Combine the deeply imaginative nature of a Pisces Sun with the sociable instincts of an Libra Moon and you get a Sun/Moon pairing attuned to aesthetics, beauty, and harmony within both creative and interpersonal contexts. Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey write of this pairing:
You exude a wistful, intangible glamour, as if you were king or queen of the forest fairies incarnate, come to entice the clumsy mortals to a place exquisitely serene and joyful. You love people . . . and really come alive at parties.
Using the date of its release as its date of birth, the hit 1990 song “The Humpty Dance” by pioneering hip hop group Digital Underground is a Pisces Sun, Libra Moon. (Chart) You’ll find few examples of somebody or something that has done more “to liven up parties” than “The Humpty Dance”. Take a look at the video for the song to see just how live a party can get once a Pisces/Libra individual hits the scene:
Greg Jacobs aka “Shock G” aka “Mr. Humpty” in the above video, is obviously not a literal “king of the forest fairies incarnate”. He does, however, introduce himself as “the new fool in town whose sounds laid down by the Underground” which is roughly the same idea once you make some adjustments for what might be lost in translation.
Fortunately for any “clumsy mortals” who might have wandered upon Mr. Humpty and his exquisitely joyous underground entourage, the Pisces Sun, Libra Moon pairing is known for its social inclusiveness, graciously diplomatic ways, and essentially gentle nature. In All Around the Zodiac, astrologer Bill Tierney writes of this combination’s peace-loving demeanor:
Libra and Pisces are both known to have a soft spot in their hearts for those in need of sympathy and encouragement. These signs can put themselves in other people’s shoes long enough to induce deeper understanding and even compassion . . . Both signs being gentle spirits at heart, this combination knows how to be calming and soothingly supportive to those in need.
Demonstrating the hallmark Pisces/Libra sense of social inclusiveness, Mr. Humpty ends his song with an invitation to people of all races to join in the dance. He then finishes by proclaiming, “Lets get stupid!!!”, which can be translated as “Let’s have an exquisitely joyous, soothing, and serene time together!!!”, something the Pisces Sun, Libra Moon native is a natural at encouraging others to do.
You’ll find a disproportionate number of Pisces Sun, Libra Moon natives in the creative or artistic professions. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson says Pisces/Libra is often “drawn to the arts” and “has a natural understanding of form, beauty and aesthetics.” (Source) Mapmaker Geradus Mercator is a Pisces Sun, Libra Moon native whose beautifully artistic maps generated as much buzz among 16th century cartographers as the Humpty Dance has among 20th and 21st century hip hop aficionados. (Chart) Interestingly enough, Mercator’s maps were even frequently sampled by other cartographers in much the same that “the Humpty Dance” is now frequently sampled by other musicians.

Commenting on his fun-loving reputation, Mr. Humpty warns us that he’s known to “sometimes get ridiculous, eating up all your crackers and licorice.” His Pisces Sun, Libra Moon astro-twin Mr. Mercator enjoyed a similarly robust reputation among 16th century high society. According to the Mercator biography The World of Geradus Mercator, “Mercator was a regular guest at official banquets and civic occasions. He was known as an entertaining and expansive guest who could be relied on to enliven a late night table.” (Source)
When not enlivening late night tables, the Pisces Sun, Libra Moon pairing can be found either working at or clowning around in collaborative projects with others. To illustrate: in this next set of photos Mercator is seen clowning around with his apprentice from the map-making underground Joducus Hondius. Below that is a photo of Shock G still in his Humpty Hump alter-ego doing the same with his then 19 year old apprentice (back up dancer) Tupac Shakur:

Eighteenth century composer Frederick Chopin and 20th century ballet dancer Rudolf Nurevey are also both Pisces Sun, Libra Moon individuals. Like Mercator’s maps and Mr. Humpty’s music, Chopin and Nurevey’s forms self-expression are as aesthetically pleasing today as they were when originally created.
While “The Humpty Dance” may have a ways to go before it’s considered the same level of revered art as Chopin’s compositions or Nurevey’s ballet performances, it did go multi-platinum and is one of the most widely sample songs of the last thirty years. In fact, its appeal has proven so broad that there’s now an entire genre of YouTube videos featuring “clumsy mortals enticed to a place exquisitely serene and joyful” by the song. (Source) There’s even a sub-genre of that genre of videos featuring people’s pets and animals who’ve been moved to an equally joyful place by its pulsating bassline and and wildly whimsical lyrical rhymes. This French Bulldog getting down to the song is but one example:
In addition to being so extraordinarily creative that it can entice members of multiple species to joyous self-expression, the Pisces Sun, Libra Moon native is usually deeply romantic. Astrologer Jefferson Anderson writes of this combination says this pairing is,”Capable of losing yourself altogether in love, in many respects you are the perfect partner. You know how to balance the give-and-take in a relationship”. (Source) For instance, poet Elizabeth Browning Barret is a Pisces Sun, Libra Moon known for being profound romantic. (Chart)
Pisces/Libras can usually see past things like race or economic background to see the universal threads that tie us all together. For instance, at first you might not think a Victorian era white woman like Mrs. Browning-Barret and a black rapper’s 1990s alter ego like Mr. Humpty would have too much in common.

If, however, you look beyond their demographic profiles you’ll notice number of meaningful similarities between the two. For starters, Mrs. Barrett-Browning and Mr. Humpty are both writers known for “being spunky and liking their rhymes funky”, to quote a line from “The Humpty Dance”. They also both share similarly all inclusive attitudes towards the key socio-political issues of their respective eras. Mr. Humpty famously ends his song by encouraging people of all nationalities to join together in “peace and humptiness” while Mrs. Browning-Barret was also quite comfortable with people of different backgrounds. According to an Ebony Magazine interview with her biographer Julia Markus, “Mrs. Barrett-Browning sincerely believed that she had African blood running through her veins.” (Source)
True to their Pisces/Libra astrological pedigrees, both Mr. Humpty and Mrs. Barrett-Browning share magically (Pisces) romantic (Libra) approaches to matters of the heart. Barrett-Browning once asked, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”
About the Author: Matthew Savinar is a California licensed attorney (State Bar #228957), voluntarily inactive as of June 2013. He can be reached for questions, comments, or astrological consults via Twitter, YouTube, Spreaker, Soundcloud, or his contact page.
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