
Astrologer Bill Tierney writes of the Cancer/Leo pairing, “When the social atmosphere is right, expect a colorful, vibrant personality to shine.” (Source) Some of Cruise’s recent escapades have been perhaps a bit too dramatic but his rendition of “You Lost that Loving Feeling” in the 1986 film Top Gun is an absolutely shining example of this pairing’s potential for vibrant, colorful forms of self-expression:
Michelle Jenneke, the 19 year old Australian sprinter who recently did for women’s hurdling what Neil Armstrong did for space travel, is also a Cancer Sun, Leo Moon. (Chart) She too has managed to attract attention to herself albeit using methods much more conducive to a sense of psychological equilibrium than some of the recent antics of her couch-hurdling astro-twin. If you haven’t yet come across the viral video of Mrs. Jenneke that blazed across the internet during the summer of 2012 it’s 1,000% worth the time to watch it all the way through to the end. From start to finish it’s three minutes and seven seconds of totally unabashed amazing awesomeness and, in its own way, as entertaining an expression of the Cancer/Leo capacity for theatrics as Cruise’s rendition of “You Lost that Loving Feeling”:
Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey tell us that a metaphoric image for the highest expression of Cancer Sun, Leo Moon is “A child ventures forth from her family to seek her greatness.” (Source) Is that ever an excellent approximation of Michelle Jenneke. A Cancerian who, from the looks of this circa 2010 video is still very much attached to home and family, she has managed to find her greatness in a very big, very bright, very Leonine Moon way.
Her North Node (destiny, truest path forward) is in Sagittarius, the Centaur-Archer of the Zodiac who roams free like a wild horse. In medical astrology Sagittarius rules the hips, the primary muscles that a hurdler uses to get over those hurdles and down the track. Talk about somebody “living their chart”.
Her Mars is at 29 degrees Leo, a fantastic placement for sports. Mars indicates how a person fights, how they execute a plan and is the primary indicator of a person’s athletic abilities. When placed in Leo, the sign of the lioness, Mars competes as ferociously as its animal totem. Astrologer Raven Kaldera associates Mars in Leo with the myth of Sekhmet, the Egyptian lioness goddess who doubled as the ancient world’s version of a movie star:
In this placement, Mars the Warrior combines with the solar force of Leo the Lion, and this can be an overwhelming combination of fire and sun, explosion and brilliance. It can light the sky, bring down the walls, or blow everything to pieces. Here we honor the Egyptian lioness goddess Sekhmet, whose name means “powerful.” Fierce and gracious, regal and deadly, she was usually shown as a lioness-headed woman sitting on a throne.
A Mars in Aries may be content with being the head of the parade; a Mars in Leo needs the adulation of the crowd as well. This need to be seen comes out of a Mars in Leo with all the melodrama of a silent movie star. (Source)
Mars in Leo is also great at performing in front of crowds or coming up big in the clutch. New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter, nicknamed “Mr. November” for his ability to perform under the pressure of the post-season, is a Cancer Sun with Mars in Leo and North Node in Sagittarius just like Jenneke. (Chart)
Jeter’s also done pretty well financially by way of endorsement deals and it’s hard to imagine Jenneke won’t be offered similar opportunities. Cancer Suns love having money in the bank as it is a proxy for the emotional security they seek. Leo Moons are also quite fond of it although they’re more likely to spend it on throwing awesome parties for their friends (their entourages) than hoard it at the bank. Assuming she gets some good people around her and find a balance between the Cancerian desire to save and the Leonine impulse to spend she’s off to the races now both literally and figuratively.
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