Neptune is, at its best, the planet of imagery, dreams, mysticism, the supernatural, and connection to all that is yet is not. Pisces, at its best, is the sign of imagery, dreams, mysticism, the supernatural, and connection to collective consciousness. Earlier this year Neptune left Aquarius (the sign of technology) and entered Pisces where it will be staying for a good long 14 year transit. Neptune was last in Pisces from 1847 to 1861 when photography was invented. It’s thus reasonable for us to expect some pretty mind blowing advances in imagery technologies to be developed over the next 14 years. Here, for instance, is a mind blowing photography project entitled Within Two Worlds produced just as Neptune moved into Pisces earlier this year that must be seen to be believed:
The creator of Within Two Worlds describes the project in distinctly Neptunian terms, “Within Two Worlds depicts an alternate perspective by giving us the illusion of times movement, signifying a beginning and end within a world of constant contradiction. It appears you are traveling in the midst of a dream, half-sleeping, half-waking, and touching the arch connecting heaven and earth.” (Source)
Pisces is symbolized as two fish while Neptune is associated with the ocean, both the actual ocean and oceanic realms of emotions. Here’s another recent project that also captures the vibe of Neptune in Pisces:
Neptune is also the planet of glamour. From 1998 to 2012 when Neptune was in Aquarius (technology) it was gadgetry like cell phones and websites that society glamourized. Over the next 14 years one can only hope that people become as interested in the health of the oceans as they have been in the speed of their smart phones.
As many of you know I host a radio show on KOWS 107.3 FM, a local station here in Northern California. I was recently invited to do an analysis of the station’s chart for our monthly newsletter and figured may as well re-post it here now that the newsletter is out circulating:
The neat thing about astrology is you can run a chart for pretty much anything, including a radio station such as KOWS. To illustrate: using the date the FCC approved its “license to cover” of December 2nd, 2005 as its date of birth, KOWS has both its Sun (identity) and Moon (emotional needs) in the sign Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is the sign of the Traveler, the Truth Seeker, the Scholar-Lecturer, the Philosopher-Prophet, the Professor of High Adventure, and the Super-Crusader of Quests and Faith. When a person or, in this case, radio station has both its Sun (identity) and Moon (emotional needs) in Sagittarius they’re endowed with an overflow of all things Sagittarius: gregarious enthusiasm, physical restlessness, and most notably a desire to explore wide-ranging religious, spiritual, and philosophical geographies. This is the Sun/Moon combination of the spellbinding speaker, the outrageous orator, and the crazy boisterous college professor. In their book Sun Sign, Moon Sign astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey observe that this is the Sun/Moon pairing of both “the wise cracking comedian full of provocative witticisms” and “earnest preacher full of moral certainty and determined to put the world right.”
There is a curious astrological phenomenon often witnessed in people who have both their Sun and Moon in the same sign. They often end up expressing as the opposite sign! What happens is there’s so much of one sign’s energy circulating in the person’s emotional ecosystem that their system attempts to balance things out by “unloading” the excess over to the opposite part of their chart, not unlike what happens when a dam overflows to the bursting point. A similar mechanism is seen in Chinese medicine where one meridian gets so overloaded with energy that the person hyper-expresses the characteristics of the opposite meridian. A chart like the one for KOWS that has so much energy in Sagittarius will thus often end up expressing as a Gemini, the sign opposite to Sagittarius known for quick communications, cross-pollination, and chatting late into the night.
KOWS’s North Node (point of destiny) is in Aries, the sign of courage and confrontation, self-starting and self-preservation. Its North Node ruler is Mars (fighting) in Taurus, the sign most oriented towards securing territory. KOWS is a radio station so I’d hazard to guess its destiny will end up revolving around securing and/or protecting access to bandwidth on the airwaves, the radio world’s version of physical territory.
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This week’s guest was the internet’s premier plutonic punk astrologer Willow of WillowsWeb. Please note that due to technical difficulties there are a few audio hiccups in the recordings.
The rest of the show can be viewed via YouTube here and here.
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If you wants lots of “hollah for your astro-dollah” this holiday season I have some recommendations for products or services available from guests that have appeared on
Mars indicates how a person fights, what their weapon(s) of choice are, which methodologies they were default to. Barack Obama’s Mars is in Virgo, the sign of analysis, precision, forensic research, health consciousness, and technical wizardry. If Mars in Capricorn is the placement of the traditional infantry and Mars in Aquarius is the sign of fast moving shock troops then Mars in Virgo is the sign of military intelligence, the geeks in the back pouring over satellite images to figure out where the front-line troops should go. As a very thorough article over at details, the Obama 2012 campaign had teams of super intelligent super geeks who leveraged forensic research, data analysis, and the “micro-targeting” of voters to an unprecedented degree. The article’s title “When the Nerds Go Marching In” nicely approximates the modus operandi of Mars in Virgo.
Mitt Romney’s Mars is in Pisces, the sign opposite to Virgo. Mars in Pisces is a great placement for photography, mysticism, and the arts including dancing. M.C. Hammer, arguably one of the greatest dancers of all time, has Mars in Pisces. (Chart) For anybody who missed it here is Romney doing a not half bad Hammer imitation (Gangnam style) prior to one of his campaign speeches:
If they’re not involved in the arts in some way, people with Mars in Pisces will fight using Piscean methods: drugs, deceit, and deception. Romney’s campaign was essentially one giant deceptive dance routine aimed at drugging the Red State masses, Bain Capital style.
If Mars in Pisces is the sign of deceptive dance routines then Mars in Virgo is the sign of drone warfare. Why? Because it offers the illusion of precise, clean, “micro-targeted” (Virgo) warfare (Mars). With his Mars (fighting style) in Virgo (micro-targeting), it’s no surprise that aerial drone strikes and Seal Team Six hit-jobs have turned out to be Barack Obama’s weapons of choice.
Virgo and Pisces are opposites but opposites always have more than a few things in common. When Mars in Virgo turns to its shadow expression it can be just as prone to sloppy illusions as Mars in Pisces. “Micro-targeting” voters during a campaign might make for a nice, clean electoral victory but it doesn’t always work so cleanly when it comes to executing people:
In the old days Virgo was (at its best) the sign of the sacred work but (at its worst) also the placement of the street hustler for whom anything and everything is for sale. As the above video explains, the DOD has been intentionally publishing “Drone Porn” execution videos to YouTube in hopes of hustling up additional funding for further campaigns of “micro-targeted” murder.
For some reason the app/plug-in/technological doo-hickey “thing” that’s supposed to make a functional Twitter feed show up on the sidebar of this site refuses to work. Eventually I’ll probably persuade it to cooperate but, for the time being, if you want to follow me on Twitter you can do so by clicking on this link:
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Symbolized as two fish, Pisces is as sensitive to changes in a person’s emotional temperature as fish are to changes in water temperature. Cancer, meanwhile, perceives shifting tides of emotion as accurately as its animal symbol the crab perceives shifting tides of the ocean.
When the intuitive abilities of the fish (Pisces Sun) combine with the emotional intelligence of the crab (Cancer Moon) the result is one of most caring, compassionate, sensitive and deeply emotionally of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings. When Bill Clinton said “I feel your pain” it’s highly unlikely that he meant it. A Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon person may not specifically say “I feel your pain” but you can bet that they do. And whatever else you’re feeling as well.
At its highest expression, this pairing is as attuned to subtle undercurrents of the emotional world as a school of fish are attuned to subtle undercurrents of the sea:
Contemplating how that school of fish relates to its environment will provide you with an excellent feel for how a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon experiences the world. For this pairing the watery realm emotional worlds is everything.
This pairing does best in the healing professions where it’s empathic abilities can be put to their fullest use. Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey tell the Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon individual, “You can identify with people’s pain and fear because you have had plenty to deal with on your own.” (Source) Astrologer Bill Tierney makes a similar point about this pairing, describing its inclination towards heartfelt involvement in philanthropic endeavors as follows:
Being highly sympathetic, this pairing is moved by the plight of people undergoing difficult times. They are more emphatic than judgmental.
These [combination of] energies can be used to support universal causes that demand heightened public awareness, usually involving whatever it takes to eradicate suffering . . This ability comes through loud and clear when we involve ourselves in charitable events or projects of a humanitarian nature. Our maternal warmth is offered unconditionally. (Source)
Using the date of its as its date of birth, the organization ACTUP is a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon. (Chart) You’ll be hard pressed to find an organization that did more to address people’s suffering, expressed more empathy for those unfairly judged by society, or who offered more unconditional compassion for those in severe pain than ACTUP.
For those who may not remember, ACTUP stands for “AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power”. During its hey-dey of the 1980s and early 1990s it was the premier organization lobbying for the rights of people afflicted with a disease that was as terrifying as it was mysterious. As the above video reminds us, during the early days of the AIDS epidemic there was serious talk among policymakers of rounding up AIDS patients into internment camps and even tattooing them so they would be identifiable by the general population.
In addition to being one of the most empathic of the 144 Sun/Moon pairings, Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon is also one of the most theatrical. The psychic faculties of Pisces combine with the intuitive prowess of Cancer to produce a person (or organization) that is excellent at deeply feeling, mimicking, and projecting human emotions onto the stage or screen. Not coincidentally, members of ACTUP performed a lot of very emotionally powerful street theater.
The Harveys tell us that one of metaphoric images for this pairing is “An actress plays Clara Barton (founder of the Red Cross) and is so inspired by her life that she leaves the theatre to become a doctor”. (Source) That happens to be an excellent metaphoric approximation of ACTUP as it combines the dramatic flair of the theater with the compassionate service of an organization whose goal is to relieve human suffering.
Even those Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon natives who go into distinctly non-healing professions will somehow find themselves tending to the emotional health of others. NFL running back Reggie Bush, for instance, is a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon. (Bush’s Chart) At first glance you might not think a heterosexual African American football player best known for dating Kim Kardashian would have much in common with an organization comprised mostly of (rightfully) pissed off gay men like ACTUP. But Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon is a double water pairing so there is always more to the person than meets the eye. So just stick with me on this one . . .
Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon can cope with inundations of water (emotion) better than any other Sun/Moon pairing. Bush signed his first NFL contract with the New Orleans Saints just a few months after Hurricane Katrina left the city inundated with emotional and economic despair. According to a 2006 USA Today article, Bush came to be seen by residents of New Orleans as nearly saint-like both for the emotional relief his presence generated and for the aid projects he personally financed:
At a May ceremony, the Rev. William Maestri, superintendent of Catholic schools in the New Orleans archdiocese, likened Bush to St. Reginald of Orleans, a 13th-century French saint who helped establish the Dominican order. After the student body ended with a “Reggie, Reggie” chant, Glaser says, “You could see he was truly moved. He was teary-eyed.” (Source)
The Harveys’ second metaphoric image for the Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon individual is, “A medical missionary voyages east . . .” (Source) That’s an excellent approximation of Bush’s time in New Orleans. While not an actual missionary, the profoundly uplifting effect his presence had on the city’s collective emotional health was comparable to what only the most successful of medical missionaries could hope to inspire.
Actor Kurt Russell is a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon who also has a Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries just like Reggie Bush. (Russell’s Chart) People with the same Sun/Moon pairing (“Astro-twins”) often bear a impossible to dismiss resemblance to each other even if they’re obviously not related by blood. Take a look at this screenshot of Russell taken from the 1976 television show The Quest and compare it to a screenshot of Bush taken from a 2011 television interview:
Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon Astro-Twins: Actor Kurt Russell and Miami Dolphins Running Back Reggie Bush
Notice any similarities?
Astro-twin resemblances are more about vibe, demeanor, and the physical ingraining of habitual emotional patterns than simply looks. The phenomenon thus crosses racial boundaries, as the above photos make clear.
Russell, by the way, played professional baseball for four years before going into acting full time. (Source) Many of his most memorable roles, such as Snake Plissken in the Escape series of films, required a thespian who was equal parts actor and athlete. Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon is a great combination for the theater while a Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries (the Warrior) is an excellent placement for athletics. Put the two together and you’ve got a person who can excel at athletically demanding forms of theater . . . while also working to relieve the suffering of others. Kurt Russell, for instance, is a Board Member of the humanitarian aviation organization Wings of Hope (WOH). According to its Wikipedia page, Wings of Hope:
. . . locates and arranges for advanced health care usually for children with massive birth defects and then transports them to and from that care for years until all treatments are completed. The service is provided at no-cost.” (Source)
That a Pisces/Cancer organization like ACTUP and Pisces/Cancer individuals would all be involved in efforts to relieve suffering makes perfect sense. Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar writes of this combination, “This pairing instinctively reaches out for others in physical or psychic pain, knowing that a touch or expression can help.” (Source)
Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon is a combination that excels at creating disruption. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson refers to this pairing as “the pacemaker who is always ten steps ahead of everyone else physically and intellectually.” (Source) Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey tell us this pairing possesses “a special knack for poking fun at the hypocrisies of the status quo.” (Source)
Comedian Chris Rock is an Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) Only an Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon like Rock would have the audacity to tell white Americans, “At a time like this you really should be voting for the whitest candidate” and then proceed to explain why Mitt Romney is more black than Barack Obama:
During the 2008 election it was Rock who make the heretical observation, “What the fuck is Michael Vick in jail for when Sarah Palin is out running around shooting moose and shit, holding up the dead’s moose head?” Fast forward to 1:55 if you need a good laugh:
As far as this election goes: Obama is corporate owned through and through. He’s gifted billions (trillions?) to Wall Street, totally lowered the boom on medical marijuana while drastically expanding the surveillance state and the drone wars. None of this should be a surprise. Anybody paying attention back in 2008 would have seen that his top contributors were Goldman Sachs, MBNA, and others of their ilk. But at least we still have access to things like birth control. If Romney gets in, all bets are off as he is beholden the radical, reactionary wing(s) of the Republican party. Economically his modus operandi couldn’t be more clear. This is a guy who will derive some type of sick pleasure from doing to the United States what his old firm Bain Captial did to KB Stores. “What?” you ask. Yeah, remember KB Stores? They don’t really exist anymore because Bain Capital bought them out and then profited handsomely by systematically destroying them. (If you want the whole sordid story on what Bain did to KB stores click here for Matt Taibbi’s expose in Rolling Stone.)
Strange coincidence: Romney is a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon. So too is Joseph Cassano, the executive at AIG who is considered “Patient Zero” in the 2008 financial collapse. (Source) It was Cassano who engineered the incomprehensibly complex network of financial derivatives that blew the world economy sky-high four years ago. He walked away with hundreds of millions in bonuses for his efforts and now lives comfortably in Connecticut.
Obviously there are much better representatives of Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon combination than Cassano and Romney. John Steinbeck, author of The Grapes of Wrath, is also a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon. (Chart) Unfortunately if Romney gets his way he’ll finish off what Cassano started back in 2008 by instituting Grapes of Wrath economic “reforms”, Bain capital style.
The consensus among astrologers who do predictive astrology is that Obama will win. (Source) I’m not so sure. He might get the most votes, he might even win the electoral college but that doesn’t mean he’ll end up as president for a second term. Obama could “win” but Romney could easily steal the election, slip/slide his way into office, and totally get away with it because he’s backed by billionaires and that’s how the American corporate state (ACS) works. You won’t find many poor black people who fail to grasp the potential reality of this because they’re quite familiar with how the “cold boot of authority” operates, to quote author James Howard Kunstler. (Source)
Obama has allowed and will continue to allow the wealthy to feed on the upper middle class and the rich. Romney, if he gets into office, will allow them to feast. And yes, there is a difference between the two. As usual, poor people will be totally fucked either way although this time probably even more fucked under the blacker candidate – a reality that only a heretic like Chris Rock has the courage to point out.
The neat thing about astrology is you can run a chart for pretty much anything: a person, a government agency, a film, etc. To illustrate: a hobby of mine is looking up the charts of pharmaceutical drugs (“entities” I call them) based on the dates their patents were filed. From a wellness standpoint it’s useful to check the charts of any pharmaceuticals you’ve taken or might take and compare those charts to your own chart. By ingesting the drug you are literally merging with it just as you merge with a lover. Performing a synastry analysis between your chart and the drug’s chart is thus a very prudent consideration, particularly since Saturn (karma) is now in Scorpio (mergers).
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy it occurred to me to look up the chart for what is believed to be the primary patent for the technology used in HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). For those who don’t know what HAARP is: Officially it’s a ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and DARPA but a number of informed analysts have suspected it’s a weaponized form of weather manipulation. If weather manipulation sounds outlandish or the province of conspiracy theory it really isn’t. The New Zealand government, for instance, was studying how to weaponize tsunamis as far back as World War II. (Source) In 1996 an internal report by the U.S. Air Force report indicated weather patterns will be fully weaponized by 2025. (Source)
The HAARP installation, pictured above, is located in remote part of Alaska and was built by the defense contractor BAE Advanced Technologies. BAE is, among other things, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of electronic warfare systems. (Source)
Here’s the chart for the primary patent associated with HAARP:
We don’t know what time it was filed but I’m going to guess 9:30 am. This places the ascendant in late Aquarius, the sign of technology. More importantly it makes Uranus in Sagittarius the chart ruler, right on the Midheaven. The Midheaven represents a chart’s relationship to the public at large, including the government, while astrologer Raven Kaldera has associated Uranus in Sagittarius with the myth of “Oya”, an Afro-Caribbean weather goddess who manipulates winds, thunderstorms, and lightning strikes:
Lightning and thunder and rain and wind. Stolen fire in a pot. Smashed crockery. The while of purple cloth and copper beads. A swarm of locusts, a charging water buffalo. A glass knife slashing, a spinning top. A tornado sweeping the sand clean and white.
Oya is the weather goddess of the Afro-Caribbean Yoruba religion. Capricious as a lightning strike, one calls on her at one’s own risk. (Source)
Regardless of where HAARP’s ascendant is, the chart for its patent has a Mars/Uranus square. Adrian Ross Duncan says Mars/Uranus squares are associated with “shock tactics” while Sue Tompkins associates them with “sudden violence”. (Source) HAARP’s Mars is in Pisces which means the “shock tactics” or “sudden violence” will involve Piscean matters: deception, diffusion, drugs, and chemicals.
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