This week’s guest on the North Bay Astrology Show was Willow of Willow’s Web Astrology who discussed the astrology of the Fukushima radiation crisis and concurrent media blackouts:
Tem Tarriktar, the founder of The Mountain Astrologer, joined us on the North Bay Astrology show to discuss the history of the world’s most well recognized astrology magazine:
The Mountain Astrologer is published six times per year, written and digital subscriptions are available at the TMA website.
The North Bay Astrology Show with Matt Savinar is heard on KOWS 107.3 FM in Occidental, California on Thursdays from 10 am to 12 Noon.
Combine the analytical capabilities of a Virgo Sun with the relational instincts of a Libra Moon and the result is a Sun/Moon pairing that’s discerning, perceptive, and extremely aware of what others are up to. To illustrate: using its establishment date as its date of birth, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is a Virgo/Libra. (Chart) In short their job is to use satellite based forms discernment and perception to figure out what those of us back down here on earth are up to. If this is your first time hearing of the NRO then check out these NRO mission patches courtesy of geographer Trevor Paglen’s book I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagon’s Black World, a concise but very thought provoking compendium of occult symbols used within the world of classified military projects:
According to astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey the Virgo/Libra pairing has “great powers of observation . . . but finds the whole sphere of relating to warm blooded humans a bit messy.” (Source) In each of the NRO patches, for instance, it’s hard to imagine the cold blooded snakes or scaly dragons doing much normal relating to warm blooded humans. From their vantage points high up above the earth they will, however, be able to make wonderfully accurate observations.
Virgo/Libras are typically very courteous to others. For instance, the satellites symbolized in the above NRO patches are courteous enough not to intrude upon the day-to-day activities of earthlings even as they catalog our every move with total precision. The same goes for the “entity” symbolized by a pair of glowing red eyes in this patch from a joint USAF/NRO mission:
Linda Goodman tells her readers that the Virgo/Libra sign combination has an excellent chance to “live long past the 100 year mark”. (Source) This is true even when the Virgo/Libra in question is not an actual human being but an intelligence agency which manages spy satellites. According to Paglen, the satellites launched into geosynchronous orbit by the NRO “are destined to become the longest-lasting artifacts of human civilization, quietly floating through space long after every trace of humanity has disappeared from the planet”. (Source)
Some individuals of more conspiratorial persuasions have speculated that it’s the NRO who monitors UFOs as they enter and leave Earth’s atmosphere. (Source) If true that’s an awful strange coincidence because based on its premier date Fox’s bizarre yet strangely entertaining 1995 Alien Autopsy special is also a Virgo Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) According to the Harveys, the Virgo/Libra combination is sometimes a bit of snob who “can forget simply how to be human”. (Source) Yeah, I’d say so:
Virgo/Libra excels at accurate analysis (Virgo) of “the other” (Libra), whether that “other” is an international rival from across the globe, a romantic partner from across the dinner table, a space alien from across the galaxy, or even a high ranking politician across the lectern or pulpit. Reverend Jeremiah Wright, for instance, is a Virgo Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) His analysis of Bill Clinton’s time in office (“he did us just like he did Monica Lewinsky, he was ridin’ dirty”) is as dead on accurate as the high resolution surveillance photos the NRO might be taking of you at this very moment.
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Combine the conscientious nature of a Virgo Sun with the protective instincts of a Cancer Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is deeply concerned about the well being of others, always willing to lend a helping hand and (quite possibly) one of the most altruistic of Sun/Moon pairings. Charles Ramsey, one of the neighbors who assisted Amanda Berry escape 10 years of captivity, is a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon. (Chart)
Ramsey, unfortunately, is not the only Virgo/Cancer to come across circumstances so horrific they shock the conscious. Muckraking author Upton Sinclair is a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon whose 1906 book The Jungle exposed the horrors of America’s meatpacking industry. (Chart)
The ethics of whether a movie should be made about the rescue are highly questionable but, given the nature of modern media, a treatment by Hollywood is probably inevitable. So who should portray Ramsey? Actors do best in roles that line up (or even match) their own Sun/Moon pairings so comedian Dave Chappelle, also a Virgo/Cancer, is probably the best choice. (Chart) It’s not too difficult to imagine Chapelle delivering the line, “I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms” with the same lucid frankness that Ramsey did.
Something to think about: Using its premier date as its date of birth, the CBS show Person of Interest is a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon. (Chart) The show revolves around a software billionaire who uses access to a predictive supercomputer to intervene in horrific crimes. The computer, in effect, gives the billionaire and his former CIA operative colleague the capacity to miraculously be in just the right place at just the right time.*
Charles Ramsey is a dishwasher with a penchant for McDonalds, not a software billionaire or former CIA agent. But on May 6th his ability to be in just the right place at just the right time was more miraculously spot on than any supercomputer could ever be.
Pair the imaging capabilities of a Pisces Sun with the earthy instincts of a Taurus Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is attuned to feelings both emotional and physical, very appreciative of the arts, and a natural at putting what it picks up via the imaginative realms (Pisces) into physical form (Taurus). According to astrologer Bill Tierney, the experience and creation of beauty is of utmost importance to this pairing:
If we have these signs natally highlighted, it will be good for us to immerse ourselves in surroundings where Nature is at its most exquisite. Pisces needs inspiration, and so, breathtaking landscapes can uplift its soul, while also helping Taurus’ physical senses come alive. Sensuality and spirituality go hand in hand; this is not a combo that can endure ascetism or sensory deprivation for long. Our inner and outer worlds must be ripe and overflowing with color and sound. (Source)
This pairing’s orientation to inspiration and imagination, sensuality and spirituality makes it a great clairvoyant, natural healer, or art therapist. World famous psychic Edgar Cayce is a Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon. (Chart) He spent his life caring for the sick, studying spirituality, and advocating that people immerse themselves in exquisitely beautiful natural surroundings “ripe and overflowing with color and sound” as a means of facilitating the healing process.
This pairing also makes for a great interior decorator. Pisces is the most creative of Sun signs while Taurus Moons have an instinctive feel for beauty, serenity, land, and property.
On the downside, Pisces/Taureans often immerse themselves in idealized fantasies where their normally reliable powers of discernment are turned opaque and obfuscated. Henrik Ibsen is a Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon who once summed up this pairing’s potential for naive susceptibility when he stated, “Castles in the air – they’re so easy to take refuge in. So easy to build too”.
Speaking of “castles in the sky”, using its deployment date as its date of birth the Central Intelligence Agency’s most most mysterious, most expensive reconnaissance satellite – codenamed “Misty” – is a Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon. (Chart)
pisces Taurus
All classified satellites are by their very nature mysterious. The irony, however, is that even the most secret ones are often visible to anybody with a good telescope, some binoculars, and basic high school math skills. What makes Misty so much more mysterious than its brethren is it seems to have the ability to simply “vanish” into thin air, rendering it invisible to even the most sophisticated of observers. This illusiveness has garnered for it near mythic status among satellite trackers not totally unlike the mythic status Edgar Cayce’s psychic abilities garnered for him among the New Age crowd. A 2006 article in Wired entitled “I Spy” explains:
When Molczan went back and compared the mystery orbit to the trajectory of the satellite launched in February, he realized that the unknown object that Eberst and Neirinck had seen was none other than Misty. The amateurs were eager to get another look, but bad weather prevented observation for the next two days.
By the time the sky cleared up, Misty had vanished again.
Over the years, the network of observers has kept an eye out for Misty, but none so diligently – perhaps obsessively – as Molczan. Even after Misty “disappeared” in 1990, Eberst likely spotted it again on three occasions in the late ’90s, though it was very faint, even through binoculars. He wasn’t sure what the object was; Molczan ID’d it as Misty. Many experts also believe that a satellite launched in 1999, known as “USA 144” but unspotted so far, is a second-gen version of Misty.
For the observers, especially Molczan, finding Misty or its successor has taken on an almost mythological significance. In fact, in the 15 years he’s been scanning the heavens for it, Molczan and some of his colleagues have developed a theory: Misty isn’t just hiding – it’s hiding from them. (Source)
Edgar Cayce had the capacity to dematerialize his mind into realms of light and energy while Misty seemingly “disappears” into the blackness of space by subtlely distorting how it interacts with light and energy. Nobody knows for sure exactly how it manages to do this but informed observers such as senior writer Leonard David have hypothesized that Mysty is equipped with a “satellite signature suppression shield” which “deflects incoming laser and microwave radar energies, sending them off into outer space.” (Source) Others have theorized that it also deflects or absorbs visible light so that even a sophisticated satellite tracker with a high powered telescope could be staring right at it yet totally unable to see. (Source)
If reflecting energy off into the environment as it maneuvers through outer space is how Misty maintains its illusiveness it certainly makes sense as this is a capability the Pisces/Taurus pairing is renown for. Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar writes of this combination:
You are poetry in motion. Others turn around when you glide by. You know when to communicate, when to change directions. You have a tendency to pick up on your environment and reflect it in some way. (Source)
Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey do tell this pairing, “you are something of a nature mystic who comes alive when your senses meet the sounds, scents, sights, and tactile sensations of the countryside.” (Source) That’s an excellent approximation of both Edgar Cayce and Misty. Cayce was an actual mystic who believed the sounds, scents, sights, and sensations of the great countryside had the ability to bring ill people back to life. Likewise, Misty’s imaging technologies were designed to “come alive” when surveilling the sounds, scents, and sights of the countrysides in Russia, China, Central Asia, and other Regan-era hotspots although they certainly weren’t put to use bringing people back to life.
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This week’s guest was Willow of Willows Web who discussed what’s important when getting an effective astrology reading:
Part Two of our discussion on how to find a good astrologer can be viewed here while part Part Three on what to do if you’ve had an unsatisfactory reading can be viewed here.
Former LAPD narcotics investigator Michael C. Ruppert attempted to blow the whistle on CIA drug opertions in the Los Angeles area during the 1970s. A 2009 documentary about Mike’s life received exceptional reviews, including a particularly favorable one from famed film critic Roger Ebert who writes, “I have a pretty good built-in B.S. detector, and its needle never bounced off zero while I watched this film. I think you owe it to yourself to see it.” (Source) Mike was a guest on North Bay Astrology Show/em> a few weeks back:
Mike is an Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon – the same Sun/Moon pairing as Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Paine. For more information on this pairing make sure to check out this article on Mike’s chart:
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